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  1. #1
    realityarts's Avatar
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    Doing the juice ... need help from others...

    I've read through quite a bit of threads here first, but it's getting late and I thought I'd just throw out my questions and see what I can learn from you... If you have answers to my questions and are willing/able to share them, I'd appreciate it. If not, please ignore - No need to respond.

    1). I read others recommending "test" to be used within a stack. What type of test (chemical name, manufacturer) is most (best) recommended?

    2). Like many others, I'm sure, I'm looking to do a cycle that will give me a good boost in mass that can be maintained without further cycles. Can one cycle be helpful/useful/worthwhile?

    3). Do I have to gradually reduce the amount of juice that I use, so that I do not have a mental/physical problem from discontinuing usage abruptly? I've heard that some types of non-AS (e.g. prednisone) have to be reduced gradually or serious problems can result.

    4). I need help figuring out a stack to start with. I do not have much available to me... I think I can get deca and perhaps some sustanon or some type of test... Here is some information about me and my needs/wants:

    40 Yrs Old
    6' Tall
    190 LBs
    13% Body Fat
    Somewhat Small Frame
    Workout and Diet ongoing...

    I'm fairly sensitive to meds, so I can probably start out lower than most (I think).

    I was thinking about starting with something like:

    200mg/Deca once per week
    200mg/Test (of some kind) once per week

    [Would four weeks of this be of a least of little help - provided there are good workouts/diet...?]

    5). Do I need to take some sort of anti-estrogen after the above?

    I really appreciate your help and expertise. As previously mentioned, I don't have much available to me and need to use what little $ I do have - wisely. So, hopefully I can get something going for a little while that will make some gains in muscle mass.



  2. #2
    Devildog99's Avatar
    Devildog99 is offline New Member
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    in a room with a buncha damn squids!
    You need allot more than a four week cycle to build anything you want to keep, I can tell you that much. Try and throw in some dbol or anadrol to give your test time to kick in. As far as what kind of test to use, enanthate or cypionate would be good. And YES you always need anti estrogens at then end of a cycle, and make sure you have yourself some nolva and clomid before you start.

  3. #3
    50%Natural's Avatar
    50%Natural is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by realityarts
    I've read through quite a bit of threads here first, but it's getting late and I thought I'd just throw out my questions and see what I can learn from you... If you have answers to my questions and are willing/able to share them, I'd appreciate it. If not, please ignore - No need to respond.

    1). I read others recommending "test" to be used within a stack. What type of test (chemical name, manufacturer) is most (best) recommended?

    2). Like many others, I'm sure, I'm looking to do a cycle that will give me a good boost in mass that can be maintained without further cycles. Can one cycle be helpful/useful/worthwhile?

    3). Do I have to gradually reduce the amount of juice that I use, so that I do not have a mental/physical problem from discontinuing usage abruptly? I've heard that some types of non-AS (e.g. prednisone) have to be reduced gradually or serious problems can result.

    4). I need help figuring out a stack to start with. I do not have much available to me... I think I can get deca and perhaps some sustanon or some type of test... Here is some information about me and my needs/wants:

    40 Yrs Old
    6' Tall
    190 LBs
    13% Body Fat
    Somewhat Small Frame
    Workout and Diet ongoing...

    I'm fairly sensitive to meds, so I can probably start out lower than most (I think).

    I was thinking about starting with something like:

    200mg/Deca once per week
    200mg/Test (of some kind) once per week

    [Would four weeks of this be of a least of little help - provided there are good workouts/diet...?]

    5). Do I need to take some sort of anti-estrogen after the above?

    I really appreciate your help and expertise. As previously mentioned, I don't have much available to me and need to use what little $ I do have - wisely. So, hopefully I can get something going for a little while that will make some gains in muscle mass.


    1) Test enanthate or cypionate would be best for you.
    2) Yes, one cycle could be helpful for you.
    3) If using a test only cycle you can come off it successfully with the proper drugs (clomid, nolvadex , hcg )
    4) That type of cycle would suck. Get two bottles of enanth 250 and shoot twice a week for 500 mg a week for ten weeks. I have read many threads and this is a very popular one among beginners. Taking a cycle for 4 weeks is stupid and a waste of money.
    5) Looking at 4 yes. Do your research and the drugs mentioned in #3 are your best bet.

    Good luck to you in what you decide to do. Just look around and research gear and you wouldn't even have needed to ask these questions. All the information is out there in what you asked so be sure to take advantage of the many resources at your disposal.

  4. #4
    steadygaining1's Avatar
    steadygaining1 is offline Associate Member
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    Do lots of research, and then do more research. At your age side effects are going to be more common. Stick with test cyp only 10-12 weeks 400-500 mgs a week. IMO run nolva straight thru to offset any gyno 10-20 mgs a day, up the dose to at least 20mgs if symptoms appear. PCR ,clomid is a must. Good luck.

  5. #5
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    1. Test Enan or Cyp are great for a first cycle. I would use 400mg a week for 10 weeks at 2 shots per week

    2. Yes one cycle will help but you keeping your gains are up to you on how you train, diet, and rest durrin and after PCT.

    3. No never taper it screws with your levels and your hormones get all whacked. This is why you will run clomid and nolva for PCT

    4. Cycle I would run:
    1 - 10 Test Cyp or Enan 400mg a week (200mg M and 200mg Thur)
    1 - End of PCT Nolva at 20mg ED
    If using Cyp PCT start 3 weeks after last injection if using Enan 2 weeks

    You will not need HCG for a cycle like this. It's needed in cycles that will shut you down hard.

    Day 1 300mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva
    Day 2 - 11 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva
    Day 12 - 21 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva

    5. Yes run anti-e's durring your cycle and durring PCT. You don't want your estogen level to get high and you don't want to rebound durring PCT.

    I would get blood work and a physical before you start the cycle to see if there are any problems that you don't know about. After the cycle at some point I would get blood work done again to see if you have fully recovered from the cycle.

    Good luck and be safe.

  6. #6
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    At 40 Bro go to the Dr and have some blood work done to see what your hormone levels are. You may need HRT.

    Do a Test enan or cyp cycle to start, but after that I don't think you'll only want to do 1.


  7. #7
    halifaxsteve is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    At 40 Bro go to the Dr and have some blood work done to see what your hormone levels are. You may need HRT.

    Do a Test enan or cyp cycle to start, but after that I don't think you'll only want to do 1.

    i agree...a lot of guys (myslef included) started expecting to do only one cycle, that idea was out the window pretty quickly...

    for your first time, a test only cycle is great, i would use 400mg/wk, (2-200mg shots/wk)

    dont' taper the dosages

    and make sure you have anti-e's on hand for the cycle and PCT, these are a must before you begin.

    and take the advice on getting checked before you begin...better safe than sorry, and also, you will know where everything should be after your cycle

  8. #8
    realityarts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    I would get blood work and a physical before you start the cycle to see if there are any problems that you don't know about. After the cycle at some point I would get blood work done again to see if you have fully recovered from the cycle.Good luck and be safe.
    What am I looking for in the blood test? What type of blood work do I need? I just had a lot of blood tests done, but not for hormones levels.

    Are you saying that I need to have blood tests done to look at test and estrogen levels? If so, what if they are fine? What if they are not? I am just trying to understand what this testing is supposed to help me with.

    Thanks. I appreciate your helpful and informative replies.


  9. #9
    realityarts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by halifaxsteve
    and take the advice on getting checked before you begin...better safe than sorry, and also, you will know where everything should be after your cycle
    I'm not sure what I need to "check" for. Hormone levels? If my levels are just fine, are you saying I should not use the juice? That would count a lot of people out. What should I be looking for in blood work?



  10. #10
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    The physical will tell you where your normal test production is before your cycle, plus you want to see where blood preasure is, cholestorol, and so on are at. If your levels are low enough you may be a canidate or HRT.

    No..... if your levels are fine than run a cycle . Even if they are low and the Doc will not put you on HRT than still run the cycle. JMO

  11. #11
    realityarts's Avatar
    realityarts is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    The physical will tell you where your normal test production is before your cycle, plus you want to see where blood preasure is, cholestorol, and so on are at. If your levels are low enough you may be a canidate or HRT.

    No..... if your levels are fine than run a cycle . Even if they are low and the Doc will not put you on HRT than still run the cycle. JMO

    My cholesterol is in the normal range. My blood pressure runs a little on the high side now -- 128/90. Will a test cycle raise it much?

    I will look into having my test level checked. By the way, I see a lot of these test kits that you can buy and send in -- the lab checks your test level from a saliva sample that you submit. Know anything about those tests? [I am looking into the blood test though.]



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