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Thread: story time

  1. #1
    vivid is offline New Member
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    story time

    i want to know how many of you a.s. users wanted to do just one cycle and ended up doing many more. tell what you wanted to start with goals and why you kept on doing cycles when you wanted to do one and quit. i to wanted to just do one and i am on my third one now and i do not see a end in sight.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    yeah I said "oh just one cycle" but after the first cycle I was hooked. I have heard tons of people say they would stop after one and til this day I have not met anyone who stopped with just one cycle.

  3. #3
    twosocks40's Avatar
    twosocks40 is offline Member
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    I've never known anyone to do just one. It's kinda like trying to eat just one lays potato chip. Or, if you had the chance to bang carmen electra, saying, "I'm only gonna bang her once". YEAH RIGHT!


  4. #4
    gixxer600 is offline Member
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    I'm only half way through my first cycle (week 6 of 12) and already, I'm planning my second!! I said "only one cycle" in the beginning as well. They say you're supposed to take the same amount of time off as the amount that your on it. I have no idea how I'm supposed to do that!!

  5. #5
    50%Natural's Avatar
    50%Natural is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxer600
    I'm only half way through my first cycle (week 6 of 12) and already, I'm planning my second!! I said "only one cycle" in the beginning as well. They say you're supposed to take the same amount of time off as the amount that your on it. I have no idea how I'm supposed to do that!!
    I fell into this category too. I told myself just one but I kind of knew I stuck myself for the first time that it was just too easy. I just took a drug and alcohol abuse class at school and it talked about steroids in the book and how people cope with them. It was kind of interesting in the fact that the book described all steroid users as mentally addicted to the drug and not physically. I am sure anyone who has taken some juice can agree that after a few weeks of taking that you were mentally addicted in that you couldn't get away from the results of being on. I know I am mentally addicted to the results. It is going to be hard to quit now.

  6. #6
    tmeoe's Avatar
    tmeoe is offline Associate Member
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    I'm about to finish my first cycle and i'm planning my second one. I had planned on doing it once but i think i can do much better the second time around now that i know so much more.

  7. #7
    Interficium is offline Junior Member
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    A quick question: do you think people do more than one cycle because they're really addicted to the easy gains or just because after cycling it's harder to gain naturally (or so I've heard)?

  8. #8
    nevaenuf's Avatar
    nevaenuf is offline Senior Member
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    I knew that once I crossed over that I would never be considered natrual again. I never planned on doing just one. I told everybody that I was only going to do one cycle though.

  9. #9
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Here is your ANSWER....Once you join the darkside, there is no turning back!!!! I think your first cycle is a huge learning experience, and you want to do another one just to better the first one.

    Unless there is some Health reasons, NO ONE only does one cycle........IMPOSSIBLE..

    (oh yeah, cant wait till my next one..)

  10. #10
    vivid is offline New Member
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    hey interficium i think for most it is a mental addiction. we i am talking about all of us A.S. users
    want to be bigger than our natural genetics let us be so in that fact it is a mental addiction b/c its in your head that you want be bigger and bigger

  11. #11
    Tuggy's Avatar
    Tuggy is offline Associate Member
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    I originally told my wife I wanted "try" it once. I just finished my first cycle this week and am planning my second. For me, it is sort of a mental addiction in that I am 43 years old and have alimited time to get "BIG"

  12. #12
    Polska's Avatar
    Polska is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Interficium
    A quick question: do you think people do more than one cycle because they're really addicted to the easy gains or just because after cycling it's harder to gain naturally (or so I've heard)?
    It's a lot harder to gain naturally.... at least for me. I'm a natural hard gaining ecto so gains don't come easily to me - unless I am juicing.

    Also the main reason I believe most people decide to continue to juice after their first time is the feeling you get while you're on. You cannot reproduce the pumps, mental state, confidence, strength, stamina... bascailly the general 'king kong' feeling, when you're natural.

    I've done 3 cycles and I am eagerly awaiting my fourth, starting as soon as I start to hit a natural plateau.

  13. #13
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    It's the power. It's addicting. Power in any shape or form is addicting and when one form of power is attainable through a minor injection, or a swallow of a feel redeemed. You feel as though the power wasn't 'injected into you' but it helped you as you worked hard for it. You don't automatically get huge off of injecting yourself, you have to work hard for it. It becomes gratifying. That's the addiction. The gratification of gains and hard work.

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