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  1. #1
    skin13 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2002

    Guys help me out on human grade in Tijuana

    The question is ive been to Tj before and bought roids. But ive never used Sustanon before so i didnt pay attention to the availabilty of sust down there. So can you all show some support and tell me what i can find in the vet shops (in Tj) in the way of human grade sust? How much more is it than Vet grade?

  2. #2
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Sep 2001
    Check the farmacia's for Organon Redi-jects

  3. #3
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Primoteston, primobolan


  4. #4
    ichabodcrane's Avatar
    ichabodcrane is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2002
    I didn't really understand your question. You asked about human grade sust in vet shops? You won't find human grade anything in vet shops. You can find vet grade versions and variabilities of sust such as Loefflers Testo 4LA, Ttokkyo did make one (but I wouldn't trust anything from them now), tornell makes a supertest, and Norvet makes a sust clone. I am sure there are others. All vet grade knockoffs I have tried have never compared to the real sostenon redijects by organon that you can buy in the pharmacies. The redijects are the real deal and are excellent IMO. But you also pay the price. Last time I checked (this was 2 months ago) they were asking $10-15 for just one. But you get the reassurance it is human grade (although by Mexican standards). But they are good, and I have used them with excellent results. Of course you can buy the vet grades cheaper, but I don't think most of them contain what the label claims. I have tried the Loeffler Testo 4LA and it was ok, but it seemed more like regular enanthate or cyp. Tornell was about the same. Denkall makes their test-400 which has 25mg prop, 188mg enanthate, and 187mg cyp which I have also used and it is excellent except it can cause pain like crazy. IMO they didn't have that kick like real sostenon has. If you want human grade, go with the organon redijects (if you can get them at a decent price), or like JB said the primoteston (test enanthate) is good and usually cheaper. Testoprim-D has 50 mg of prop and 200 mg of enanthate per amp and is pretty cheap and good. You can also find Sten which is a super low dosed test mix (25mg prop and 75mg cyp per 2mL's).

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