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  1. #1
    dutchboy's Avatar
    dutchboy is offline Associate Member
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    Does the Sandman ever come back?

    I am one week into a fairly heavy cycle (for me) Haven't done any in 2-3 years and back then it wasn't much. Here is the schedule. Sust 250 eod with 100 ml deca . then a 2ml deca shot a week also. so it looks like this so far.

    Day Sust. Deca.
    Tues 250 100
    Weds 000 200
    thurs 250 100
    Sat. 250 100
    Mon 250 300 (2 shots)
    Weds 250 100 (next)

    Basically about 875ml of sus and 500 mill deca every week. mol

    So my Question is when do I get to sleep again. I am lucky if I get 1-1.5 hrs a night anymore. All I do is toss and turn till like 1-2 in the am. and then the alarm goes off at 3:30. Suprisingly I am able to get up (like I have a choice) fairly easy. Even on the days when I do cardio in the morning and then lift later in the day I still can't fall asleep. How long does this last. I took 1/2 a xanax the other night and it helped, but that is the last shit I need to get hooked on.

    Any Ideas, thoughts, suggestions.

    It is really starting to piss me off because I know you only grow when you are sleeping. And that just makes me more angry making it harder to fall asleep.

    I read a entire maxim from front to back last night. Before that I read better than 50% of a National Geographic and still couldn't saw logs.

  2. #2
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dutchboy
    I am one week into a fairly heavy cycle (for me) Haven't done any in 2-3 years and back then it wasn't much. Here is the schedule. Sust 250 eod with 100 ml deca . then a 2ml deca shot a week also. so it looks like this so far.

    Day Sust. Deca.
    Tues 250 100
    Weds 000 200
    thurs 250 100
    Sat. 250 100
    Mon 250 300 (2 shots)
    Weds 250 100 (next)

    Basically about 875ml of sus and 500 mill deca every week. mol

    So my Question is when do I get to sleep again. I am lucky if I get 1-1.5 hrs a night anymore. All I do is toss and turn till like 1-2 in the am. and then the alarm goes off at 3:30. Suprisingly I am able to get up (like I have a choice) fairly easy. Even on the days when I do cardio in the morning and then lift later in the day I still can't fall asleep. How long does this last. I took 1/2 a xanax the other night and it helped, but that is the last shit I need to get hooked on.

    Any Ideas, thoughts, suggestions.

    It is really starting to piss me off because I know you only grow when you are sleeping. And that just makes me more angry making it harder to fall asleep.

    I read a entire maxim from front to back last night. Before that I read better than 50% of a National Geographic and still couldn't saw logs.
    well if you could get gear you should be able to to get some volume or something rite??
    my questions to go along with that is how does the lack of sleep effect your gains??

  3. #3
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    Dutch, I take it you're just not tired when time to catch some sleep? Have you tried some melatonine (sp) or maybe a hot bath right before bed? A good dose of heat should drain you pretty good. When I'm keyed up it works for me. However I'm not on gear. I've heard this can be a problem while on cycle. Hopefully some other bros can give you some better ideas. Hope you get some rest soon.

    ENraged, you grow when you rest right? Well if you can't rest it may very well hender the process.

  4. #4
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut2148
    Dutch, I take it you're just not tired when time to catch some sleep? Have you tried some melatonine (sp) or maybe a hot bath right before bed? A good dose of heat should drain you pretty good. When I'm keyed up it works for me. However I'm not on gear. I've heard this can be a problem while on cycle. Hopefully some other bros can give you some better ideas. Hope you get some rest soon.

    ENraged, you grow when you rest right? Well if you can't rest it may very well hender the process.
    so i guess some sleeping pills are in order then

  5. #5
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    They help for a while but you really hate to have to rely on them too often.

  6. #6
    Kato is offline Member
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    Dutch.......I was taking 2000mcg of b12 and this was keeping me up. Before I realized what was doing it I bought some Equate sleeping pills. They have Diphenhydamine Hydrochloride USP 50mg. This shit puts my lights out! I asked the pharmacist if this stuff was addictive or will I become dependent on them, Answer no and no. They take about 1 1/2 hour to put me down. I have been having some really crazy dreams the last 3-4 weeks and have been popping these since mid-july, so I don't know if I can blame the dreams on the Spills or not? Give em a try, might work for ya?


  7. #7
    dutchboy's Avatar
    dutchboy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kato
    Dutch.......I was taking 2000mcg of b12 and this was keeping me up. Before I realized what was doing it I bought some Equate sleeping pills. They have Diphenhydamine Hydrochloride USP 50mg. This shit puts my lights out! I asked the pharmacist if this stuff was addictive or will I become dependent on them, Answer no and no. They take about 1 1/2 hour to put me down. I have been having some really crazy dreams the last 3-4 weeks and have been popping these since mid-july, so I don't know if I can blame the dreams on the Spills or not? Give em a try, might work for ya?

    Thanks Bro's

    Kato I think I will pick some up tomorrow. I have somewhat of an addictive personallity and don't need to get hooked on anything. I never even would consider it but a lot of the stars end up with addictions similar to sleeping pills and shit. I am glad those aren't though, I will give them a shot.

  8. #8
    Kato is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dutchboy
    Thanks Bro's

    Kato I think I will pick some up tomorrow. I have somewhat of an addictive personallity and don't need to get hooked on anything. I never even would consider it but a lot of the stars end up with addictions similar to sleeping pills and shit. I am glad those aren't though, I will give them a shot.
    Good Luck Dutch

  9. #9
    FinaZurp's Avatar
    FinaZurp is offline Associate Member
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    As far as the equate pills yes they can probably be the cause of those crazy dreams that you're having, Kato. They are most likely begininng to put you in a deep R.E.M. (rapid eye movement) sleep. You really know your getting some good rest if you reach this level of sleep. As for me I prefer to take some Valerian Root with some melatonin. I feel that they are safer than most of the other things out there. I normally only need to take the Valerian Root because what it essentially does is relax your nervous system so that you can ease into your sleep. This is often given to people with anxiety problems and it's inexpensive. If that doesn't work then I recommend taking 1mg of melatonin, and work up from there if that still is ineffective.

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