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  1. #1
    legend is offline Associate Member
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    t-400 worth every pain !!

    i have been doing t-400(denkal) for 10 weeks at 600mgs per week. at first i thought i got beat because it took a while to get going. but i have to say i am a big fan of this product. my gains have been so slow, and so steady that they just creeped up on me. this is no bullshit, i have zero breakouts, and little to no bloat at all. i was running it with 400mg norma hella deca , which in my opinion is the best deca i have ever used.(it's all i use for the past three years) and the past 3 weeks i started 40mg ed of anavar . i try to do cardio three times per week, and my diet is pretty clean. i know i should definately be eating more, and i am working on that everyday. this may be the best cycle i have ever done. the t-400 shots hurt so fuckin bad, that sometimes i have to sleep with a heating pad on just to get to sleep. but i really feel this stuff is high quality. i've done alot of test over the years, but i am really impressed with this shit.i know some guys will disagree, and that is every mans right, but i would recommend this to anyone looking for a good test cycle.the dosing is also pretty damn good. and i just switched from british dragon anavar to denkal anavar and the differece is noticable. british dragon var sucks. i also started quality vet EQ. after 10 weeks of deca, and i am hoping it is as good as everyone says it is. in short...t-400 has a new fan.

  2. #2
    twisteddendrite's Avatar
    twisteddendrite is offline New Member
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    Glad to hear it, I am about to start 10 wks of 800mg QV T400 with 600mg QV deca300
    did you mix the test and deca ? it should not have burned too bad if you did.

  3. #3
    TheJuicer is offline Member
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    Qv T400?????

  4. #4
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by legend
    i have been doing t-400(denkal) for 10 weeks at 600mgs per week. at first i thought i got beat because it took a while to get going. but i have to say i am a big fan of this product. my gains have been so slow, and so steady that they just creeped up on me. this is no bullshit, i have zero breakouts, and little to no bloat at all. i was running it with 400mg norma hella deca , which in my opinion is the best deca i have ever used.(it's all i use for the past three years) and the past 3 weeks i started 40mg ed of anavar . i try to do cardio three times per week, and my diet is pretty clean. i know i should definately be eating more, and i am working on that everyday. this may be the best cycle i have ever done. the t-400 shots hurt so fuckin bad, that sometimes i have to sleep with a heating pad on just to get to sleep. but i really feel this stuff is high quality. i've done alot of test over the years, but i am really impressed with this shit.i know some guys will disagree, and that is every mans right, but i would recommend this to anyone looking for a good test cycle.the dosing is also pretty damn good. and i just switched from british dragon anavar to denkal anavar and the differece is noticable. british dragon var sucks. i also started quality vet EQ. after 10 weeks of deca, and i am hoping it is as good as everyone says it is. in short...t-400 has a new fan.
    I like Denkal T400 as well. How have your gains been so far.

  5. #5
    WiLLpOwEr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legend
    the t-400 shots hurt so fuckin bad, that sometimes i have to sleep with a heating pad on just to get to sleep.
    Wow that is HARDCORE!

  6. #6
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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  7. #7
    TRE's Avatar
    TRE is offline Anabolic Member
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    T-400 is good shit if you dont mind the pain involved. Personally I will put susp in my ass if I'm willing to go thru the pain. good critique.

  8. #8
    NorCaLifter's Avatar
    NorCaLifter is offline Associate Member
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    the pain solover:)

    ok guys here is how you get rid of the pain. The pain is caused by the alcohol in the t400. Take the bottle and stick a needle in where the end of the needle is the air.....then take water in a pan and heat it up...once its hot...NOT BOILING....put the bottle in it for about a min or so.... the hot water will cause the alcohol to evaporate.... it should relieve most of the iritation you feel.... this was a trick told to me by a friend who loves that stuff.. goodluck

  9. #9
    WiLLpOwEr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by norcalifter
    to where the end of the needle is the air
    What do you mean by this? I think I know what you mean but I am just checking.

    Yes, evaporating the alcohol does help a great deal with the pain!

  10. #10
    legend is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NorCaLifter
    ok guys here is how you get rid of the pain. The pain is caused by the alcohol in the t400. Take the bottle and stick a needle in where the end of the needle is the air.....then take water in a pan and heat it up...once its hot...NOT BOILING....put the bottle in it for about a min or so.... the hot water will cause the alcohol to evaporate.... it should relieve most of the iritation you feel.... this was a trick told to me by a friend who loves that stuff.. goodluck
    do you mean stick the whole bottle(10ml) in the water? will this cause all the alcohol in the whole 10ml to evaporate at once ?? for some reason i still don't get this whole cooking gear thing. everyone seems to have a different method. ah fuck it. the pain makes me feel alive sometimes. and it keeps my girl from breaking my balls for a day or two. she knows i get cranky the day after so she keeps away. this is a good thing.

  11. #11
    BDTR's Avatar
    BDTR is offline Retired
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    To evaporate BA it requires temps higher than 400 degrees which will comprimise your steroid .

  12. #12
    legend is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I like Denkal T400 as well. How have your gains been so far.
    so far as i have said, my gains are slow and constant. everyday i feel thicker . my strength has not gone through the roof like it usually does, but that means nothing to me anyway. i saw a good friend on sunday. he was away for three weeks. he is also a fellow gear head. he said i looked thick as a mofo, and my face shows no bloat at all. he was amazed. and i have almost no pimples at all. three to four tops. my face, chest ,shoulders and back are clear. this is 11 weeks of test at 600mg per week. i know the deca and the anavar also played a big role. but i usually bloat and break out like mad from test, and so far i have not. i have to say that denkal makes a very very good product. their anavar is the shit also. alittle costly but worth every freakin penny.stay away from british dragon anavar. it is shit. i took 200 of them and felt like shit everyday. i switched to the denkall and i feel great. and already getting alittle stronger too. good luck
    Last edited by legend; 10-14-2003 at 03:05 PM.

  13. #13
    NorCaLifter's Avatar
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    you take a needle and stick it in the top of the stopper so that it ventilates with the outer air. Stick the bottle in hot water (not boiling). Leave it for a min. As long as the water is not boiling and you leave it in the water for a short amount of time it should not compromise the steroid . It does help with the pain.

  14. #14
    Mudge is offline Junior Member
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    Like was said above, BA requires over 400º to boil

  15. #15
    DADDYDBOL's Avatar
    DADDYDBOL is offline Anabolic Member
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    I couldn't walk after hitting my quad with 1cc. Had awsome gains (actually the best ever) but my workouts suffered due to the pain. Price really dropped on it the last few months.

  16. #16
    Grant's Avatar
    Grant is offline Member
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    wouldn't that make it less sanitary, I hate the feeling of shooting BA but I think that amount is necessary

  17. #17
    markas214's Avatar
    markas214 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grant
    wouldn't that make it less sanitary, I hate the feeling of shooting BA but I think that amount is necessary
    cough, cough, cough

    ba is a bitch especially if it gets into a vein. The thought of evaporating it is nice but I had heard about the higher temps need to evaporate it as bdtr has said. Billybathgate would know the answer to this also. Maybe he'll chime in.

  18. #18
    NorCaLifter's Avatar
    NorCaLifter is offline Associate Member
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    Well like i said i know several people who have done this, and they all tell me it helps with the amount of irritation. Anyways, if it helps, great.

  19. #19
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    Fuck that...I've got 5cc syringes and I'm not afraid to load in with 3 cc's QV enanthate and 2cc's QV Cypionate and throw that fucker in my ass. I'll still be walking 10 times better than you and ur 2cc's of T200...

  20. #20
    custom fit is offline Member
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    Good to hear, I'm actually doing a low T-400 cycle (300mg/wk) and EQ (300mg/wk) for 16 weeks along with winn. really excited to hear good gains from the stuff.

    are you using any anti-e's? I'm plan on using Femera.

  21. #21
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by custom fit
    Good to hear, I'm actually doing a low T-400 cycle (300mg/wk) and EQ (300mg/wk) for 16 weeks along with winn. really excited to hear good gains from the stuff.

    are you using any anti-e's? I'm plan on using Femera.
    It did me well. I diluted the T400 with deca and injectable b12. It was stiff but not bad at all. Felt like training soreness.

  22. #22
    custom fit is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    It did me well. I diluted the T400 with deca and injectable b12. It was stiff but not bad at all. Felt like training soreness.
    How long was your cycle and what were your gains, and your dosage.

    Did you use anti-e's?

  23. #23
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by custom fit
    How long was your cycle and what were your gains, and your dosage.

    Did you use anti-e's?
    14 weeks.

    deca 400mg 1-12
    T400 600mg 1-14

    Gained 27, kept 22. Ran it with arimidex .

  24. #24
    DocHoliday's Avatar
    DocHoliday is offline Senior Member
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    B12 to help with the pain maybe.

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