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  1. #1
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!

    How does this look???

    My stats are 5'11" 187.5 and around 11-12% bf..

    been training since 92 this is my second cycle.

    Sten (20mg prop, 75 mg cyp and 20mg endecantate)every 5 days and fina 30mg eod with 10mg of nolvadex ed and post clomid at 50ed for week 1, 100mg ed for week 2, and 50mg for week 3 then finished.

    would this stack work well...and what gains are to me expected???

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    I think those doses are to low.What are your goals?But i'd up the test to 400 to 500mg a week and the fina to 75mg ed. Also i would only use the nolva if needed.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    kizer_soce's Avatar
    kizer_soce is offline Retired Moderator
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    The prop in the sten will basically be useless to you injected once every 5 days you are better off doing eod injects to take advantage of the fast acting esters in the sten (propinate) or choosing a different test (like t200 so you can do 2cc/w (400mg) and inject once weekly).

    As for the fina that is a VERY low dose, I wouldn't recommend going as high as 75mg/d though if it is the first time you are using it. I got great results my first time using fina at 50mg/d. So I would say keep between 30 and 50mg per day. EOD shots on the fina won't be as effective b/c of its short half life.

    Also you are going to want to wait 2 weeks after your last shot of sten until you start clomid therapy b/c your blood levels will be too high to recovery your natural test before then.

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