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  1. #81
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by physio_sport
    you said you dont want to be be a person whos not willing to talk about it. talk about what, how you want to use illegle subbstances and if caught go to jail and if she cant accept it she can leave.

    she also made her choice that she doesnt want to be with a person who chose drugs over her.

    using steroids and bodybuilding are two differnt things. with all the advancements and technolgy noadays you can build a great body without steroids. and those people that dont think it can be done just try adding 250g whey protien isolate a day to your current diet and youll notice the differnce.
    its not really that expensive considering who much people spend on steroids anyway.

    just as an example:
    also think about it this way if your partner(girl) started to take a hormone which made her skin smoother or whatever and she liked to do it but it had side effects like steroids and was illegle by the country(jail time or criminal record)
    and if caught take seroius legal action by police/dea and be appart from you and possibly the children if you have any when she in jail for a couple of years. and she said to you that she going to use it no matter what and if you dont like it theres the door. how would you feel.

    its not about balls and not about being a man its more than that. when you get with someone you have to think for the two of you and whats best for the both of you and not just yourself.

    Omg are you married??????

  2. #82
    100571's Avatar
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    "I see your true colors shinig through.."

  3. #83
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by physio_sport
    you guys are quick to jump on thses girls when they are concerned about you.

    think about it. its illegle.
    what women wants her boyfriend/husband to end up in jail.

    this guys not married but he is with a possible future life partner who could have his children(if they want them) whats she going to do when her husband/boyfriend ends up in jail and leaves her and her children by them selves for a couple of years while hes locked up.

    steroids also might not be as dangerous or deadly as the media hype up but there also not as safe as people on steroid baords make out.
    nobody realy nows the long term effects. but people do know it increses the risk of prostate cancer and heart attack/problems later on in life.
    also just because you look healthy and have good test results on your medical check ups doesnt mean your in good health, i know this crack/heroin user who has better results then i do but that doesnt mean he not fucked up. you just cant detect these things with simple blood tests.

    im assuming the guy lives in america. and from what i understand its a seroius criminal offense to use steroids there, she has every right to be upset no women really wants a partner playing seroius games with their future.

    like some guys said earlier "women are a dime a dozen" and
    "women come and women go"

    they seem to forget that men are a dime a dozen too...

    if you lived in a country where steroids where not illegle then you too would have to decide between both of you but in a country where steroids are illegle your girlfriend has every right to be pissed off.

    so you have to decide what you want.
    what am i doing with all this gear when i can get huge on 250g protein??

  4. #84
    gtxben's Avatar
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    Ummmmm, I forgot?
    I was able to hide my gear from my wife the first time, but I made a bunch of jokes about me being on.......she eventually caught on and wanted the truth. She always threatened me that I would be in huge trouble if I took them, but once the truth was out, she didn't really get all that mad. In fact she is training to be a nurse now and helps me inject the places that are hard for me to reach. Makes life a lot easier when the truth is out (to an extent )

  5. #85
    100571's Avatar
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    I broke up with her last night.

  6. #86
    hybrid's Avatar
    hybrid is offline Member
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    Are you rooting around in the woods for your gear yet? Now you have to get big and look good for going out to pick up chicks.

    All that aside, hope you are doing well bro.

  7. #87
    100571's Avatar
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    thanks hybrid. I was a little depressed, but I'm feeling much better, now. Not ready to start juicing, though! I can pick up ladies right now. What do I need juice for!?

  8. #88
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    You broke up with her? Wow, I'm sorry to hear that.

  9. #89
    100571's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    You broke up with her? Wow, I'm sorry to hear that.
    I did what needed be done. I feel a million times better. Truth be told, we were not compatible. In fact, I was fucking someone else since last Thursday. Chatting with all of my AR family has been theraputic for me, and I'm glad to say I'm back to my old self.

    Thanks to all for the honesty, support and opinions (swinging both ways). This thread helped me sort through a tough time. Untimately, I made decisions for myself... but it was nice to hear varying opinions. People brought things to the table that I would have otherwise overlooked. That is the beauty of AR!

    Prop cycle in the spring???? HAHAHAHA just kidding.

  10. #90
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well, as long as you feel better, thats the most important thing. I also hope she is doing OK. Don't you feel like running in the woods to get your gear? Has the thought crossed your mind?

  11. #91
    100571's Avatar
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    ha ha... it has crossed my mind. There is no way to find it in that weedy mess. It is not woods, per se. It is a city protected greenway. I'd be better off buying more gear than looking for the old stuff. I shoudl just carry out the decission I made to quit... at least for the time being. She is OK with the split, too. I agree with all the opinions that said I should work things out with her and take into consideration that there should be compromise in a relationship. It just turns out that our relationship was not as strong as I thought it was. I ended things a nicely as I could as I didn't want any hard feelings with her. I was just tired of feelign like shit all the time. There is DEFINITELY someoen better for me out there.

  12. #92
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100571
    ha ha... it has crossed my mind. There is no way to find it in that weedy mess. It is not woods, per se. It is a city protected greenway. I'd be better off buying more gear than looking for the old stuff. I shoudl just carry out the decission I made to quit... at least for the time being. She is OK with the split, too. I agree with all the opinions that said I should work things out with her and take into consideration that there should be compromise in a relationship. It just turns out that our relationship was not as strong as I thought it was. I ended things a nicely as I could as I didn't want any hard feelings with her. I was just tired of feelign like shit all the time. There is DEFINITELY someoen better for me out there.

    You got that right bro, you deserve better.

  13. #93
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
    D3m3nt3d is offline AR's Whore D'Oeuvre
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    best of luck with your decision bro, and if you do want to start another cycle..I got some needles and syringes you can have

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