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Thread: Methadone???

  1. #1
    FATMAN is offline Banned
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    Question Methadone???

    A friend of mine was also on the juice, I dont know exactly what his doses were, but they were crazy, prop, entha, cyp, dbol , anadrol , and eq. after all is said and done he only gained maybe 5 or six pounds and says I gave him fake gear, this is the same gear I was taking and I gaind around 15 pounds. So my question is, he goes to the Methadone clinic every week like clock work to get his fix, could this be the cause of the juice not to be as effective?

  2. #2
    jersey juice is offline Member
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    Well, I've never seen a jakked junkie....

  3. #3
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Not quite sure if I understand your question, but if you bud was taking those types of gear (unless he was doing something wrong in his workout) he should have better gains than that. I never heard of a clinic you can go to get gear unless there is something wrong with you. If that is the case, I would say yes, they may be giving him a small amount compared to what he can get on the street. If it is a clinic, they are not inclined to make him a BB I wouldn't think. If so then hell I could go to my doctor and tell him I want to be a BB and he will give me all the juice I want right?

  4. #4
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Methadone is like synthetic heroin... it must affect gains somehow.

  5. #5
    bex's Avatar
    bex is offline Banned
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    OOPS i think if he is on meth then he has a prob any way.
    To take AS while on meth will lower any training aggressive state as the relaxation and chilledout effect of meth may make positive training impossible........SO to your question your gear must be good...........

  6. #6
    soul shaker Guest
    you said he was on crazy doses of all those? if so, without any training whatsoever, he should have gained more than 5 pounds, and you should have gained more than 15. i am guessing some of the gear was fake.

  7. #7
    jersey juice is offline Member
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    METHADONE IS SYNTHETIC HEROIN, that's what they give junkies to get them off H, they don't tell you it's more addictive than H, it's so the government can make $$$$ off your habit, YES IT WILL AFFECT GAINS, your gear was prolly real, but H or methadone pretty much the same thing are catabolic to your body. Like I said, ever seen a big, ever see a fat that tell ya something??

  8. #8
    bex's Avatar
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    actually, thats not quite true, methadone is significantly more addictive than heroin at least as a physiological drug, according to nearly every clinical report, heroin is more psychological, but i would not tell a heroin addict the way if you are a registered drug addict, which you have to be to receive meth, your prescriptions are free...........

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    im sure the meth had alot to do with it. But like soul shaker said you should have gained alot more than 15 lbs with all that. So i bet something wasnt real.Unless your guys training and diet was really bad
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    jersey juice is offline Member
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    Of course his training & diet were prolly bad, he's a junkie. He prolly gets the nods and the whole nine... I know junkies and guys on methadone & I can't believe that he has 1/4 of the dedication or mentality for hardcore training & strict diet. Why is he using juice anyway? Tell him to put the juice away & get his life in order first. I'm in rare form today...fina kicking in.

  11. #11
    The original jason Guest
    i was a fat junkie so thats not true however my diet was poor as in alot of junk food, methadone is a terrible terrible drug to come of and anyone on the gear will not be able to get it together to cycle diet will be to poor and no dedication or motivation will be present. However in my experience addiction comes from within not substance also when u r on methadone coming of the gear its impossible to tell the truth you naturally lie without even knowing it alot of the time you even beleive your own bullshit


  12. #12
    FATMAN is offline Banned
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    Thanks for all the input fellas, we have tried to tell him the meth was bad news he tells me that he read a booklet on the meth that was at the doc's office and it claims to have no side effects,if you can believe that. , he tried to kick it once and claims he got really sick from withdrawls. I know the gear was real, it was the same as what I was taking for the most part. I think his work out was lacking as well, I told him to train with me and a buddy, and says we train to hard, 6days/wk 3 on 1off. He reads the book I belive by Mike Mensner and just trains till failure one set and thats it. He is sortof pissed off, he has been lifting since he was 16, now 26 weighs around 173 5'9, I just started two years ago, gained 90 pounds weigh now 225 @5'8 1/2 after 2 cycles. Anyways thanks for the help.
    Last edited by FATMAN; 01-07-2002 at 01:24 PM.

  13. #13
    juicemeister is offline New Member
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    know before you speak....

    Guys look....people make mistakes in life - i.e. Oxycontin. Sometimes that crap even leads to heroin. Any ex-oxy addict or ex-heroin addict who switches over to meth, and truly does not touch those ofther types of opiods again should be very very very proud of his or her self. Meth. is millions of times easier to get off of than heroin or Oxy's. I don't know where the fuck you getting that fact from saying meth. is way more physicologically addictive than heroin. DER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyway, any of you guys out there on the meth or going to the meth clinic b/c you have got off H or the O's, no matter if it was 5 years ago or yesterday....Stay on the meth until you are truly ready to come off that also, which I certainly advise. It is not that hard, but you have to have a very full and satisfying life when you get off that, because you are going to feel a big chunk of something in you missing 'so to speak' when you get off that.

  14. #14
    vashthestampede is offline New Member
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    i am very very suprised at the view on methadone
    like sayin it is worse to get off than heroin or oxys and like its the gov way of makin money on addicts this is soooo false

    on the hard drugs ya need yr fix everyso many hours
    ya take methadone 1 time/day and ya dont feel high or anything else

    when ya get off ya go through withdrawl but nothin like the hard drugs

    it is totally diff than herion ect ect
    idunno where people get its so bad for ya anyways
    do some readin

    ps i know many a pro who actually get on this stuff for contest dietin!!
    and from what ive heard it works very well

    hell cigs are far far more adictin and worse for ya how many die from methadone??? how many from smokin,chewin???imo

  15. #15
    xman is offline Junior Member
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    I am on methadone

    I have cronic back pain. I have already had one surgery. I was on vicodin es, about 15 a day (prescibed by ny doctor), then the doctor switched me to methadone. Methadone is also used for pain management, so not everyone on it is a junkie. Methidone does lower your test levels, I have discussed this with my doc. I just finished a cycle of 500mg/wk sust and 100mg/eod fina. for 8 weeks and I put on 15lbs. This is probably about the 4the cyvcle I have done, so I would have to say that it is not the methadone.

  16. #16
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    I've seen plenty of jacked junkies, but after about 2 months out of the joint their not jacked anymore


  17. #17
    the original jason is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Any ex-oxy addict or ex-heroin addict who switches over to meth, and truly does not touch those ofther types of opiods again should be very very very proud of his or her self. Meth. is millions of times easier to get off of than heroin or Oxy's. I don't know where the fuck you getting that fact from saying meth. is way more physicologically addictive than heroin. DER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    bro you certainly way off the mark here, i was a heroin addict for 8 years along with methadone, i have worked with addicts for almost 9 years so thats 17 years experimenting and recovering, i think i am qualified to say what works and what doesnt, its not an opinion. Methadone is alot worse to come off than heroin, withdrawal from the gear lasts 1 week to 10 days tops methadone can be up to 3-4 weeks of sheer hell, (spoken from experience).

    Also the comments about getting off the smack onto meth is a good move, thats why our worlds are so fucked up, cos doctors have this stupid view methadone helps, addiction is a disease about self, nothing to do with substance, substance in the begining is the solution, it soon becomes the problem, then what you stop, withdraw and guess what!!! you are left with the same old self!! therefore you never eliminated the problem.

    Start to change your life, deal with your personal problems, views on life one day at a time, with no chemicals thats when your life starts, being on methadone is not a life its an exsistance in my experience, you dont feel anything, your are numb to life. People may get their lives in some sort of order im not disputing that, however at some point, its inevitable it will become fucked up again it might not be today or next week, but it happens. The only answer to addiction is abstinence and a new way of life


  18. #18
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Damn TOJ I thought I was the only ex-hype here, I hear you on the methadone that stuff hurts down to the bones.


  19. #19
    the original jason is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    cool bro fair play to anyone who makes some positive changes in their lives it takes alot of balls. Glad to have such a mixed bag of experience on the board it all helps with shit we come up against


  20. #20
    the dent depot's Avatar
    the dent depot is offline Senior Member
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    Thumbs up

    It's so cool to hear fellow bros...letting their guard down...just to help and inform a bunch of people they have never actually met! Thi sis the kind of humanity that keeps me coming back to the I'm not on clomid...yet. Just wanted to tell you guys......good job on kicking the horse!


  21. #21
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Originally posted by The Original Jason
    cool bro fair play to anyone who makes some positive changes in their lives it takes alot of balls. Glad to have such a mixed bag of experience on the board it all helps with shit we come up against

    Still have a couple of the old friends(homies) that are doing life on the installment plan cause of it. They're still using so their violation are keeping them in more them their out. TOJ have you ever hear the saying "out the gate by 8, in the spoon by noon, on the run by 1" I havn't heard anyone use it in a while, but taliking here reminded me of it.


  22. #22
    the original jason is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    no bro, im english but i can quite imagine what they mean lol, i try not to get to euphoric as it doesnt really help matters bottom line i like drugs but the consequences were fucked up, dont wanna lose my life again


  23. #23
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    I hear you Bro, it probably a So. Cal(prison) thing any way.


  24. #24
    the original jason is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    sounds right though, you know i work well self help in prison sometimes and i was in there last week, there were so many guys came to this meeting all using, trying to stop well most were and one guy...well just like one of them "i dont want to stop, things arent that bad"..i said why the fuck are you in here then?? and its all that ill use discharge grant to get pissed cos i dont want to use class a's again, then 5 minutes later ill realise its not good enough then ill score, then ill be back grafting again to make money and back on teh cycle, some people just dont get it, takes alot of years of pain


  25. #25
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Sounds like he hasn't hit bottom yet. I remember when I was like that, thought I had it all figured out. I was smarter then everyone else, they didn't know what they were talking about. But things can change fast when your running with that life style. I hope he wakes up before it's to late. I had 2 friends that I can think of, that within the first week out of prison overdosed and died.


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