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  1. #41
    Calipso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastbalej
    and i was being dramatic aobut the shake comment moron..
    What does 2 plus 2 equal?

    2 + 2 = ?

  2. #42
    fastbalej is offline New Member
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    six why?

  3. #43
    Calipso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastbalej
    six why?
    Well obviously that equation was too hard.

    Lets do this one.

    17 years old + Shitty diet + no muscle base + most likely crappy workout routine = NOT READY FOR ANABOLICS!

    End of story.

    50 grams of protein a day, I know 8 year olds who get more than that.

  4. #44
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Bro post up your daily diet and let some of us help you out with it............ and yes 50g of protein is WAY too low to grow

  5. #45
    fastbalej is offline New Member
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    u like talk out of ur ass cuz its so obvious i have a muscle base.. wieght 160 and put up 220.. curl about 120 .. and others i dont max out at..

  6. #46
    ColdSore's Avatar
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    Man...for such a dedicated guy like yourself, you sure dont seem dedicated enough to listen to what the educated members of this board have to would be smart on your part to drop this thread and go to the educational forum and READ

  7. #47
    Calipso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastbalej
    u like talk out of ur ass cuz its so obvious i have a muscle base.. wieght 160 and put up 220.. curl about 120 .. and others i dont max out at..
    I'm talking about my ass......right. Those three pics you posted, nothing really incredible. Wow you can curl 120. With your bicep head being so small, I hardly doubt you can curl 120. CURLING 120 ON A MACHINE DOES NOT COUNT!

  8. #48
    fastbalej is offline New Member
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    ( yah i kno i been slackin on the protien ) kk well my diet is pretty much oatmeal for breakfast.. lunch is wuts at school ( bagel, blueberry muffin, milk ect.. ) dinner is usally chiken or pasta of some sort..

  9. #49
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  10. #50
    Calipso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    Bro post up your daily diet and let some of us help you out with it............ and yes 50g of protein is WAY too low to grow
    Mudman, you really want to see this juvi clowns diet?

    50g of protein.

    Most likely from like 1 can of tuna and some peanut butter. The carbs he gets is probably from soda and candy.

    If he was serious he would take some of these suggestions and end his cycle.

  11. #51
    TheMudMan's Avatar
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    I will PM you my bulker and cutter............... give me a few

  12. #52
    fastbalej is offline New Member
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    i awnt suggestions but all u do is put me down and make me WANT to stick with the AS.. so keep ur rage out of my thread.. thx

  13. #53
    fastbalej is offline New Member
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    thx alot mudman.. appreciate it..

  14. #54
    Calipso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastbalej
    ( yah i kno i been slackin on the protien ) kk well my diet is pretty much oatmeal for breakfast.. lunch is wuts at school ( bagel, blueberry muffin, milk ect.. ) dinner is usally chiken or pasta of some sort..
    Where is the rest of it? Want to know how much I eat to gain?

    I take in minimum 3,500 calories a day. I take 4,000 on a good day.

    I do nothing but eat. 4 shakes of 50 protein each a day. Then I eat a tuna sandwhich (50g). Drink 2 gallons of water a day, and you know what? It takes alot to gain. I'm average sized, and it's not eays to put muscle mass on.

    You need 5 meals a day minimum. If you can't do it, tough luck. Your not gonna gain. More food = more mass. Food does not mean candy, soda, chips etc.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastbalej
    i awnt suggestions but all u do is put me down and make me WANT to stick with the AS.. so keep ur rage out of my thread.. thx
    By all means, stick to your cycle. Waste your allowance your folks gave you. Your gonna gain nothing from it. Later.

  16. #56
    TheMudMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calipso
    Mudman, you really want to see this juvi clowns diet?

    50g of protein.

    Most likely from like 1 can of tuna and some peanut butter. The carbs he gets is probably from soda and candy.

    If he was serious he would take some of these suggestions and end his cycle.
    Bro........ I was young once. I wish I had someone help me at his age. I also wish I knew what I know now at his age too.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    Bro........ I was young once. I wish I had someone help me at his age. I also wish I knew what I know now at his age too.
    I wanted to have help at his age, but he won't stop his cycle, won't take any suggestions (Except from you, which is good because you know your stuff). It's kinda aggrivating cuz I want him to stop the AS and just eat like most natural people do.

    Oh well, let him be doomed if he's too stubborn to change.

  18. #58
    fastbalej is offline New Member
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    I Said I Was Stopping It .. Holy Hell Try Reading Be4 U Speak Plz

  19. #59
    fastbalej is offline New Member
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    and i eat alot actually... called fast metabolism,,

  20. #60
    50%Natural's Avatar
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    Calipso has said everything that needs to be said. I'm 5'8 and I weighed more than you before I even got serious about juicing. Bottom line, with that diet you won't see any gains like Coldstone said. When you walk in with the approach like you know what you're talking about and shoot down the advice given to you by SENIOR members and VETS then you will get tossed to the curb like garbage. Get your head out of your ass and listen to the advice so clearly presented to you.

  21. #61
    fastbalej is offline New Member
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    i am. its jsut that i KNOW i have muscle base cuz ive had personal trainers at the gym i goto tell me i did.. so..

  22. #62
    Consistency's Avatar
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    i have a fast metabolism, so i eat 4,500-5,000 calories a day and take in about 300 grams of protein a day because i weigh 220. if you eat 200 grams of protein , eat a lot of HEALTY food, u will grow like a weed!!!!!!!! and like everyonr here is saying, listen to the older guys they know what they are talkin about!

  23. #63
    Shortyrock13's Avatar
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    Let your natural test work its course, you're not near your peak at all. I went from 145 to 175 from my freshman year of college (just turned 18) to my junior year. All natty and ate well and lifted and trained hard. If you do AS now you won't have that chance to gain weight like that essentially for free. Not to mention all the other tasty sides short and long term the bros have already mentioned.

    P.S. If you have lacrosse in your area, its never too late to quit baseball

  24. #64
    TheMudMan's Avatar
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    Check you PM bro.................. with both diets you are eatting every 2.5 to 3 hours up to bed time. These are tailored for me but considering what you were eatting this will do wonders for you.

    Give you an idea I'm a midget at 5'7" 180 and around low 10% bf........

  25. #65
    fastbalej is offline New Member
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    thx bro

  26. #66
    JBeaner is offline New Member
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    i agree, you do look skinny and lack a base for as, you should just try and eat to gain weight, its not hard, just gotta stick too taking in alot of protein calories

  27. #67
    heater is offline Junior Member
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    Hey buddy, listen I'm a newbie too but I have a pretty good idea about what it takes to succeed in baseball. I have been in the game for a while. I would listen to what these guys are telling you. I know where your coming from and I know how tempting it is, but your body is about to change so much on its own you don't need it. Try and long toss around 3 times a week and go hard on legs with sprinting and interval running. And don't forget your 3lb. weight and thera band for that shoulder strength.

  28. #68
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastbalej
    hey im 17 ( i kno u all will yell at me for juicin.. ) im 6/0 163 lbs aprox.. rigth now im cut naturally.. im bulking on my 3rd week on sust t400.. i was wondering how long it takes for the size notice to kick in and any tips u guys have for me.. i have a few pics of me rite now.. leave ur comments.. thx
    need to sit out 2 years, up your cals to 5000/day range, up the protein to250g/day. hit the gym hard. pull up your draws. 120 lb curl will put a serious strain on me, im cutler compared to you. be patient, you'll get there but you need to build the base while your natural test is high, you don't want to mess with it at age 17

  29. #69
    tmeoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastbalej
    i am. its jsut that i KNOW i have muscle base cuz ive had personal trainers at the gym i goto tell me i did.. so..
    I got news for you EVERYONE has muscle base, what you are is an ectomorph. Which just means you can see more definition because your so thin. Also since when are pitchers jacked. Roger Clemens, David Wells come to mind.

    Honestly bro, i'd quit your cycle and wait a few more years and get your training and diet under control. You didn't even mention any PCT. I know you don't wanna hear all this cause you think this one cycle is gonna get you huge, but your tiny 8wk cycle may get you 5-10lbs the way you are eating and training.

  30. #70
    clockworks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColdStone
    You diet has to suck...theres no wa a 17 yr old high school kid has the sense of mind to follow the type of diet it takes to grow off of AS...
    heh, gotta agree with ya on that. 50g of protein a day?? i think my sister gets that much... you need to get >at least< 200-250g a day. i know that shit is hard, hell, i have hard time getting that much unfortunately...=(

    Quote Originally Posted by coldstone
    And one 8 week cycle isnt gonna get you might gain 5 pounds
    naa, gotta disagree with ya on this. i'm doing an 8 week tren /prop cycle and i'm looking to walk away with at least 10 lbs and hopefully more like 15 lbs. i'm on week 3 and i'm already up 10 lbs, but its def not LBM.

    Quote Originally Posted by coldstone
    but im sure it will be gone b/c you dont have any clue about post cycle recovery...stop now, and eat...
    Do you even have clomid, or and anti-e's???????
    yeah word. enough busting his balls though, lets at least tell him how to not screw himself up...=) you need anti-e's (look up arimidex or nolvadex ) so you don't get bitch tits, and you need clomid for post cycle therapy so you get your natural testosterone production going again and you don't lose your gains.

    -- clocky

    p.s. you're too young to be doing steroids ...=) my roommate is 24 and he won't touch em cuz he's too scared of the side effects...which are even riskier when you're 18... i'm scared to death of perm decrease of libido...something to think about...

  31. #71
    n0_Genetics's Avatar
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    fastbj, it seems that you're misunderstood here. maybe you can try to show us a typical daily diet that you're going on? it would certainly explain your stand and avoid any critisizms.

    calipso has been through his teenage years before and he certainly understands what you're going through. i bet most of us experience the "wanting to be the biggest in school" kinda feeling during school days too. you should learn to appreciate his agitation as he meant well. look at it from this way, he'll totally ignore your thread if he feels that you're worthless. he's simply trying to knock some sense into you, which obviously doesn't seem to work the hard way.

    for your diet, its NEVER easy to up your intake from 2000 cal to 4000 cal a day. try this: consume 6-8 very small meals a day, make sure you eat every 1.5-2 hrs, than after getting into the habit, increase the food intake for each meal till you gradually hit your ideal calorie intake.

    good luck on your progress.

  32. #72
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastbalej
    wheres my muscle? lol every1 whos seen me in person said im ripped.. dno wut ur seeing
    you're not ripped. you look the way you do because you are skinny. i would heed the advice my fellow AR brothers are trying to throw your way. although he sounds a bit like a dickhead saying it, Calipso is right in everything he says. your diet sucks and that is the main key to gaining weight and adding muscle. even if you have fast metabolism you can still gain weight by overeating. trust me bro, i've got fast metabolism too, but i'm not as skinny as yourself or never was because i chose to eat. sure back then it was nasty shit (pizza, cookies, whatever), but now it's all cleaned up.

    btw, the Giants suck and I have more little league trophies than you do

  33. #73
    Aragorn's Avatar
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    I must say we have been very lethal with him guys, so enough of the attack as everything negative has already been pushed his way. Advice is what should come from now on as he does have enough balls to throw up a couple of pics in the first place, so don't bother hijacking the thread.


  34. #74
    BDTR's Avatar
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    Although i think you guys were a little harsh, you're right. He has no muscular base at all, if you can bench 220 ill shit in my hat and pull it over my ears. Stop now, eat more than 50 grams of protien a day!!! You think you're ripped because you have no body fat, thats called being skinny. You need to stuff your face, keep training and lay off the steroids .

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastbalej
    hey im 17 ( i kno u all will yell at me for juicin.. ) im 6/0 163 lbs aprox.. rigth now im cut naturally.. im bulking on my 3rd week on sust t400.. i was wondering how long it takes for the size notice to kick in and any tips u guys have for me.. i have a few pics of me rite now.. leave ur comments.. thx

    many males can keep growing until they are even 25 years old. you're 6 foot tall right now. if you even do one cycle that can fuse the growth plates in your body together for good,causing your body to stop all natural growth by the way of puberty. have you ever noticed that being taller and being able to look down at people in your school could make you even more feared then being huge. if you keep cycling you'll never get taller. randy johnson throws so fast due to the fact that he is 6'10'' tall and has long ass arms producing a longer lever considering his elbow to be the fulcrum of this lever. hey, by the way do you want people at your school to see you get really big in 2 months and have a shit load of acne, and know that your on steroids . you'll be known as roid boy or some shit like that for the rest of your highschool career and especially since you barely know anything about AS, and your classmates know even less than you about AS they're going to think so much less of you for taking the easy way out. and your deal with being impatient. if you ever want to go pro in baseball, you could play for 4 years in higshcool, 4 years in college and 4years plus in the farm system before going pro, thats a long time to wait. with this kind of attitude you'll never achieve shit in life. anyway i'm running out of patients wasting my time with your impatients. we're all trying to help you right now, but don;t listen and go f*ck yourself over in life you're gunna lose your gains anyway with that shitty work ethic so you'll be a skinny bitch again in no time. don't take this personally i am just trying to help you be the best that you can be and so is everyone else on this board and if you can't see that then get the f*ck out of our house. you probably don't even have enough patients to read this whole post.

  36. #76
    clockworks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calipso
    Well obviously that equation was too hard.

    Lets do this one.

    17 years old + Shitty diet + no muscle base + most likely crappy workout routine = NOT READY FOR ANABOLICS!

    End of story.

    50 grams of protein a day, I know 8 year olds who get more than that.
    yeah, but you don't have to be a total asshole about it...

    -- clocky

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calipso
    I wanted to have help at his age, but he won't stop his cycle, won't take any suggestions (Except from you, which is good because you know your stuff). It's kinda aggrivating cuz I want him to stop the AS and just eat like most natural people do.

    Oh well, let him be doomed if he's too stubborn to change.
    straight up, no one likes to take advice from someone who is speaking to them in a condescending, patronizing, insulting, holier than thou tone. you know you can offer advice without damaging people's egos...

    sure he ain't doing the right thing, but i'm sure he'd respond better to treating him like a peer and explaining, rather than jumping down his throat and treating him like a child...

    -- clocky

  38. #78
    Calipso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clockworks
    yeah, but you don't have to be a total asshole about it...

    -- clocky
    Clock, if you noticed that's just how I am. HONEST. I'm not gonna mold my words to help his ego.

    Quote Originally Posted by clockworks
    straight up, no one likes to take advice from someone who is speaking to them in a condescending, patronizing, insulting, holier than thou tone. you know you can offer advice without damaging people's egos...

    sure he ain't doing the right thing, but i'm sure he'd respond better to treating him like a peer and explaining, rather than jumping down his throat and treating him like a child...
    Hate to burn you on this bro, but he IS A CHILD! He can't even buy smoke's yet. My first couple posts told him he doesn't have the muscle base yet for AS, and quit. He took it offensive, I tried to help and I'm so happy MudMan helped him.

    MudMan is by far one of the most helpful guys on here and he gave me one or two pointers along my way here.

    Speaking him to like an adult, is not the way to go. Why? Because if he was an adult he'd have taken the constructive critisims and even with the negative tones in them, and take them to heart.

    I'm not hijacking this thread, I just want one less teenager out there with bitchtits or a messed up body due to the lack of knowledge of AS.

  39. #79
    Calipso's Avatar
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    Oh yea I don't know about the rest of the guys on the board, but I wish I had a fast metabolism like you Fast. Why? Because when I bulk, I put on probably the same ammount of fat as muscle. You can probably get away with it alot easier.

    dude, just take MudMan's tips. Stop your cycle and stick around for the party. I know I come off like an asshole.....why? Because I am one, but at least I'm proud enough to admit it.

  40. #80
    fastbalej is offline New Member
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    ok i stopped my cycle.. im now takin 200+ grams of protien a day and eating alot of calerie fillled foods.. anything else that i need to kno guys?

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