So i found out that i am not able to get at 500mg/wk of sust. Will I see gains even at 250?? I am on Sust 250, Deca 300 and Winnie tabs towards the end of the cycle. I know my gains would not be as good as they would be on 500 mg/wk but will I see something??
I am 21 yrs old 5'8" 200 lbs about 19% bf maybe less, and I have an awesome diet with high protein, low carb, spread out 6 times a day, and some shakes thrown in there sometimes. I lift heavy 10-8-6-4 for the heavy weight sets (bench, shoulders, deadlifts, squats, calves). I just did my first shot on Sunday the 19th and i def see a difference in my body and my strength even though they are slight changes.