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  1. #1
    slamd097's Avatar
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    drug interactions...

    Bros....well the good news is I have offocially started my little clen cycle...the bad news, I have a cold. And there in is the question. Would clen and psuphederine have any drug interaction? Like the stuff in advil cold and sinus??? just wondering...


  2. #2
    Swellin Guest
    I can't help you with that, but I can give you my experience. I started Clen two weeks is my last day. The second day in, I went to the doc with a sinus infection. He gave me levaquin, prednisone, & Prolex (phenylephrine HCL & Guaifenesin). It has been a bitch. The Clen and Prednisone together have had my joints in agony. I need gresae fittings in my joints for this stuff. The prednisone stopped two days ago, and today is the last day of Clen. Maybe I can get lubed up again afterwards.

    I was really dry, and pissed like a mad man. Need tons of liquids. If you take both your Advil Cold & Sinus, and your Clen, you will need to up the water intake even more.

  3. #3
    slamd097's Avatar
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    740 joint are hurting as well. And I an drinking water like it was going outta style. but damn, im one day into it and already im seeing results!!!!

  4. #4
    xxxl83 is offline Productive Member
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    Find a PDR (physicians drug reference) and look up clen and check the contraindications.


  5. #5
    slamd097's Avatar
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    Nothing doing...couldn't find anything. But seeing what was being taken above with a suinus infection, I would have to say there wouldn't be interaction..Lost 5lbs over the week end though. Damn, but lost a lot of sleep!!!

    Oh well, ill sleep when im dead!

  6. #6
    Swellin Guest
    I would be very mindful of the pseudoephedrine and the Clen . Both affect your heart rate. When you combine them, you can get a scary heart rate.

    When I am not on anything, my pulse at rest is always b/w 58-64. While on Clen and the drugs I listed above, I checked it one time and it was 92 at rest. Add vigorous exercise to that, and it could be dangerous. I always watch mine while exercising...if I am having any trouble. If it starts bumping 120, I slow down.

    Keep tabs on your heart rate and blood might save your life.

  7. #7
    slamd097's Avatar
    slamd097 is offline Banned
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    i am actually starting to get over the cold, i hope, so it looks like every thing is starting to get better...thanks bro for the help

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