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  1. #1
    Gunz387 is offline New Member
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    dball, winny, cytomel, nolvadex, and clomid for first timer? Please help

    Please give me your opinions on my first cycle. I am 19 and have been weight training 2-3 days per week for a year. I am 5' 9'' and weigh 160lbs. Six months ago I had very low BF but I slacked a little and put on a little gut hiding my abs and a little BF in other areas that use to not have any.

    A friend is walking me through my first cycle. The cycle he has recommend goes like this ........50 mg of winny tabs per day for 8 weeks, pyramiding to and from 100 mg cytomel for 8 weeks, 50 mg dball per day for my first 4 weeks of the cycle, nolvadex everyother day while the 4 weeks of dball, and 3 weeks of clomid after the 8 weeks is up.

    When is the best times of the day to take all these pills? should any of them be taken all at once or spread out?

    My goal is to loose most of my fat while making a pretty noticeable increase in lean muscle. The dball for 4 weeks is meant to jump start my gains and to have most of the gains made off of it to be preserved by the winny. I hope this sounds good to most of you guys cause its to late for me to change what I asked for.

    Thank you for your time. Your replies will be appreciated.

  2. #2
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    First, that cycle is not good. No injectible.

    Second, you work out 2-3 times a week... not enough.

    Third, you have only one year under your belt.

    Forth, you are only 19!

    Do not do a cycle... you have not even began to reach what you could accomplish naturally.

    Trust me.

  3. #3
    viperlingerfelt's Avatar
    viperlingerfelt is offline Associate Member
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    gunz....sorry to be a fly in your juice but.....i believe i would re-think this cycle.....

    im not going to start with the fact you are only 19...

    winny and dbol are both 17aa, hard on the liver..8 weeks is to long for 1 of them much less 1 at 8 weeks and 1 at 4 weeks...
    cytomel is for thyroid....i guess if your beating the shit out of your liver you might as well slap the thyroid....

    why is it to late to change?

    do you have a problem with injections?

    you will lose the minimal gains you get with that cycle....sorry
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails dball, winny, cytomel, nolvadex, and clomid for first timer? Please help-moving-viper.gif  
    Last edited by viperlingerfelt; 01-05-2002 at 02:04 AM.

  4. #4
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    First of all what the A-man said...Ditto. But even if you were older and you didn't have so much natural potential still. If your liver was super liver and your thyroid couldn't be shut down. That is a horrible first cycle. Your receptor are fresh. You'll never get another opportunity on fresh receptors. Don't blow it on that crappy cycle.

    So, wait 2 more years train hard, eat right, and learn learn learn. When your ready don't forget the test

  5. #5
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    bro, if you are afraid of needles, your in the wrong game. do not use all of those 17aa in the same cycle, let alone at the same time. your freind is going to cause you to have some serious complications.

    however, you do show alot of sense by asking before you just start popping pills. so you arent a dummy. do some research for yourself, hang around the board, read threads, ask questions. educate yourself and wait for the right time to start using aas. you are in your prime bro, take advantage of it.

    by the way, welcome to the board!

  6. #6
    Gunz387 is offline New Member
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    I left out a few things.

    I wont geting my hands on the gear for 3 weeks and I have started and plan on continueing lifting 6 days a week.

    I plan on being very careful with they cytomel ,and do a perfect pyramide cycle. Should damaging my thyroid be a big consern for one cycle? Should I shorten the cytomel cycle to 6 weeks?

    I dont plan on doing another cycle for atleast 6 months after this one. Can doing this one cycle I mentioned above be enough to damage my liver? What can I do to prevent liver damage?

    I already payed $410 dollars for all the gear, backing out now isnt an option. Could you please give me advice on on how to use what I am getting so I can benefit from it, and not kill myself?

    Thanks again

  7. #7
    viperlingerfelt's Avatar
    viperlingerfelt is offline Associate Member
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    $410 for winny- cytomel - dbol - nolvadex ......bro i hope you are getting ALOT of all of them for that amount of money......

    i still don't like the combo you have someone already said......get some test....its cheap........

    none of us like the fact a 19 year old is wanting to start a cycle, but we can't stop you, because you will do what you want......but at least listen to the advice and do it correctly......

  8. #8
    viperlingerfelt's Avatar
    viperlingerfelt is offline Associate Member
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    with what you already have and if you get some test, you could do 2 acceptable cycles.......

    .......1st cycle.....(bulking)
    test 200-400mg - 8 weeks
    dbol 50mg -------- 6 weeks
    clomid 2 weeks after last shot of test

    ......2nd cycle a few months later....(cutting)
    test 200-400mg - 8 weeks
    winny 50mg ------ 6 weeks
    cytomel 25mcg --- 6 weeks
    clomid 2 weeks after last shot of test

    hold the nolvadex ....only need if gyno symptoms occur

    these cycles will get you some great results...the test is a little low, but your new so you dont need very high levels right now..

    to drill it into your head....i dont think a 19 year old should take AAS ........ but if you do, be safe and do it correctly.......

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