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Thread: Anadrol 50???

  1. #1
    interlokin is offline New Member
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    Anadrol 50???

    my cycle im starting consist of running
    600mg/wk test cyp
    600mg/wk EQ
    for 10 weeks. Today i got hold of 10 Anadrol 50 tabs. Would it be worth running them for 10 days, maybe split them up using 25mg every day????

  2. #2
    Grant's Avatar
    Grant is offline Member
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    how many cycles have you done before, if it is your first i would drop the eq to about 400/week, and just because you have something doesn't mean you need to cram it in your cycle. If you split up ten a50s, then you would have enough for twenty days, but like I said, how much experience have you had?

  3. #3
    interlokin is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grant
    how many cycles have you done before, if it is your first i would drop the eq to about 400/week, and just because you have something doesn't mean you need to cram it in your cycle. If you split up ten a50s, then you would have enough for twenty days, but like I said, how much experience have you had?
    this will be my 3rd cycle, my stats are 210lbs, 12% BF.
    Will these A-bombs do anything for me???

  4. #4
    Grant's Avatar
    Grant is offline Member
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    they will make you incredibly strong but also may give you a bloat look, don't take them for longer than three weeks, pretty hard on your liver

  5. #5
    50%Natural's Avatar
    50%Natural is offline Respected Member
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    I have run 50 mg a day for two weeks and didnt see shit from the a-50's. If I were to do it again I would use 100mg a day. But, everyone reacts differently to it. It might or might not be worth it to run it. Personally, I'd say wait on it and get some more and use them to kick start your next cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    First time you A-50 do not run more than 50mg a day. You should see good results from just one. I would not use them I would go with dbol not as harsh. A50 is so much water retention too.

  7. #7
    steadygaining1's Avatar
    steadygaining1 is offline Associate Member
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    Anadrol is some hardcore shit, I stopped mine about 12 days in, they worked so well i figured I needed to quit while I was ahead. If your shit is real 10 days would do pleanty. As LWB mentioned it is harsh and there is alot of water held, but it is one hell of a kickstart. SG1

  8. #8
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by steadygaining1
    Anadrol is some hardcore shit, I stopped mine about 12 days in, they worked so well i figured I needed to quit while I was ahead. If your shit is real 10 days would do pleanty. As LWB mentioned it is harsh and there is alot of water held, but it is one hell of a kickstart. SG1
    When I did anadrols it pushed my gains I was getting on testosterone /deca up to unbelievable weight gains (like I was up almost 33 lbs in the 1st 20 days) but then the anadrols were giving me side effects like being in a constantly angry at the world mood, sensative nipples in spite of good anti-e's which included L-dex, nolva and vitamen B-6 which is supposed to fight progesterone conversions of anadrol .

    I dont think anadrols are worth it... the first thing that happened when I quit the anadrols is I lost 14 lbs of my gains inspite of continuing with testosterone and deca. I actually lost more then I had already gained before starting the anadrols which begain like in my 3rd week of test/deca and ended 10 days later. I think the losses greater then gains before the anadrol is because the anadrol forced me to become more agressive with my anti-e's but in any case my water bloat is now very much under control and I am starting to gain again under the test/deca.

    The bad thing about anadrol is it generates growth by being an almost man-made synthesized hormone of its own with no real natural hormones made by the body that can mimick anadrol which would allow you to keep gains, and this is also why anadrol is "the MOST side effect causing steroid there is".

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    just make sure you have good anti-es when on drol bc a large percentage of it converts to estrogen.

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