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  1. #1
    buffmike28 is offline New Member
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    Is 1 Ad Like Steroids?

    Is 1 Ad By Ergo Pharm Like Steroids ?

  2. #2
    mass junkie's Avatar
    mass junkie is offline banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffmike28
    Is 1 Ad By Ergo Pharm Like Steroids?
    in terms of what?

  3. #3
    DADDYDBOL's Avatar
    DADDYDBOL is offline Anabolic Member
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    No, its not. Like Test 1, it's crap.

  4. #4
    biggen is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffmike28
    Is 1 Ad By Ergo Pharm Like Steroids?
    well your body produces androstenedione naturaly, then turns it into testosterone . but it is a three step process to make androstenedione, so when taking it your body only has one step do do before it has testosterone instead of five. 1AD is called a precursor, and it is a hormone so does that answer your question

  5. #5
    Nine Inches is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggen
    well your body produces androstenedione naturaly, then turns it into testosterone. but it is a three step process to make androstenedione, so when taking it your body only has one step do do before it has testosterone instead of five. 1AD is called a precursor, and it is a hormone so does that answer your question
    so basically u are saying it is a steroid

  6. #6
    shootdeep's Avatar
    shootdeep is offline Member
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    if 1-ad worked like juice, the feds would have banned it already. i think if you're trying to go natural, your money is better spent on quality foods, meal replacement shakes, protein supps, vitamins, etc.. i think excellent diet and hard training beats out "fake" AS like 1-ad.

  7. #7
    Ryanhallmark's Avatar
    Ryanhallmark is offline Senior Member
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    If you are going to run 1-ad you can have good gains on it..I tried it when it first came out like 2 years ago and had good gains,,.about 10 pounds in like 3 months..and alot of strengh gains..I ran it at 900mgs a day thought..that is like 3x the recommened amount..

  8. #8
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nine Inches
    so basically u are saying it is a steroid
    Not really because only 5 to 10% converts to DHEA, then 5 to 10% of that converts to testosterone ... so 500 mg AD-1 converts to 25 mg dhea, then that dhea converts to 1.25 mg testosterone.

  9. #9
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanhallmark
    If you are going to run 1-ad you can have good gains on it..I tried it when it first came out like 2 years ago and had good gains,,.about 10 pounds in like 3 months..and alot of strengh gains..I ran it at 900mgs a day thought..that is like 3x the recommened amount..
    You might have had a lot of faith in the product, then ate more, trained more, really got the gains off eating and training more. This is why prohormones add those disclaimers of having "sensible diet and training program" is required along with the product. They hope placebo effect will cause you gain more naturally and put the blaim on the product.

  10. #10
    fiz is offline New Member
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    it works.. not as effective as the real thing though.

  11. #11
    markas214's Avatar
    markas214 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    You might have had a lot of faith in the product, then ate more, trained more, really got the gains off eating and training more. This is why prohormones add those disclaimers of having "sensible diet and training program" is required along with the product. They hope placebo effect will cause you gain more naturally and put the blaim on the product.
    1AD worked well for me. Great strength gains, hardness and vascularity in 2 weeks at 600mg a day. Most people who call it crap have never tried it.

  12. #12
    realityarts's Avatar
    realityarts is offline Member
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    Yes, 1-AD is like steroids . It is a pre-cursor to 1-test. However, cholesterol from your food is a steroid too. Some nasal sprays (by script) contain steroids. Some anti-inflammatories are steroids.

    However, the question should be: 'is 1-AD as effective as AAS?' The answer is NO. The most effective thing about 1-AD is its marketing efforts.

    1-AD is an expensive waste of time. The closest affects to AAS that it may provide is probably acne and decreased wealth (though AAS cost less).

    Go to ErgoPharm's website and look for their contact information. You'll get an address and a fax number. No phone number - no email. Yeah, real legit company - not! They hide behind the hype that is propogated...

    There is so much that needs to be done to get the real stuff to work, including diet and proper training. As previously mentioned by ntpadude, I think the placebo affect is hard at work with 1-AD.

    If you're not a candidate for AAS, at least take an ionic crystalloid multi-MINERAL supplement, perhaps some tribulus, drink plenty of good water, and eat a couple extra chicken breast (skinless) a day.

    By the way, 1-AD stands for "1 Anabolically Deficient" supplement.


  13. #13
    Troyboy is offline Associate Member
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    1AD can said to be like a steriod , but it isn't very strong, the conversion rate into its target hormone is only roughly 17%. You would have to take around 900mg a day, which is 3 times the recommend dosage to achieve any notice good quality results. Its also a c17 alkid and toxic to the liver. A 1AD ONLY cycle will cause you to be pretty tired and lethergic throughout the day. Also, to do a cycle that will give you good gains you would need to spend upward of 300 bucks.

  14. #14
    eshestun is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by markas214
    1AD worked well for me. Great strength gains, hardness and vascularity in 2 weeks at 600mg a day. Most people who call it crap have never tried it.

    it worked for me too..i was doing over a gram a day for about a month and man i got some insane pumps. gained about 10 pounds too.. but way too expensive

  15. #15
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by markas214
    1AD worked well for me. Great strength gains, hardness and vascularity in 2 weeks at 600mg a day. Most people who call it crap have never tried it.
    I have and I got more effect out of taking DHEA then 1AD! Of course 1-test beats both 1-AD and DHEA so.....

  16. #16
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troyboy
    1AD can said to be like a steriod, but it isn't very strong, the conversion rate into its target hormone is only roughly 17%. You would have to take around 900mg a day, which is 3 times the recommend dosage to achieve any notice good quality results. Its also a c17 alkid and toxic to the liver. A 1AD ONLY cycle will cause you to be pretty tired and lethergic throughout the day. Also, to do a cycle that will give you good gains you would need to spend upward of 300 bucks.
    Shit, for about $180 I got all the "real" testosterone and "real" nortestosterone in deca by buying shanghai labs products and got about $5900 worth of 1-ad/1-testosterone results. 22 fucking lbs of rock hard muscle over 7 weeks and my waistline is continuing to shrink!!! My body fat percentage is dropping in spite of the weight gain.

    Plus 99% of the steroid users on this board all started with 1-AD and 1-testosterone along with all those bullshit sea agae labeled as a myostatin blocker and all that other complete bullshit products with high pitched advertisements. Ever wonder why once someone tries the real thing they instantly HATE the other the counter stuff? Guess what, there were more adverse side effects for me taking a 25 mg DHEA pill then I get from a 500 mg testosterone injection! Lots more dizzy headedness and blurry vision from 1-ad, DHEA and 1-testosterone... all of this shit I have not even had with the real steroids !

  17. #17
    realityarts's Avatar
    realityarts is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    I have and I got more effect out of taking DHEA then 1AD! Of course 1-test beats both 1-AD and DHEA so.....
    1-test is just the next step from 1-AD (the precursor).

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