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Thread: dangerous?

  1. #1
    bor's Avatar
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    So, New years eve is coming up and its gonna be a killer party! I'm gonna be involved in some heavy drinking and probably a few lines...... My question is this : I'm still going to be on my clen cycle then!Do I not use the clen for the 2 days before and one day after, and then continue, or this one night of stupidity (in MODERATION of course) won't do me much harm?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by bor
    I'm gonna be involved in some heavy drinking and probably a few lines......
    I wouldn't consider that 'in moderation' bro.

  3. #3
    Bartleby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    I wouldn't consider that 'in moderation' bro.
    I agree...but if ur gonna do it, which you prob are i would stop the clen a few days before...not only is what youre planning on doing unhealthy but unsafe bro...

  4. #4
    toolman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bor
    So, New years eve is coming up and its gonna be a killer party! I'm gonna be involved in some heavy drinking and probably a few lines...... My question is this : I'm still going to be on my clen cycle then!Do I not use the clen for the 2 days before and one day after, and then continue, or this one night of stupidity (in MODERATION of course) won't do me much harm?
    Drinking too much is one level of stupidity that even I am guilty of on rare occasions, but cocaine is deadly especially on a drug like clen . Go ahead and do the drugs and take the clen. The way I see it, it would be one more idiot out of the gene pool.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Go ahead and do the drugs and take the clen. The way I see it, it would be one more idiot out of the gene pool.
    Nice one TMan.

  6. #6
    fudgedelic is offline Associate Member
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    I think you guys are blowing this way out of proportion, the clen and coke combination prolly isn't good since they both increase heart rate and body temperature. SO if he stops taking it for a bit i think he'd be fine. And the guy just wants to doa few line, that isn't dangerous, and the ones who think it is are the uneducated. Almost everything that applies to as can be applied to other illegal substances. Used properly and knowledgebly they are just as safe as anything.

  7. #7
    Bartleby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fudgedelic
    I think you guys are blowing this way out of proportion, the clen and coke combination prolly isn't good since they both increase heart rate and body temperature. SO if he stops taking it for a bit i think he'd be fine. And the guy just wants to doa few line, that isn't dangerous, and the ones who think it is are the uneducated. Almost everything that applies to as can be applied to other illegal substances. Used properly and knowledgebly they are just as safe as anything.
    are you serious?? not only is coke inhealthy and unsafe its one of the worst drugs out there...make a decision, are you a crackhead or a bodybulider??

  8. #8
    clockworks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    The way I see it, it would be one more idiot out of the gene pool.
    i don't see why you have to call him an idiot. he's asking a serious question about his health. if you tell him "taking clen and coke at the same time can be fatal", then i'm sure he won't do it...and thus he's not an idiot. he just wants to make sure about his health, i saw no indication in his post that he's going to do something stupid after hearing AR's advice...

    my 2cc's (yeah i stole that from another AR member...)

    -- clocky

  9. #9
    fudgedelic is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bartleby
    are you serious?? not only is coke inhealthy and unsafe its one of the worst drugs out there...make a decision, are you a crackhead or a bodybulider??
    Look how heavily biased you are, did i say i smoke crack? I'm saying all these people are like omg this is so bad and they have no reason to support that. They were jsut told drugs will kill you ever sicne childhood and so they believe it. It's not like pumping your body full of 50 times it's antural testosterone is healthy, just ask a doctor. But when you do it reasonably and with proper education it can be done safely. The following link really puts a lot of things in perspective for you.
    Even though i'm sure you'll immediately dismiss it, call me a crackhead idiot, and tell me to go waste away with all the other druggies.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by clockworks
    he's asking a serious question about his health.

    -- clocky
    If he is so worried about his health, why would he be involved "in some heavy drinking and probaly a few lines"? If he is that concerned then he should know better.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    If he is so worried about his health, why would he be involved "in some heavy drinking and probaly a few lines"? If he is that concerned then he should know better.
    the same reason why i'm concerned with my health, but i still drink alcohol. being concerned with your health doesn't mean you have to be on one end of the extreme. i mean, honestly, if i was "concerned with my health" to that extent would be doing steroids at all?

    we're all concerned about our health...just to different degrees. i don't see whats wrong with him being on clen and knowing he's going to be doing coke and being concerned about it. its better that he be concerned and get some opinions imo...

    it doesn't have to be black and white: concerned with his health so he does neither clen or coke, or not concerned with is health and do both without asking any advice on the matter.

    -- clocky

  12. #12
    fudgedelic is offline Associate Member
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    Clocky and I seem to be on the same side alone here, but he stated it quite well. He is concerned, wants some opinions, and exactly if you were so concerned you wouldn't be using AS. It's one night a year that the guy wnats to do something fun, and he just wants to be safe as possible in doing it, I don't think we need to flame him for reaching out for advice.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by fudgedelic
    Clocky and I seem to be on the same side alone here, but he stated it quite well. He is concerned, wants some opinions, and exactly if you were so concerned you wouldn't be using AS. It's one night a year that the guy wnats to do something fun, and he just wants to be safe as possible in doing it, I don't think we need to flame him for reaching out for advice.
    word, exactly.

    some of yall might be super health nuts, and thats cool, more power to ya. but i don't think yall's advice should be withheld from people who aren't.

    i see people on here all the time who's morals SEVERELY conflict with mine, but i don't keep from sharing my opinion on steroids an bodybuilding with them...

    -- clocky

  14. #14
    cpt steele's Avatar
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    I think the concern here is you may already be adding health complications by the decisions we make ( aas), this could be another decision that could compound the issue. Do I thinks this will kill him probably not, but you dont know it could. I would rather be very conservitive and live to see how big Im gonna get, rather then be in a hospital bed as another steroid statistic. Just my .50, in no way is this a judgement on anyone

  15. #15
    toolman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by fudgedelic
    Clocky and I seem to be on the same side alone here, but he stated it quite well. He is concerned, wants some opinions, and exactly if you were so concerned you wouldn't be using AS. It's one night a year that the guy wnats to do something fun, and he just wants to be safe as possible in doing it, I don't think we need to flame him for reaching out for advice.
    Fudge, you and Clockworks aren't on the same side. He is not condoning the use of drugs, just pointing out that the guy is not an idiot for asking the question. You Fudge, are condoning this behavior which is foolish. It is nothing like steroid use . One you use to get high, the other you use (if using correctly) to improve your health. There is a huge difference.

    My comment was more tongue in cheek Clockworks. I did stupid things in my youth as well. It wasn't meant as a flame and sorry if it was taken as one, but buddy stay away from the coke. You'll be happy you saved the money and brain cells the next day.

  16. #16
    Gmill13's Avatar
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    I like to be healthy but its never stopped me from drinking. I have had cokeheads ask me why I juice and I have heard juice heads ask Cokeheads why they sniff. Who cares, to each their own. Both sides of the issue have potential to **** their bodies up. i'd rather see this guys question answered without criticism. We worry abot our livers health right yet we use dbol . Hey some of us even use lasix and DNP .

  17. #17
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    this is coming from a guy who was a complete ****ing mess of a drug addict for many years.......i've been on clen and done crazy hits of e, bumps of k and coke all in the same night while on clen. was it smart?not at ****ing all.did i live?yeah, but do you wanna be an idiot like i was and take the chance. think about night of excess and fun could ruin or take your life. you're smarter than that. just by you asking, it's a concern to you so give up the ****ing blow for awhile while you're on the clen. you might not drop dead, but if you do your family will be crushed because you had to experiment rather than look out for their emotional wellbeing. look, i was the biggest ****ed up drug maniac and i'm just giving you advice that i wish i took years smart on NYE

  18. #18
    echobeach's Avatar
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    Getting sh*tfaced during a cycle is just not a good know it wether you want to admit it or not.....try and justify it all you like - at the end of the day taxing your organs to the max (coke = heart, piss = liver) cannot be doing them any good at all.

  19. #19
    fudgedelic is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Fudge, you and Clockworks aren't on the same side. He is not condoning the use of drugs, just pointing out that the guy is not an idiot for asking the question. You Fudge, are condoning this behavior which is foolish. It is nothing like steroid use . One you use to get high, the other you use (if using correctly) to improve your health. There is a huge difference.

    My comment was more tongue in cheek Clockworks. I did stupid things in my youth as well. It wasn't meant as a flame and sorry if it was taken as one, but buddy stay away from the coke. You'll be happy you saved the money and brain cells the next day.
    I'm not promoting cocaine use nor do i use myself, i just hate to see someone get immediately flamed. I've been around it a lot, i know it's a waste of time, money, and bad for your health, i just hate the irony that comes from people. Such as on this board someone might ask what's a good fat burner, and a steroid user responds with diet and exercise. Yes this does work but sometimes need some extra help, ie aas, it's if someone asked what gives you the msot keepable gains and for me to respond with well diet and resistance training do. All in all i just think some people over reacted on the subject, and the guy just wants some advice.

  20. #20
    bor's Avatar
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    To TOOLMAN and DRAGONSLAYER : I have never been anything but nice to anyone on this board.If I could offer some advice that could be helpfull, I did, if not I kept my mouth shut and learned from what I read.TOOLMAN, calling me an idiot on a message board just proves how pothetic and cowardly you are!I didn't ask you what you thought about ME, I just wanted my question answered.In case you didn't know : there are no stupid questions only stupid people.If you wanna be a badass go to a club and call someone an idiot - that might help you with the issues you have.Both of you, I would appreciate it if you don't answer my posts again!

    Now, I would like to make my question clearer.I do coke maybe once a year.I quit smoking weed some time ago, and I live a "healthy" lifestyle.I konw whats gonna happen at this party so I wanted to see what you think in advance.The only two answers available are : 1."Quit the clen a couple of days before", and 2."Don't quit the clen".Sincee I'm already taking clen, and I know I'm gonna take some coke at the party ; I don't see any other answers?!?

    PARTYBOY, GMILL, CLOCKWORKS, FUDGE - thanks for giving me some sound advice, and NOT calling me an idiot or crackhead.I'll quit the clen a few days berofe, and start again a few days later.

  21. #21
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Hey bro. since you are not a regular coke head, stop the clen a couple of days ahead of time. Your heart will probably be just fine. After many years of abuse my self(none in six years) my Doc says i have a heart like a horse. Your heart will get a extra boost that it is not use to, so be safe and moderate.Once a year can kill you if you think you can do as much as everyone that does it every day.

  22. #22
    hybrid's Avatar
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    Now this isn't meant to flame, so don't take it wrong. Why is it that in order to have fun at your party, you have to do the coke, even though you know there are complications, ie...the clen ? Peer pressure must be extra bad with this group. You know it's not the right thing to do, or you wouldn't be asking. Just say no to the coke and otherwise have an awesome evening with your friends. Can't see how it would be a big deal. Be safe bro. You strike me as a good guy who would be a loss to the gene pool if something were to go bad.

  23. #23
    Mart651's Avatar
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    also remember guys, after six years of heavy drug abuse I never lost my hair or grew tits. I don't believe anything good can come out of coke but if you ask a regular person that knows nothing about A.S. i think you would get some of the same comments that you guys made about coke.
    Remember we are all here to help with any problems our bros have.

  24. #24
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hybrid
    Now this isn't meant to flame, so don't take it wrong. Why is it that in order to have fun at your party, you have to do the coke, even though you know there are complications, ie...the clen? Peer pressure must be extra bad with this group. You know it's not the right thing to do, or you wouldn't be asking. Just say no to the coke and otherwise have an awesome evening with your friends. Can't see how it would be a big deal. Be safe bro. You strike me as a good guy who would be a loss to the gene pool if something were to go bad.
    I will ask you about this in about five years when you get out of school and find out about real parties.

  25. #25
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    I will ask you about this in about five years when you get out of school and find out about real parties.

    What are you taklking about? Bro, No flame, but I've been to some of the most amazing parties throughout this great land of ours. And I have to agree with Hybrid. Why does he have to do coke? Parties are only real if you do some blow? give me a break.

    Now, He asked a question, and wants some opinions. I agree. No FLAMING should be tolorated!!! I'm personally glad he came here to get advice. My opinion is this. If I do heavy drinking, It impairs my ability to think, so I just hope that a few lines don't turn into major lines. I personally wouldn't touch the stuff, especially if I was on CLEN .

    Bro, Please make the right decision and have a safe New Years. Your a good member to the board, and we want you to stick around.

    Bottom line. We are suppose to give the safest advice on this board when it comes to AS. I just don't see how someone could tell another bro to do coke.



  26. #26
    toolman is offline Banned
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    [QUOTE=bor]To TOOLMAN and DRAGONSLAYER : I have never been anything but nice to anyone on this board.If I could offer some advice that could be helpfull, I did, if not I kept my mouth shut and learned from what I read.TOOLMAN, calling me an idiot on a message board just proves how pothetic and cowardly you are!I didn't ask you what you thought about ME, I just wanted my question answered.In case you didn't know : there are no stupid questions only stupid people.If you wanna be a badass go to a club and call someone an idiot - that might help you with the issues you have.Both of you, I would appreciate it if you don't answer my posts again!

    Read my post bro. Anyone who did both clen and coke would be one less idiot in the gene pool. I am only calling you an idiot if you do both. I also further down explained the comment was tongue in cheek with an apology if it was taken as a flame.

    I find it comical that calling a spade a spade is found by you as cowardly behavior. This tells me one of 2 things. First, you are a coward yourself and find it to be the ultimate insult as you feel your shame in this. More likely though, I think it is just your youth because only in my youth was I stupid enough to use blow.

    Again, it was meant as atongue in cheek comment and my apologies as I did not mean it as a flame.

  27. #27
    scottninpo's Avatar
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    here's another point of view from a person who has done a few lines in the past, if you're the kind of person who indulges in recreational drugs, and no longer do them on a regular basis, it is very tempting to indulge when you are in a place where it is socially acceptable, as long as you don't have a problem, for instance, offering your cheeseburger, or to suck dick for a hit of crack, then i don't think you're a crack head, hell, if i was at that party i'd be rippin' some too, but, that's our choice and the morally superior can look down upon me all they want, i'm still gonna put in my body what i want to, so there, btw, don't do any clen for a few days before and after, and you'll be fine, i was in the exact situation last year, and i survived, have fun, dude

  28. #28
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    What are you taklking about? Bro, No flame, but I've been to some of the most amazing parties throughout this great land of ours. And I have to agree with Hybrid. Why does he have to do coke? Parties are only real if you do some blow? give me a break.
    BLT,You do not have to do coke to have fun I am 31 and would not touch it now but Iam old enough to have an oppinion on this,In hosses case I will ask him his again in five years so he can give me an educated oppinion.
    Many of my friends never did coke so they were not ever invited to those parties.

  29. #29
    Bartleby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bor
    To TOOLMAN and DRAGONSLAYER : I have never been anything but nice to anyone on this board.If I could offer some advice that could be helpfull, I did, if not I kept my mouth shut and learned from what I read.TOOLMAN, calling me an idiot on a message board just proves how pothetic and cowardly you are!I didn't ask you what you thought about ME, I just wanted my question answered.In case you didn't know : there are no stupid questions only stupid people.If you wanna be a badass go to a club and call someone an idiot - that might help you with the issues you have.Both of you, I would appreciate it if you don't answer my posts again!

    Now, I would like to make my question clearer.I do coke maybe once a year.I quit smoking weed some time ago, and I live a "healthy" lifestyle.I konw whats gonna happen at this party so I wanted to see what you think in advance.The only two answers available are : 1."Quit the clen a couple of days before", and 2."Don't quit the clen".Sincee I'm already taking clen, and I know I'm gonna take some coke at the party ; I don't see any other answers?!?

    PARTYBOY, GMILL, CLOCKWORKS, FUDGE - thanks for giving me some sound advice, and NOT calling me an idiot or crackhead.I'll quit the clen a few days berofe, and start again a few days later.
    Bro honestly i meant no disrespect...I just dont think it is a good idea to be doin coke at all, whether on clen or not...coke ruins lives and it has done so to a couple people that are close to me so it is a sensitive subject. If you must do it def stop the clen a few days before though.

  30. #30
    BIKER_GIXXER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Drinking too much is one level of stupidity that even I am guilty of on rare occasions, but cocaine is deadly especially on a drug like clen. Go ahead and do the drugs and take the clen. The way I see it, it would be one more idiot out of the gene pool.

    I agree 100%

  31. #31
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bartleby
    are you serious?? not only is coke inhealthy and unsafe its one of the worst drugs out there...make a decision, are you a crackhead or a bodybulider??
    I never liked coke... tried it a few times in my 20's... makes you so anxious and feel despirate for more... to me I just never noticed much feel good parts of cocaine. Its like this... feel good for 20 minutes, feel bad for the following 4 hours... Geez that sounds like a wonderful New Year's Eve to me. I dont like alcohol either... to me its another feel bad drug... now if someone were to bring a blunt of primo bud over... well hell, no feel bad episodes with weed so I might partake myself in that.

  32. #32
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottninpo
    it is very tempting to indulge when you are in a place where it is socially acceptable, as long as you don't have a problem, for instance, offering your cheeseburger, or to suck dick for a hit of crack, then i don't think you're a crack head, hell, if i was at that party i'd
    That comment right there is enough to swear me off coke or crack. **** I would never want to do anything that would make me want to suck dick for more of it... **** thats letting yourself go too far. I'm sure every party is going to have a gay guy who'd suck dick just for a cigarette, but **** if coke can make a straight guy accept the notion of sucking dick for more coke... **** thats unimaginable.

  33. #33
    cpt steele's Avatar
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    Dmn thats harsh

  34. #34
    dizzle's Avatar
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    I've never done coke, but i'm taking 2 cialis on New Year's eve! =)

  35. #35
    J ROCK's Avatar
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    I do it all the time i wouldnt worry to much

  36. #36
    cpt steele's Avatar
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    bring in the new year with a big bang

  37. #37
    Phillyboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    I will ask you about this in about five years when you get out of school and find out about real parties.
    this is the stupiest comment iver ever read, i see in your profile your a father? what kind of father would even think a thought like this? if you need coke to have a good time, you have problems, serious ones. any normal person can have a good time just getting drunk, and if you think i dont now how to party? then you can look at one of my businesses and tell me what you think. we throw parties, all in philly, at least at one club a night. now some people do coke, but you dont have to do it to have a good time. if you really wanna know what i think of this comment, im gonna say it seems to me that in your case

    { age ='s desperation to hold onto youth. } lamens terms, the older you get, the more you have to get f-cked up to have fun, cause you forget what you did when you were younger to have a good time. and you know drugs are a easy way out of thinking. my opinion, its just pathetic

    now as to the original question in this thread. id stop the clen for about a week before just to let your heart get normal again. then wait like 3 days or so after new years to go back. it seems like no matter what we say here, your gonna do the coke. if feel sorry for ya that you feel you need to do that for a good time, but to each his own. but yeah, play it safe, you never know what could happen. good luck i guess?
    Last edited by jcstomper; 12-12-2003 at 01:38 PM.

  38. #38
    BigSexy50's Avatar
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    The biggest problem I notice with Clen and ECA's and mixing them with drinking and a little yea-yo is the de-hydration factor. Bor, I am in the same boat as you are, and this is what I think about and do. When you drink a lot you become dehydrated, your blood to. Think of your blood going from a watery substance into a sludge like substance. So your heart is working harder to pump it through your body. Throw some Clen and Coke into that mix, and you are really asking a lot of the most important of all organs. I would lay off the Clen for two days prior and two days after. The days following concentrate on re-hydrating your body and getting the proper rest, then resume Clen. I don't regularly take Clen, but I use ECAs, and every once in a while I fall into a pile when I go out. The days following I really re-hydrate and concentrate on resting up. Hope that helps a bit. Have a blaston NYE !!!

  39. #39
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
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    jcstomper, you say that no one has to do coke to have a good time, but in the same sentance you say that you can have plenty of fun just getting drunk. Do you have to drink to have fun? People everywhere have different views on what's good or what's bad, and that's cool. Just because your drug of choice is alcohol, don't say that everything else is bad, especially if you haven't been there. I have been everywhere but the electric chair, seen everything but the wind, and even nailed Jello to a rubber tree, and I can safely say that if you want to do some coke and have a good time, more power to you. I don't partake in any "extracirricular activities" anymore, simply because I grew tired of it. I barely drink anymore. Does this mean that I look down on those who still like to party, no. Don't knock it till you've tried it. that's the only way you can form an educated opinion on a subject.

    As for the clen /coke combo, I would not suggest mixing the two for obvious reasons. I get the feeling that you already kneew the answer to this question, you just wanted some reassurement. I hope everyone has a good time on NYE, whatever you choose to do or not do. Just be safe bros (and gals).


  40. #40
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    I never said you need coke to have a good time.Nobody did.I have a lot of selfdiscipline - in adittion to that I know whats going to happen.I could say now : "No, I'm on clen , I won't do coke.".But, I know that if somebody offers me a line (which they will 'coz when I have a bundle of cash I like to buy people drinks) I'm gonna take it.I have no problems with selfesteem - but coke makes you feel like a god.So, I decided to ask in advance.

    Bartleby - no problem bro, I can see you meant no disrespect.

    Toolman - You say calling me an idiot is calling a spade a spade..........and then you apologize? No hard feelings though.

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