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  1. #1
    DYLAN61 is offline New Member
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    Question AndroDerm Testosterone

    I am currently on 2 patches of androderm 2.5 mg per day. if you open up the patch (cut into it) there is 12mg of gel in each patch that i rub into my skin giving me a total of 24mg of testosterone per day. i also have the Androgel packets and use 1 per day 5mg. this gives me a total of 29mgs of testosterone per day. Will this combination be Anabolic enough to produce satisfactory results in the gym????? in other words would it be compareable to say injectable testosterone ethanate once a week. I have been working out for 2 weeks so far and the results are quite incredible for just 2 weeks. my arms and chest have not grown that much but i have tightened up considerably. I have noticed that my arn will not fit as easy into the cuff on the automatic blood pressure machine at work so they must be growing some, is this a result of the testosterone or my imagination???? again my main question is will the rub in testosterone work and what can i expect???? Thank You So Much!!!!

  2. #2
    groverman1's Avatar
    groverman1 is offline Cross Dressing Member
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    Bro before my current cycle I was diagnosed with low test levels. Barely below normal levels. Had my doc start me on HRT I am 28yrs and at the time had no previous cycle exp. I have the androgel 5g stuff. I have done all the math and used 4 packs a day. The only thing you will get is a low androgenic effect. Everyone is different.

  3. #3
    DYLAN61 is offline New Member
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    even if im taking the testosterone out of the patches(Androderm) for a total of 30mg a day i will get nothing out of it???? i find this hard to believe....did you not see that i am using patches(cut open and rubbed ALL the gel in= 24mgs per day)as well as the Androgel 5mgs per day...I am seeing a difference in just 2 weeks are you sure the effects will just be mild!!!! i have done the math and it should be equal to about 174mgs. of testosterone a week .....PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!....THANK YOU SO MUCH.........dylan

  4. #4
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DYLAN61
    even if im taking the testosterone out of the patches(Androderm) for a total of 30mg a day i will get nothing out of it???? i find this hard to believe....did you not see that i am using patches(cut open and rubbed ALL the gel in= 24mgs per day)as well as the Androgel 5mgs per day...I am seeing a difference in just 2 weeks are you sure the effects will just be mild!!!! i have done the math and it should be equal to about 174mgs. of testosterone a week .....PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!....THANK YOU SO MUCH.........dylan
    well, it's more than normal.. but nothing ridiculous. Most people run cycles between 300 and 500 mg a week for their first time.. and injectable is always more bioavailable than transdermal.. You'll get something out of it.. but nothing at all like you'd get from injections.

  5. #5
    groverman1's Avatar
    groverman1 is offline Cross Dressing Member
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    It is a very small dose. You will get litlle results I have tried it. My urologist is gonna **** next time my levels are checked, cause I am on 500mg test e /wk

  6. #6
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DYLAN61
    even if im taking the testosterone out of the patches(Androderm) for a total of 30mg a day i will get nothing out of it???? i find this hard to believe....did you not see that i am using patches(cut open and rubbed ALL the gel in= 24mgs per day)as well as the Androgel 5mgs per day...I am seeing a difference in just 2 weeks are you sure the effects will just be mild!!!! i have done the math and it should be equal to about 174mgs. of testosterone a week .....PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!....THANK YOU SO MUCH.........dylan
    Yes I know people on HRT and all keep saying the Androgel barely even stimulates libido which is the primary reason to prescribe testosterone these days. About the only thing it does is give girlfriends, wives and small children of those on Androgel a good dose. The dosing is not enough to do much for the man, but the wives and girlfiends get accidental dosing when they hug their man and the women end up growing facial hair and then there are the 3 year old children that started puberty waaaaaaaay early. Even though you are supposed to rub it here and there in areas its not supposed to migrate around on, the androgels do a better job of migrating all over the outside of the skin and onto hands where it gets transferred to door knobs, steering wheels, etc then it does actually absorbing in meaningful quantities into the man's body. Women are accutely sensative to testosterone as men are to estrogen so women and small children experience very undesirable side effects with very small accidental contact dosages. Also for older men, post menopause women are even quadruple more likely to experience bad side effects then women still producing estrogen and having periods.

    Also on that 174 mg... well since only 10% of androgel is absorbed and the patches "as a patch" has a better absorbtion rate then androgel because the patch supposedly keeps the rub site wet and absorbing better then an open site allowed to sweat away, transfer to clothes, etc and some patches have micro abrasion needles that aid in absorbtion into skin, cutting up the patch and rubbing the gel direct has probably less efficient and causing a reduction in what is absorbed. Also amounts of testosterone at or below 180 mg in general is not enough to entirely shut down your HPTA, which means it suppliments your natural testosterone and not actually replaces it. The variable in this equasion is now much natural testosterone production is continuing and also a slow down in test production is inevitable... normally HPTA isnt shut down even with high dose injections for about 4 weeks so you may see best improvements up early and then ability to gain dematerializes over the next month.
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 12-14-2003 at 04:51 AM.

  7. #7
    DYLAN61 is offline New Member
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    So basically you all are saying its a waste of time....????? Why then are my arms and chest growing so quickly and firmly????? i am also taking Proscar (Finasteride) whatever that is....anyone have any clues?????.....Thank you ALL very much for your help in deciding whether or not it will be worth !!!!! Im gonna stick with it and see what happens........God Bless, Wayne

  8. #8
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DYLAN61
    So basically you all are saying its a waste of time....????? Why then are my arms and chest growing so quickly and firmly????? i am also taking Proscar (Finasteride) whatever that is....anyone have any clues?????.....Thank you ALL very much for your help in deciding whether or not it will be worth !!!!! Im gonna stick with it and see what happens........God Bless, Wayne
    Placebo effect. Trust me, you can't get big from that low amount that quickly. I'm on 200mg of Test every 2 weeks for HRT. That doesn't do squat for me. I have to add another 200 a week on my own. Plus, it takes up to 5 weeks to begin to see results.

  9. #9
    Mart651's Avatar
    Mart651 is offline The Redneck Queen of the Lounge
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    natural growth when you fist start working out is great you will notice a lot of gains. A.S. in my oppinion is for after you reach your natural growth. Keep working out for about six months or so then and you will see what I mean. Your growth will be awsome.

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