One of my buddies e-mailed me the following cycle. He's a pretty experienced lifter and juicer. He didn't ask for my advice, but I'm just curious what you guys all think of this "beast" of a cycle. Thanks gents.

1. 800mg test / 50mg d-bol Ed
2. 800mg test / 4 stenox tabs Ed
3. 600mg test / 200 mg Deca / 4 stenox Ed
4. 800mg test / 4 stenox Ed
5. 600mg test / 200mg Deca
6. 800mg test / 200mg Deca
7. 600mg test
8. 800mg test / 200mg Deca / 250mg Boldenon
9. 600mg test / 350mg Boldenon / 300mg Tren
10.800mg test / 350mg Boldenon / 225mg Tren
11.600mg test / 350mg Boldenon / 200mg Deca / 300mg Tren
12.200mg test / 350mg Boldenon / 200mg Deca/ 225mg Tren
13.350mg Boldenon / 300mg Tren
14.200mg Boldenon / 150mg Tren

Note: He's using test cyp. Also, during the phase of his cycle where he'll be taking the Bold and the Tren, he's administering them EOD. The quantaties listed above are his total weekly amounts. Locally, the guy is well respected among juice-heads. Does this cycle make sense?