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Thread: Deca Question

  1. #1
    ravaz is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2001
    Raleigh, NC

    Deca Question

    Sup all..

    Just a quick question on deca . I'm currently doing deca/dbol cycle. Started earlier this week, was just curious to know how long does it usually take for the deca to kick in? One of my friends told me to sit back and relax because it takes about 5 weeks to kick in, is this true?

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    The original jason Guest
    bro ive never done deca alone but when i have done it together with test it takes about 4 weeks to get the full effects started however after about two weeks i get some good pumps but I would say that was coming more from the test I wouldnt expect much in the first 2-3 weeks if I was you so dont panic and just see what happens however just reread your post dbol should kick in pretty quick 3 days or so whats your stats and how much juice are you taking??


  3. #3
    ravaz is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Raleigh, NC
    Hey Jason, thanks for your response.

    Stats are, 21 years old, 6'1, 210 pounds first cycle. I am currently doing 25mg dbol ed and 200mg of the deca each week. I'm sure that I am getting some good pumps off the dbol already because every time I go to the gym I am lifting much more with much less struggle. I know that the deca should be 400 each week, but I couldn't get the ammount that I needed.

    Thanks again.

  4. #4
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Back from Hell
    if you cant get the amount of deca you need at least up the amount to Dbal to 40 per day

  5. #5
    big_guy is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2001
    i disagree. why bump up the dosage on a highly liver toxic oral?? You could still gain a good 7-12 pounds with the cycle u are on now, or maybe more because it's your first cycle. I had a friend gain 14 pounds on a cycle that only had 200mg of test E. per week for 10 weeks. and Ravaz, don't forget the milk thistle to clean the liver. But maybe add some winny in there. and clomid post cycle.

  6. #6
    ravaz is offline Associate Member
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    Raleigh, NC
    I can up the dosage of dbol if needed, I can get that stuff like it's candy. The deca I fell asleep on, but I might be able to get another 15 amps if my friend ever wakes up. But how much more toxic can the dbol be if I do up it to 40mg ed from 25mg, and also how much would it help me if I upped it to 40? And the winny, what can that do for me if I mix that into this cycle? I am taking milk thistle since a few days before I started the dbol... Thanks for your input guys! It is greatly appreciated..


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