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Thread: Clomid vision

  1. #1
    Body is offline Associate Member
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    Clomid vision

    Just got done reading Fedski's post (sorry about the troubles bro) regarding clomid. While I've never, thankfully, had the same problems he has, clomid does screw up my vision. As a matter of fact, it's so bad that I dread my pct. The worst is in low light situations, when bright light becomes present. For example, if I'm driving at night and a car is in the other lane coming the opposite direction, my eyesight flips out. It's seriously like I'm hallucinating. I don't take any illegal drugs (besides aas). Anybody else had this problem? It's seriously scary stuff. When not on clomid, my vision is perfect.

  2. #2
    Dude-Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Body
    Just got done reading Fedski's post (sorry about the troubles bro) regarding clomid. While I've never, thankfully, had the same problems he has, clomid does screw up my vision. As a matter of fact, it's so bad that I dread my pct. The worst is in low light situations, when bright light becomes present. For example, if I'm driving at night and a car is in the other lane coming the opposite direction, my eyesight flips out. It's seriously like I'm hallucinating. I don't take any illegal drugs (besides aas). Anybody else had this problem? It's seriously scary stuff. When not on clomid, my vision is perfect.
    Blurry/altered vision is a common clomid side effect with higher doses. If you have problem, you can lower your clomid dose and administer supplemental nolvadex .

  3. #3
    Body is offline Associate Member
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    Typically, when taking clomid I'll start with a very high dosage in the beginning and then taper down the dosage until it remains stable at a dosage much lower than I initially began with. This is a fairly common practice. My vision impairment remains equally significant from beginning to end. In all honesty, I'd rather be a hallucinating, blind bat, for a few weeks than suffer the effects of no PCT. Anyway, am I the only one who gets this side effect so intensely? Is there anything I can do to combat it?

  4. #4
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Occulotoxicity is common with SERM administration. I get extremely traced vision, which is the reason i do not start with the 300mg frontload anymore.

    I use 100mg +20mg Nolva ED for 30 days. Still get slight traced vision, but it's bearable.

    Nolva has the same possible side effect, but it's much less common

  5. #5
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    good info. I was wondering if the 300 could cause some big sides. Do you still recommend to people that are using clomid for the first time use the 300mg does on their first day?

  6. #6
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    I think they should try it for their first time around. If you don[t have the vision problems with the 300mg, then it is worth it.

    Clomids half-lfe is 5-7 days. It takes 4-5x that to reach peak blood plasma levels when using the normal recommended dose(50mg). By frontloading, your shortening the time it takes to reach those levels, thus speeding recovery.

  7. #7
    Body is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the info pheedno. There's no possible way that someone's vision could become permanently damaged is there? That's my biggest fear. As long as I can be guaranteed that my eyesight will return to normal when thge pct is done I can live with it.

  8. #8
    Phillyboy1's Avatar
    Phillyboy1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    when i take clomid i swear i have acid fashbacks at night. gotta love that ish

  9. #9
    bulkolly is offline New Member
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    According to the manufacturer, the negative effect of Nolvadex on the vision is only partly reversible !

  10. #10
    Sorken's Avatar
    Sorken is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Body
    Just got done reading Fedski's post (sorry about the troubles bro) regarding clomid. While I've never, thankfully, had the same problems he has, clomid does screw up my vision. As a matter of fact, it's so bad that I dread my pct. The worst is in low light situations, when bright light becomes present. For example, if I'm driving at night and a car is in the other lane coming the opposite direction, my eyesight flips out. It's seriously like I'm hallucinating. I don't take any illegal drugs (besides aas). Anybody else had this problem? It's seriously scary stuff. When not on clomid, my vision is perfect.

    **** man.. I'm going to start a 12weeks cycle and use clomid for the first time..
    This **** scares me now.. I hope my vision won't have any problems...

    Well.. Good Luck too you all with clomid !

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