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  1. #1
    red69 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Question Nolvadex Doses 10 mg vs 20 mg...

    I'm currently on a dbol , test, deca cycle and I'm taking 10 mg nolv ED. I'm still bloating some so I was thinking about going to 20 mg ED. besides cost, what is the reason some people do 10 mg instead of 20 mg during a cycle. Is the reason sides? What sides would be worse at 20 verses 10? Thanks bro's!

  2. #2
    getnlarg's Avatar
    getnlarg is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    How much anti-e you use depends on your dosages of the AS and your body's reaction to the test and estrogen. Some guys look at AS and get bloat and gyno. Others can run relatively high doses and do not. If you are bloating, up your nolv to 20mg and see if it helps. Also, try L-dex or arimidex if the bump on nolv doesn't seem to solve the problem.

  3. #3
    Swellin Guest
    Getnlarg is exactly correct.

    The difference in the 10 and 20 will not be enough to cause sides from the nolva. You do need to realize that a certain amount of estrogen is actually good.

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