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  1. #1
    FalseProphet is offline New Member
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    Ectomorphs + steroids

    Hey all new to the forum. I was wondering if there are any fellow ectomorphs on the forum who have gone through a few cycles. I'm interested to see what kind of gains you got, how well you retained it, and how your experience might have differed from a mesomorphs. I have done one cycle (sust 250 + d/bols, nolv at the end) for 8 weeks. I'm 6'2. At the beginning of the cycle I was ~152 lbs. I reached ~170. about a year later I'm at ~160. My poor retention is greatly in part to my dedication to training going downhill for various reasons that sound an awful lot of like poor excuses when I think about them If you have any before/after pictures I'd love to see them.

    Going to start a classic stack soon (d-bol/deca /test cyp), I'll save the before/after pics for after the cycle. Thanks all!


  2. #2
    FalseProphet is offline New Member
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  3. #3
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  4. #4
    simplyjakked is offline Member
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    big time ectomorph here! started training seven years ago at 128lbs. now after five years of natural training and 4 cycles i am 210 at 12% bf and on my way to 230lbs. this cycle!
    advice: eat everything you can get your hands on and eat constantly!

  5. #5
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    research it well and go for it.

    Happy growing


  6. #6
    FalseProphet is offline New Member
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    Alright, so there are some people in the same boat as me that have actually gotten big! That's really encouraging. Question for you Simplyjakked: Were you a hard gainer before you started cycling? I worked out for a bit over a year and a half solid before I did my first cycle, and put on about 4 or 5 lbs. I've always been able to make huge strength gains (ratio wise ), but had trouble putting on mass. Getting more psyched for my next cycle!!

  7. #7
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm a hard core ecto and i managed to gain without cycling. Right now i'm 175, at the end of august i was around 150. I've got before/after pics on this thread. The big difference for me was diet. If you're an ecto the most important thing is to eat every meal like it's your last. This is a link to my progress pics.

  8. #8
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    I think Chris put it best, to eat every meal like it's your last, it's very important that you don't miss any meals.

  9. #9
    FalseProphet is offline New Member
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    You were 5'7 at 150? I'm not so sure you're completely ectomorphic I'm 7 inches taller and ~6 lbs heavier.... I like what your saying about eating every meal like it's your last. I have to share something with you guys though.. I have an eating problem. I eat too much. Yeah seriously. When I was training for a bit over a year all natural and had such low gains, there was a 5 month period where I was taking in between 4 and 5 thousand calories a day (5 normal to large meals, plus 2 protein shakes). This produced a whole lot of nothing for me. Maybe I need some advice on the TYPE of food?! I like to think I eat a fair variety of foods, almost every meal has meat, I get plenty of veggies, rice and beans and tons of pasta... I think I just have a low ammount of testosterone naturally (the hallmark of ecto eh?). *shrug*

    Quote Originally Posted by chrisAdams
    I'm a hard core ecto and i managed to gain without cycling. Right now i'm 175, at the end of august i was around 150. I've got before/after pics on this thread. The big difference for me was diet. If you're an ecto the most important thing is to eat every meal like it's your last. This is a link to my progress pics.

  10. #10
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FalseProphet
    You were 5'7 at 150? I'm not so sure you're completely ectomorphic I'm 7 inches taller and ~6 lbs heavier.... I like what your saying about eating every meal like it's your last. I have to share something with you guys though.. I have an eating problem. I eat too much. Yeah seriously. When I was training for a bit over a year all natural and had such low gains, there was a 5 month period where I was taking in between 4 and 5 thousand calories a day (5 normal to large meals, plus 2 protein shakes). This produced a whole lot of nothing for me. Maybe I need some advice on the TYPE of food?! I like to think I eat a fair variety of foods, almost every meal has meat, I get plenty of veggies, rice and beans and tons of pasta... I think I just have a low ammount of testosterone naturally (the hallmark of ecto eh?). *shrug*
    5'9 and 150. That was after 2 1/2 -3 years of serious, but uneducated training. I graduated high school at 130.

    To be honest, if you were taking in 5 thousand a day, you would've gained some weight.. likely some muscle and at least some fat.

    The hallmark of the ecto is not low testosterone .. it's high levels of thyroid hormones. It also has to do with the fact that we have relatively underdeveloped digestive systems compared to a meso/endo. We have small joints/bones and difficulty gaining any type of weight.

    I worked **** hard to get to 150.. it was less than 7 lbs a year of muscle, in the prime of my life. If only i knew what i did now about diet i could've done it in a few months.

    This leads to my conclusion. I think you're exaggerating about the amount of food that you were eating. If you weren't, then i think that you have hyperthyroidism and should see an endocrineologist.

    Do you have fat in your diet? Your body needs it to grow just like it needs protien. Get some essential oil pills from a website, those should help a bit. Consider going back to 5000 a day or more if that's what you were doing. It doesn't matter what you eat when you're that skinny, trust me. Just try to get 300 grams of protien a day and fill out the rest with whatever you can.
    Last edited by chrisAdams; 01-17-2004 at 05:32 PM.

  11. #11
    FalseProphet is offline New Member
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    No exaggeration at all. I can eat and eat and eat and eat and I won't gain weight. I can also eat much less than full 3 meals a day and see next to no weight loss (if I'm around my natural 155). So what do you know about diet now that can help me? I surely don't know everything I need to since I have such a hard time gaining.. I'm definetly open to suggestion. As for the hyperthyrodism, my brother is afflicted with this, and because if it I went to an endocronologist to get myself checked... I'm not hyperthyrodic thankfully.


    Quote Originally Posted by chrisAdams
    5'9 and 150. That was after 2 1/2 years of serious, but uneducated training. I graduated high school at 130.

    To be honest, if you were taking in 5 thousand a day, you would've gained some weight.. likely some muscle and at least some fat.

    The hallmark of the ecto is not low testosterone .. it's high levels of thyroid hormones. It also has to do with the fact that we have relatively underdeveloped digestive systems compared to a meso/endo. We have small joints/bones and difficulty gaining any type of weight.

    I worked **** hard to get to 150.. it was less than 7 lbs a year of muscle, in the prime of my life. If only i knew what i did now about diet i could've done it in a few months.

    This leads to my conclusion. I think you're exaggerating about the amount of food that you were eating. If you weren't, then i think that you have hyperthyroidism and should see an endocrineologist.

    Do you have fat in your diet? Your body needs it to grow just like it needs protien. Get some essential oil pills from a website, those should help a bit. Consider going back to 5000 a day or more if that's what you were doing. It doesn't matter what you eat when you're that skinny, trust me. Just try to get 300 grams of protien a day and fill out the rest with whatever you can.

  12. #12
    slowpokn is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteykauai
    well im planning to hit a cycle in feb.
    500mgs of test E a week
    400mgs EQ a week

    but ill be around 160+ naturally before i start.
    thats my exact cycle for the summer... keep me posted on your feb cycle results

  13. #13
    simplyjakked is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FalseProphet
    Alright, so there are some people in the same boat as me that have actually gotten big! That's really encouraging. Question for you Simplyjakked: Were you a hard gainer before you started cycling? I worked out for a bit over a year and a half solid before I did my first cycle, and put on about 4 or 5 lbs. I've always been able to make huge strength gains (ratio wise ), but had trouble putting on mass. Getting more psyched for my next cycle!!

    I started lifting in college and at first had a real hard time gaining mass. after awhile i just started eating everything in sight and when i thought i was full i would still eat another couple bites. just eat bro dont worry about staying too lean right now because with your fast metabolism you can burn off fat easy!

  14. #14
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplyjakked
    bro dont worry about staying too lean right now because with your fast metabolism you can burn off fat easy!
    That's the key, you've got to eat like a fatass.

    The thing that's been most important to me has been the addition of pre and post workout meals.

    My diet looks something like a slightly modified to my taste version of this one..

    I eat a large sweet potato along with my post workout meal to produce a larger insulin spike, and add 100 grams of dextrose to my shake as well. Before i go to bed i have another shake, 1 pt ben and jerrys ice cream with 25 grams of powdered protien in skim milk. That shake is not for everyone... as for most people eating 1500 calories immediately before bed will make you very fat very quickly.. but it works for me.

  15. #15
    johnsomebody's Avatar
    johnsomebody is offline Senior Member
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    Well, I was 155lbs at 6'5" in my early 20s so I know how you feel.

    I got up to 213 naturally and I'm glad I took my time getting there -ten years! I thought that was my natural limit them I started eating 6x/day and upped the protein to 1gr/lb and went up to 228 after a year or two naturally. I didn't do a cycle til I'd gotten there. I know I would never have gained any more naturally at that point.

    Oh, and I didn't start working out seriously til I was 30.

    Big Green did way better than me naturally and he's about my height. Check out his pics in Cycle Results.

  16. #16
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    johnsomebody is offline Senior Member
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    By the way, in my early 20's I thought eating was not worth the bother.

  17. #17
    crj900 is offline Banned
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    Hey whitey. Are you sponsored? You live in hawaii..ever surfed pipe?

  18. #18
    FalseProphet is offline New Member
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    Wow 228 that's nice. My "dream" weight is 220... long way to go This is obviously a newb question, but can you throw out a few examples of meat types/portions and how many grams of protein would be in it? Like a 8 oz steak would be X grams? Also do you try to grab most of your protein from meat, or do you have a lot of sources? Thanks for the inspiration...


    Quote Originally Posted by johnsomebody
    Well, I was 155lbs at 6'5" in my early 20s so I know how you feel.

    I got up to 213 naturally and I'm glad I took my time getting there -ten years! I thought that was my natural limit them I started eating 6x/day and upped the protein to 1gr/lb and went up to 228 after a year or two naturally. I didn't do a cycle til I'd gotten there. I know I would never have gained any more naturally at that point.

    Oh, and I didn't start working out seriously til I was 30.

    Big Green did way better than me naturally and he's about my height. Check out his pics in Cycle Results.

  19. #19
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    Well, eating 6x/day and getting at least 1gr/lb bodyweight is essential in my opinion. Getting below that held me back for years.

    Personally, I'm huge on skim milk and skim cottage cheese and I've been using a lot of whey isolate and calcium caseinate lately. I don't like a lot of red meat myself cuz of the sat fat. But I think personally you've got to go with what you like.

    It takes a while to learn how much protein is in what but you can do it over time, it's like anything else and it's def worth it.

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