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  1. #1
    k_kingston's Avatar
    k_kingston is offline Associate Member
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    injecting in vein or fat

    what would be the worst scenario or symptoms/effects of injecting 250 mg of test enan....
    1. into vein

    2. into fat instead of muscle

    please give answers to both. I realize the need for aspirating and having the correct length needle , but for the sake of arguement...???

  2. #2
    k_kingston's Avatar
    k_kingston is offline Associate Member
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    anyone...bueller, bueller

  3. #3
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Both,but vien could mean death

  4. #4
    k_kingston's Avatar
    k_kingston is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    Both,but vien could mean death
    please elaborate Bull

  5. #5
    simplyjakked is offline Member
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    1.vein you could die
    2. fat u just waste product

  6. #6
    Ben Lifton's Avatar
    Ben Lifton is offline Associate Member
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    ...about 5cc of just air into a vein (which is going to a lung to pick up O2 might be a bad scene... I agree into fat.... use a longer pin.

  7. #7
    LebaneseMuscle is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Lifton
    ...about 5cc of just air into a vein (which is going to a lung to pick up O2 might be a bad scene... I agree into fat.... use a longer pin.
    Really, i heard it was 3cc's.

  8. #8
    k_kingston's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Lifton
    ...about 5cc of just air into a vein (which is going to a lung to pick up O2 might be a bad scene... I agree into fat.... use a longer pin.
    Thanks for the reply, although i am not injecting air... Only 1 cc of test. I guess my real question is, is there anything in the test that would screw you up royally if administered directly into a vein by accident.

  9. #9
    monkeyjuice's Avatar
    monkeyjuice is offline Member
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    as long as your aspirate , you should not inject into a vein, if you did. Go to the hospital ASAP. As for injecting into fat, well you just wasted your test.

  10. #10
    LebaneseMuscle is offline Junior Member
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    royally as in the testes?

  11. #11
    bobbo23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplyjakked
    2. fat u just waste product
    Actually it isnt a waste. It will just take longer to be absorbed than if you injected into muscle.

  12. #12
    k_kingston's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LebaneseMuscle
    royally as in the testes?
    no not the sack. some things are extremely much more dangerous if injected inot a vein vs. IM. I'm talking like increased heart rate, nauseau, etc.....

  13. #13
    toolman is offline Banned
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    Injecting into a vein will result in caughing, taste in mouth, but not death.

    Injecting into fat will probably result into an abcess.

  14. #14
    k_kingston's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Injecting into a vein will result in caughing, taste in mouth, but not death.

    Injecting into fat will probably result into an abcess.
    Thanks toolman.. anyone else with opinions??

  15. #15
    ichabodcrane's Avatar
    ichabodcrane is offline Associate Member
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    Injecting into a vein could cause an oil embolus, which in worst case scenario could cause death. This is why you can sometimes "taste" the gear if you inject into a vein as it goes directly to the lungs and you taste it when you breathe. Usually not a big deal, but if the quantity is right, and the location is right, it could be bad. Just try and take the precautionary measures. I personally have never heard of someone dying from injecting AAS into the vein. What makes it so bad, is that the oil is not miscible with the blood and hence creates seperate layers of liquid. The oil could easily lodge into small capillaries and occlude them. If it were misicble with blood, it would not be such a big problem as it would just be carried away after O2 exchange. But still not a good idea. The fat part would pose no threat. Just a super long lasting depot that could take god knows how long to dissipate.

  16. #16
    omega 44 is offline New Member
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    From my expirience i have injested into a vien 3 times and guess what im still alive. I was injecting fina at the time, i made sure i aspirated, but i guess as i was doing my own shot, i must have moved the needle. (It was 1cc of fina) The result was

    1 cough attack (i could not stop coughing)
    2 a wird taste in my mouth
    3 felt like something was squeezing my lungs
    4 light headed

    The first time i hit a vien i went to the emergency room and the doctor said if i wasn't in a coma within 20 min then i should be fine.

  17. #17
    SaTyR's Avatar
    SaTyR is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Injecting into a vein will result in caughing, taste in mouth, but not death.

    Injecting into fat will probably result into an abcess.
    Toolman : If you inject 3cc of air or 1,5cc any oil substance right into a vein (not a bloodvessel) , you are dead . The tick oil cannot get tru your brain , after 30minutes you pass out and die within minutes . The symptons you describe has to do with calve injections . Just want to add if you want to inject and you do some research even some . There is almost no way you will inject into a vein maybe hit a nerve . Nerves are located inside the musccle , veins mostly outside the musccle . Except arteries, but not even even an idiot is gonna hit those . (sorry for the bad english )

  18. #18
    SaTyR's Avatar
    SaTyR is offline Member
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    I have a question for everyone who has indeed injected into a vein . How the hell did you know you injected into a vein ? Im not claiming you have not injected the vein , just curious how did you know ?

  19. #19
    SaTyR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ichabodcrane
    Injecting into a vein could cause an oil embolus, which in worst case scenario could cause death. This is why you can sometimes "taste" the gear if you inject into a vein as it goes directly to the lungs and you taste it when you breathe. Usually not a big deal, but if the quantity is right, and the location is right, it could be bad. Just try and take the precautionary measures. I personally have never heard of someone dying from injecting AAS into the vein. What makes it so bad, is that the oil is not miscible with the blood and hence creates seperate layers of liquid. The oil could easily lodge into small capillaries and occlude them. If it were misicble with blood, it would not be such a big problem as it would just be carried away after O2 exchange. But still not a good idea. The fat part would pose no threat. Just a super long lasting depot that could take god knows how long to dissipate.
    Coud not have said it better , but hey my vocabulary doesnt go so far

  20. #20
    toolman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaTyR
    Toolman : If you inject 3cc of air or 1,5cc any oil substance right into a vein (not a bloodvessel) , you are dead . The tick oil cannot get tru your brain , after 30minutes you pass out and die within minutes . The symptons you describe has to do with calve injections . Just want to add if you want to inject and you do some research even some . There is almost no way you will inject into a vein maybe hit a nerve . Nerves are located inside the musccle , veins mostly outside the musccle . Except arteries, but not even even an idiot is gonna hit those . (sorry for the bad english )
    Satyr, who said anything about air? You are wrong, 1.5cc of oil will not result in death. It is possible, but not likely. There are plenty on here who have made that mistake.

  21. #21
    fugi1 is offline Junior Member
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    you'd have to be a right idiot to inject that much air in to a vein, i don't know how that could be possible, unless you're trying to commit suicide

  22. #22
    k_kingston's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ichabodcrane
    Injecting into a vein could cause an oil embolus, which in worst case scenario could cause death. This is why you can sometimes "taste" the gear if you inject into a vein as it goes directly to the lungs and you taste it when you breathe. Usually not a big deal, but if the quantity is right, and the location is right, it could be bad. Just try and take the precautionary measures. I personally have never heard of someone dying from injecting AAS into the vein. What makes it so bad, is that the oil is not miscible with the blood and hence creates seperate layers of liquid. The oil could easily lodge into small capillaries and occlude them. If it were misicble with blood, it would not be such a big problem as it would just be carried away after O2 exchange. But still not a good idea. The fat part would pose no threat. Just a super long lasting depot that could take god knows how long to dissipate.
    thanks ichabode and all others, that was very informative...

  23. #23
    SaTyR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Satyr, who said anything about air? You are wrong, 1.5cc of oil will not result in death. It is possible, but not likely. There are plenty on here who have made that mistake.
    Toolman im not coming down on you or anything but , I asked " how did you know you injected into a vein ?" Because im sure you didnt. I was just giving an example or how much air should be injected before dead . Im also sure if you do inject any kind of substance that is thicker than blood right into a vein you are surely dead . Most people inject , see alot of blood after pulling the needle out and are sure they have injected into a vein . I respect what you think about this thread but im sure if you inject wrong with the right amount you are dead .
    Last edited by SaTyR; 01-20-2004 at 03:30 PM.

  24. #24
    toolman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaTyR
    Toolman im not coming down on you or anything but , I asked " how did you know you injected into a vein ?" Because im sure you didnt. I was just giving an example or how much air should be injected before dead . Im also sure if you do inject any kind of substance that is thicker than blood right into a vein you are surely dead . Most people inject , see alot of blood after pulling the needle out and are sure they have injected into a vein . I respect what you think about this thread but im sure if you inject wrong with the right amount you are dead .
    It has never happened to me Satyr. I always aspirate and am extremely careful not to change the depth. I, like you, thought it would result in death but alot of vets and mods on here, as well as one of the medical advisors explained that death is highly unlikely.

  25. #25
    reversedj is offline New Member
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    Satyr, It has happened to me and the symptoms were exactly as Omega 44 described, the reason i know it was in a vein was because i re-aspirated mid way through the injection just for good measure and the needle filled with blood and the symptoms followed shortly after.

  26. #26
    floyd_turbo's Avatar
    floyd_turbo is offline Member
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    u know bro, ichabodcrane and omega gave u some good info... the point isnt how much can kill you bro but rather prevention.... aspirate

  27. #27
    groverman1's Avatar
    groverman1 is offline Cross Dressing Member
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    Kingston your a medic right, in a vein it could lead to embolism and in the fat it could possibly develop into an absess, it is a small possibility, it usual will absorb though.

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