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  1. #1
    Jotlum is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Question Is my friend genetically screwed?

    Sup guys, somewhat of a bizarre question that has me and everyone I know stumped. I've never needed to post here since all my questions have been answered in previous posts. In any event, I'm befuddled by what's going on with my workout partner. With the invaluable information on this site and educated users I figured I'd throw this out and get some input. Brief explanation of what his current problems are and steps taken to rectify them will follow:

    My friend's current stats are: 27 years old 6'4" 155 lbs. He's always had a tough time gaining weight, but over the past 3 years he's tried a variety of things and has little to nothing to show for it. First he tried the standard weight gainers, high calorie, high protein diet and bulk lifting routine. He would eat 6 meals a day and if memory serves he was consuming about 6,500 calories a day. After a year he gained a total of 2 lbs. He tried some prohormones for about 6 months along with his previously mentioned diet and bulking lifting routine and gained absolutely nothing. In fact, the only results he got were significant loss of hair and sick looking acne. I suggested he try a beginners cycle which he did. First cycle lasting 8 weeks of 500 mgs of Deca -Durobolin and 4 weeks of 250 mgs of Sustanon . He even bumped up his diet to 7,000 + calories and hit the weights with a ferocity I haven't seen before. He jumped on the scales after 4 weeks and gained 0 lbs. He jumped on again after the cycle and still had zero gains (the stuff he was talking was shared by another individual who received nice gains so the gear was legit). He waited 3 months and one of the other guys at the gym gave him an Adro cycle (I'm not sure what it consisted of exactly) and after the cycle he gained nothing. Now he's 6 weeks into a Finiplix cycle and has gained 1 lbs.

    Honestly, I'm out of ideas for him and each day passing he's becoming exceedingly angry about all this. It truely sucks because despite his lack of gains, he's an excellent work out part, and I'm sure you guys know they aren't easy to find. Any ideas, suggestions, advice is appreciated.

  2. #2
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    over active thyroid maybe? he get it checked out? its hard 2 belive he eatin all that and can hardly put on size

  3. #3
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    i dont get it why pump your self full of gear eat like a maddog bearly gain a pound and not see a doc. somthin is really fcuked up here. an genes int got nuttin 2 do with it

  4. #4
    DF2003's Avatar
    DF2003 is offline Banned Boofus
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    im befuddled!

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