I Plan on starting my second cycle soon I still have not decided which route to take on the oral side dbol or a-bombs. I'M 73" 210 14 % BF. I'll be running sust 250 750 mgs a week 3 x a week for 10 weeks I planned on stacking my dbol in this order

week 1/45 mgs daily
week 2/50 mgs daily
week 3/60 mgs daily
week 4/60 mgs daily

Then Iplan on running the rest of my cycle pct and nolva on hand. Is that way too much dbol. This is my second cycle. The first cycle I got all the way up to 60 mgs of dbol and was not very impressed. and I know my source was legit. However I was having some problems and my diet was not good my work out routine went from great to fair. now my routine is rock hard my diet in perfect order. Do you guys think thats why the dbol effect was not that great. I don't lift for competition just want to be uge!