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Thread: thigh injection

  1. #1
    heavydchamp is offline Junior Member
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    thigh injection

    on i notice that some series inject into a relaxed thigh and others into a flexed thigh. i have never injected into my thigh, nor have i ever injected myself, is the thigh a good way to go?

  2. #2
    NissanRider240 is offline Junior Member
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    Very easy, my favorite because it is easy to reach and control the syringe. For me it is the least painful as far as being sore the next day. I would relax the muscle when you inject. Good Luck

  3. #3
    heavydchamp is offline Junior Member
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    how far past the knee do u inject, about half way up the thigh? i cant tell in the pictures

  4. #4
    heavydchamp is offline Junior Member
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    oh yeah, r there ne key areas to avoid?

  5. #5
    NissanRider240 is offline Junior Member
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    Yea its about halfway, flex and look for the thick part of the muscle and inject there. I heard if u go too low it can get pretty sore. Too high and you might get into some nerves.

  6. #6
    sin's Avatar
    sin is offline Senior Member
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    aim for where your thumb sits on your thigh when relaxed, thats a pretty good rule of thumb.

  7. #7
    alpineslide's Avatar
    alpineslide is offline Junior Member
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    Don't ever shoot into a flexed will most likely add to scar tissue build-up

  8. #8
    magicstick2003's Avatar
    magicstick2003 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I've heard that if you put you right/left (whatever side quad you use use that hand) thumb on your hip (and extend your fingers) then put your other hand on your knee (so that pinkie is on the knee, then extand those fingers) then you want to go in the area between your thumb and pinkie....on me its like a 2 inch gap between them... i've never tried it this way but i think i might when i do it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Rhelm of Disarray
    I almost don't want to comment on this.
    I'll go 20 injections with NO Problem, then the second I tell someone how it's so EZ, that I almost do them all there, I get 2 sore as hell ones in a row. But it's still my favorite spot for sure.
    A lot of the pain revolves around the Gear itself. My beloved Shanghai bites me pretty good...(just like Mex Gear), but I grow so well on it I put up with it.
    Schering, Upjohn, even Galenika's...nothin'.
    I like 'em High/Side myself...low/front seems to net me more problems than other areas of the Thigh (although High/Front isn't bad either)....but that's just me, I've heard exactly the opposite from other guys that have no real reason to lie about it, so I suggest trying different areas to see what works best for you.

  10. #10
    BLACKZILLA's Avatar
    BLACKZILLA is offline Associate Member
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    I just did one....might be sore tomorrow but I love the added control you have over the whole situation as well as the fact that i can sit, relax, and enjoy....

  11. #11
    Swellin Guest
    To add to what has already been said......the femoral artery is on the inside of your thigh...I'd stay away from injecting there...but that's just me.

    I go about 3/5 of the way up the thigh on the outer top side. If doing the right side, I put that foot on the edge of the bathtub/chair/toilet and lean forward...this relaxes and stretches the quad.

  12. #12
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  13. #13
    Bevo's Avatar
    Bevo is offline Junior Member
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    i follow a good idea a iread on here a while back...act like you're putting a thumb in your place to inject is at the end of your middle finger if you let your hand fall down your leg...

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by swellin
    To add to what has already been said......the femoral artery is on the inside of your thigh...I'd stay away from injecting there...but that's just me.

    I go about 3/5 of the way up the thigh on the outer top side. If doing the right side, I put that foot on the edge of the bathtub/chair/toilet and lean forward...this relaxes and stretches the quad.
    Ya know, I don't think I have one?
    Seriously, I've heard that's a no no, but man I've done a truck load, and I can't hit it.
    Oh..Note: I use 1" 22's for the Side of the Quad though, not 1 1/2" that may have something to do with my success?

  15. #15
    LuvMuhRoids's Avatar
    LuvMuhRoids is offline Anabolic Member
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    I've always relaxed.

  16. #16
    Agent Smith's Avatar
    Agent Smith is offline 'The Cleaner'
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    i prefer my shoulders but that's me. legs are my second favourite. i put my thumb on my hip stretch my hand out and where my index finger is i go 2 inchs below that, from there i look at my leg from a 90 degree angle and shot at 45 degrees. i prefer my right leg more to many nerves in the left. i did a left leg shot the other day and hit a nerve, i hate that hurts like hell. doesn't happen to often.


  17. #17
    panabolic's Avatar
    panabolic is offline Associate Member
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    If your going to inject in the thigh I was taught the good rule of thumb is to stand up put the base of your hand at your hip bone (fermur), with your fingers pointing down, stretching your hand down your thigh, go right below your middle finger this would be the injection target. I would probably use 1" (unless you have monster wheels ) I used 1.5" before and seemed a little deep. I actually prefer the glutes way more, use a 1.5" and poke away. Use a target area of up and to the right (if using right side) best way is this, imagine you are drawing a line to divide your right cheek into four equal sections - 4 quarters then use the top right side as your target area. do a search on google, I seen some good diagrams before. Best

  18. #18
    ChefJ's Avatar
    ChefJ is offline Senior Member
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    DO NOT inject test prop in the thigh or quad!! It will hurt like hell for at least three days. I have 30" upper legs and it was still sore although size doesn't matter. I injected QV test prop and it felt like the pain was slowly moving down the leg for about three days. Just my $.02

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChefJ
    DO NOT inject test prop in the thigh or quad!! It will hurt like hell for at least three days. I have 30" upper legs and it was still sore although size doesn't matter. I injected QV test prop and it felt like the pain was slowly moving down the leg for about three days. Just my $.02
    lol...true, I've been Prop/Tren 'n it for about 2 weeks now,(Well, tren 9 weeks) almost all Quad..and yeah..Ouch..hehe.
    But I'm almost done, and I'm mixing that with my HCG (Yes oil and water!) and it's not too bad that way, but walking is still tough.
    And the moving down the leg thing is actually fairly common, I've had it afew times. When you shoot "through" a vein, not necessarily into a Vein (So you really don't see any Blood when aspirating) and you get some "loose" Blood hemoraging in the area...THAT's when you get the mean "Traveling Pain" thing goin' on...that's far worse than the soreness from the gear IMO.

  20. #20
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    I pray for some pain!

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