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  1. #1
    Eddie8's Avatar
    Eddie8 is offline Associate Member
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    How much test do we produce per week naturaly

    Does any one know how much test the average male produces per week in terms that compare to taking AAS? In other words do we produce 100mg, 200mg and so on per week? I know that this differs with age so how about a male age 30, 40 and 50. Also do you need to take more test as you age on your cycles in order to make up for the drop in natural levels or do natural level not matter since test or other AAS shut you down leaving only the synthetic test or equivalent in your blood?

  2. #2
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    i have read that it is around 250mg give or take depending on the individual.

    you might never have to up your dosages if you cycle smartly.

    interestingly enough, a 45 year old taking 500mg of test EW will benefit more than a 25 year old because of the body's own tendency to stop producing as we age. granted, you probably won't gain 25lbs of mass at that age, however the benefits it provides to someone in that age range is fantastic.

    consistent erections, sexual arousal, and less fatigue will make someone of that age feel like they are in their 20s again.

    because it has such a dramatic impact on someone of this age, post cycle therapy is crucial to avaoiding permanent shutdown.

  3. #3
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    someone please correct me if i'm wrong.

  4. #4
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    Hrt.... is usually started at 100mg/wk..... but that is a supplement to your lowered test levels...

    at 44......... 500mg/wk...... i put on 18 that i kept

    but i'm a freak... 218 5'9" ..... i think i can still go to 230 easily... and will this fall..

    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    i have read that it is around 250mg give or take depending on the individual.

    you might never have to up your dosages if you cycle smartly.

    interestingly enough, a 45 year old taking 500mg of test EW will benefit more than a 25 year old because of the body's own tendency to stop producing as we age. granted, you probably won't gain 25lbs of mass at that age, however the benefits it provides to someone in that age range is fantastic.

    consistent erections, sexual arousal, and less fatigue will make someone of that age feel like they are in their 20s again.

    because it has such a dramatic impact on someone of this age, post cycle therapy is crucial to avaoiding permanent shutdown.
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  5. #5
    Mallet's Avatar
    Mallet is offline Anabolic Member
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    the average male from 21 on produces between 5-7mg / day a little higher for exercising athletes...7-10mg/day

  6. #6
    usualsuspect's Avatar
    usualsuspect is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yeah around 70mgs a week like Mallet said.

  7. #7
    usualsuspect's Avatar
    usualsuspect is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    but i'm a freak... 218 5'9" ..... i think i can still go to 230 easily... and will this fall..
    Sounds like it haha...j/p If you believe that than thats all that really matters. Thought it was fiunny though hearing someone call themselves a freak when we have 250lb ripped guys on the board. NOthing wrong with thinking BIG of course...Peace


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    You also have to take into account SHBG, which binds testosterone to render it unavailable to ARs. As you get older, your levels of SHBG increase AND your teast production/day decreases. So, it's your ratio of test:SHBG that's really important...aka free test. When you take in exogenous test (AAS), your SHBG levels will increase in response to supraphysiological test levels, but SHBG levels won't get nearly high enough to give you the same kind of SHBG:test ratios you have down at normal physiological levels of test. So, you'll have a much greater percentage of free test.

  9. #9
    Spyder Guest
    hmm, interesting!

  10. #10
    Eddie8's Avatar
    Eddie8 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    You also have to take into account SHBG, which binds testosterone to render it unavailable to ARs. As you get older, your levels of SHBG increase AND your teast production/day decreases. So, it's your ratio of test:SHBG that's really important...aka free test. When you take in exogenous test (AAS), your SHBG levels will increase in response to supraphysiological test levels, but SHBG levels won't get nearly high enough to give you the same kind of SHBG:test ratios you have down at normal physiological levels of test. So, you'll have a much greater percentage of free test.
    So would you say that an older person might need to take a little more exogenous test to overcome the naturally increasing SHBG levels? Is there anything we can take to decrease our SHBG levels specifically or is it a non issue when on AAS?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie8
    So would you say that an older person might need to take a little more exogenous test to overcome the naturally increasing SHBG levels? Is there anything we can take to decrease our SHBG levels specifically or is it a non issue when on AAS?
    You could look at it that way...that an older person may need to take more to offset the increased SHBG levels, but I'd say, with the amounts of exogenous test we take in, those levels are negligible compared to those induced in response to the exogenous test itself. I'm not aware of anything available to reduce SHBG levels other than laying off the juice for a while. People who stay on test for very long times and sometimes bridge with lower, yet still supraphysiological, levels of test still see gains. This tells me that the SHBG levels, although they rise in response to more test, they become negligible as test levels get higher (via AAS).

    I just brought up SHBG because your original question was regarding natural test production with age.

  12. #12
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    Winstrol is supposed to reduce SHBG significantly

  13. #13
    stengun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mallet
    the average male from 21 on produces between 5-7mg / day a little higher for exercising athletes...7-10mg/day
    Most lond distance runners take meds to increase test production because strenous exerice reduce test production.


  14. #14
    stengun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SGFuryZ
    Yeah, but 218 @ 5'9" is pretty big. I'm 245, but I'm 6'0". You've gotta scale it down proportionately. Look how little Lee Priest weighs, but @ 5'4", he's a MONSTER...
    I met Rick Gaspari back when he was a Mr. Olympa contender. I thought it would be funny to see if I could "curl" him by grabbing his elbows. I almost made a complete curl/lift until he started moving around too much. Hell, he was a top contender for Mr.Olympa that year and I bet he didn't weigh 140lbs! He's really short too at only about 5' 3". Most of the women there where taller than him! With jeans and a lt. weight jacket, he looked like a real runt!


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