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Thread: winny, Var, T-3

  1. #1
    Shortyrock13's Avatar
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    winny, Var, T-3

    Thinking of running a 5 weeker of the following.

    1-5 var 30mg ed
    1-5 T-3 cycle according to cycleon's model
    1-5 winny 50mg eod.

    has anyone done anything similar?

    right now Im about 185 around 12% I'd say. I'm 5'6".

    I know alot of folks are gonna say 'but u need test'... well as cool as test is to be on, I f'ing hate coming off of that. I hate going from super hi test lvls to super low. Besides I have some of that PNP liquid cialis so im not too worried. I also hate clomid and if I can get my hands on some legit primo I was thinking of doing the following instead.

    1-5 primo 200mg
    1-5 var 30mg ed
    1-5 T-3 up and then down.

    Im just looking to maintain muscle while cutting up some more and harden up my appearence a bit.

    Also I mix up my training throught the year. I'll train like a BB'er for a few months and then train like an athlete for about a month and a half to keep everything tied in and sharp.

    Thoughts? Similar experiences?

  2. #2
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shortyrock13
    Thinking of running a 5 weeker of the following.

    1-5 var 30mg ed
    1-5 T-3 cycle according to cycleon's model
    1-5 winny 50mg eod.

    has anyone done anything similar?

    right now Im about 185 around 12% I'd say. I'm 5'6".

    I know alot of folks are gonna say 'but u need test'... well as cool as test is to be on, I f'ing hate coming off of that. I hate going from super hi test lvls to super low. Besides I have some of that PNP liquid cialis so im not too worried. I also hate clomid and if I can get my hands on some legit primo I was thinking of doing the following instead.

    1-5 primo 200mg
    1-5 var 30mg ed
    1-5 T-3 up and then down.

    Im just looking to maintain muscle while cutting up some more and harden up my appearence a bit.

    Also I mix up my training throught the year. I'll train like a BB'er for a few months and then train like an athlete for about a month and a half to keep everything tied in and sharp.

    Thoughts? Similar experiences?
    imo don't think you will be very happy with that cycle bro
    1. i won't run var at anything less than 50mg/ed
    2. t3 run correctly, but would never take chances on it without test
    3. 50mg win eod not gonna cut it, 50mg/ed much better option
    adding prop at 50mg/ed(which is'nt much) weeks 1-8 and moving win to weeks 4-8 imo a much better option

  3. #3
    Shortyrock13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asymmetrical1
    imo don't think you will be very happy with that cycle bro
    1. i won't run var at anything less than 50mg/ed
    2. t3 run correctly, but would never take chances on it without test
    3. 50mg win eod not gonna cut it, 50mg/ed much better option
    adding prop at 50mg/ed(which is'nt much) weeks 1-8 and moving win to weeks 4-8 imo a much better option

    well Johnny B posted medical studies showing how I believe 15mg of var a day promotes positive protien synthesis. The only reason I question higher doses is because I did my first cycle of dbol 30mg ed wk 1-4, and test e- 275-300mg wk for 10 wks. Alot of bro's were like u need at least 400- 500mg of test or U'll be unhappy. Well either Im ultra sensitive to some gear or I work harder cause I went from 170- 194... now im 185. I know people who didn't have virgin receptors and did 50mg eod of winny only and they got results. Test means I bloat... and I am sensitve to bloating, because if I don't overdo the anti-e's I puff up like a blow fish.... sushi anyone?

  4. #4
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shortyrock13
    well Johnny B posted medical studies showing how I believe 15mg of var a day promotes positive protien synthesis. The only reason I question higher doses is because I did my first cycle of dbol 30mg ed wk 1-4, and test e- 275-300mg wk for 10 wks. Alot of bro's were like u need at least 400- 500mg of test or U'll be unhappy. Well either Im ultra sensitive to some gear or I work harder cause I went from 170- 194... now im 185. I know people who didn't have virgin receptors and did 50mg eod of winny only and they got results. Test means I bloat... and I am sensitve to bloating, because if I don't overdo the anti-e's I puff up like a blow fish.... sushi anyone?
    not bashin small doses at all bro...if they work for you, that is outstanding...
    and like you say everyone is different....when i pay the $$ for var, I'm gonna get all i can out of it....i've run 40mg/ed and seen no results and i was a pissd off german....
    bro, if you run 50mg prop/ed + 10mg nolv + .25ml l-dex and you bloat on that, i'll buy your cycle for you

  5. #5
    Shortyrock13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asymmetrical1
    not bashin small doses at all bro...if they work for you, that is outstanding...
    and like you say everyone is different....when i pay the $$ for var, I'm gonna get all i can out of it....i've run 40mg/ed and seen no results and i was a pissd off german....
    bro, if you run 50mg prop/ed + 10mg nolv + .25ml l-dex and you bloat on that, i'll buy your cycle for you
    yah, I hear you. I'd be pissed too if I didn't get any results, but I just think that I can do it with the winny or primo if I can get the real deal. Id love to do the prop, and could honestly even suck up a little bloat. I love being on test... I wish I could stay on all the time as even w/ low doses I feel awesome and extra confident, not cocky or tough guy, but just really good about myself. As much as I like it I hate hate hate coming off test... as you might notice with my post in the recent thread regarding clomid.

  6. #6
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shortyrock13
    yah, I hear you. I'd be pissed too if I didn't get any results, but I just think that I can do it with the winny or primo if I can get the real deal. Id love to do the prop, and could honestly even suck up a little bloat. I love being on test... I wish I could stay on all the time as even w/ low doses I feel awesome and extra confident, not cocky or tough guy, but just really good about myself. As much as I like it I hate hate hate coming off test... as you might notice with my post in the recent thread regarding clomid.
    good luck with whatever you decide bro, and let us know how it turns out

  7. #7
    usualsuspect's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shortyrock13
    Im just looking to maintain muscle while cutting up some more and harden up my appearence a bit.
    Prop and var to maintain and cardio to burn fat.

    Low dose them both for a cheap, effective, and low side cutting cycle.

  8. #8
    Mallet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asymmetrical1
    imo don't think you will be very happy with that cycle bro
    1. i won't run var at anything less than 50mg/ed
    2. t3 run correctly, but would never take chances on it without test
    3. 50mg win eod not gonna cut it, 50mg/ed much better option
    adding prop at 50mg/ed(which is'nt much) weeks 1-8 and moving win to weeks 4-8 imo a much better option
    I like this suggestion!

  9. #9
    lxorl's Avatar
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    5 weeks is a waste... 50mg/eod of winny is a waste.... 50/ed is almost too low. Next time i run winny it will be 100ED

    never used var so i cant really comment on it.

  10. #10
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
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    Shorty, have you looked into masteron ? Why do you want to use winny?
    What about masteron and var together?

  11. #11
    Shortyrock13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
    Shorty, have you looked into masteron ? Why do you want to use winny?
    What about masteron and var together?

    Im pretty sure I can't get masteron but the thought def. crossed my mind and honestly I don't know that much about it other than pro bb'ers use it during contest prep and it hardens you nicely... I don't really want to use winny per se, but I'm looking for very little if any size gain with this cycle and winny is readily available. I'm 5'6" and at 194 I just started to look rediculous( for my first cycle anyway I topped out after about 6 wks so it was a quick gain). I've cut down about 10 lbs now and am starting to look more how I want to look. I know so much of a cycle is diet and training, but with test it seems like its hard to not just slab on raw meat. Now that I've seen the SL primo tests I might buck up for some of that and run like 200mg wk w/ 30-40mg ed of var along with the t-3. There is the joint thing with winny also.

    keep em coming.

  12. #12
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
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    I have a feeling that you would like masteron . I have a friend that used winny with cyp, and masteron and cyp and he like the masteron better. So I was going to do a var, and clen only cycle, but I might look into adding masteron in the mix....

  13. #13
    50%Natural's Avatar
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    I don't see what is wrong with an 8 week prop cycle. 50mg ed? That is a good dose. You'd probably gain 10 solid keepable pounds at the very least. No bloat, from the weight so it would be solid muscle if you had a clean diet. That would be a lot cheaper too. I recently put my friend on that dose and he gained 10 pounds, I can't comment about his diet or lifting but he was please and it only cost 100 bucks

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