I'm 39 yrs old, 204 lbs., and in good health. I would like to start a mild 6 week cycle of Nadrolone Decaonate. It was suggested I start with only 100 mg. per week just to see how I feel. I am not looking for anything resembling body builder proportions; I just want to get a little bigger so I can get some good internet pictures (I'm half joking and half not). Is 100 mg enough to get started for some growth or should I at least be doing 200 mg.? Please note that I already take 1.25 cc of delatestryl testosterone every two weeks for my low testosterone level. I would greatly appreciate some advice.

Lastly, how many mg. is in a 2ml. bottle? None of the threads seem to deliver accurate answers on this; just a lot of guessing.

Thanks for any help offered.