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  1. #1
    liondawg2003 is offline New Member
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    Can Deca Dick Be Avoided By.........

    Can you avoid deca dick by stacking it with any otc test??? will any pro hormone boost your test high enough to not worry about deca dick???

  2. #2
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    no... deca is so much stronger then OTC stuff it will just mask the small affects it has... why dont you want to run real test!?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by liondawg2003
    Can you avoid deca dick by stacking it with any otc test??? will any pro hormone boost your test high enough to not worry about deca dick???
    If Mr. death hadn't posted the study he did a few posts down, I'd have said the right amount of test would almost surely offset the potential for deca gyno. The study he posted may not be relevant to manboobs though, as it was all endometrial tissue. Pretty much everything you'd be safe taking to combat deca gyno would be indirect prophylaxis. You'd take stuff to inhibit prolactin. Mifepristone blocks progesterone receptors and should prevent nandralone from binding them, but it's some tough stuff that's probably not worth taking no matter what.

    Take some real test with your deca. take B6 throughout if you're worried. Maybe Pheedno can chime in with more. he may know of something to directly block progesterone receptors that is milder. He knows this stuff like none other.
    Last edited by einstein1905; 03-06-2004 at 01:12 AM.

  4. #4
    liondawg2003 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2004
    thanks for the reply but i am a 1st tymer and didn't understand some of the there any otc test that could help combat deca dick....i realize that it would be no where near as good as a real test but do you think something like 1-ad or 19-nor could help??...will proviron help???

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by liondawg2003
    thanks for the reply but i am a 1st tymer and didn't understand some of the there any otc test that could help combat deca dick....i realize that it would be no where near as good as a real test but do you think something like 1-ad or 19-nor could help??...will proviron help???
    I could go into 5 pargraphs on why Prohormones suck, and how they won't offset Deca Dick should you be prone to it, but in short, the answer is NO.

    Proviron will help, and there is always Cialas and Viagra.
    But what I don't get is why in the world are you asking? I mean you'll spend just as much on Proviron/Cialas etc etc as you would on the I don't understand, why not just do the dang Test? Then no Deca dick, and FAR better results?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSevnthWarrior
    I could go into 5 pargraphs on why Prohormones suck, and how they won't offset Deca Dick should you be prone to it, but in short, the answer is NO.

    Proviron will help, and there is always Cialas and Viagra.
    But what I don't get is why in the world are you asking? I mean you'll spend just as much on Proviron/Cialas etc etc as you would on the I don't understand, why not just do the dang Test? Then no Deca dick, and FAR better results?
    I just replied to his PM with the same thing. Just use real test.

  7. #7
    palequail's Avatar
    palequail is offline Banned
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    Ok buddy..Don't get mad but LISTEN!!! Everyone is telling you how it is and there is no way around way I tell you...take testosterone with your deca !!!!!! If you don't do that then don't bother taking it plain and simple....What you are asking us is like saying "can I build muscles without lifting weights and eating??" .....seriously just take our advice and buy some Test and you will be on the road you want to be on....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Take the Test! I almost did a deca only first cycle because I was afraid of the 'side effects' of Test. I'm almost half way through my cycle of Test and I don't have any sides (maybe a little bloating, but thats my fault for not taking anything for it). Now my problem is I don't really want to cycle off the stuff like I'm suppose to. Its that good!!!!!

  9. #9
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    It's your first time, use test alone bro. Your looking at deca so you must be wanting mass and strength. Well, test is your choice.

    As far as progesterone concerns, I could only see it being a concern without test. Nandrolone reduces to DHN, which fits to the PR, but is much weaker than progesterone. You'd have a mild possiblity to agonize the PRL with a test addition, but B6 can keep that under control. In any case, test alone is suffecient for a first cycle.
    Without test you have the possiblity to run into quite a few more negative factors than "deca dick"
    Immune defeciency
    Supressed appetite
    Erectile dysfunction which will most likely continue past PCT

    Test alone is your best bet, not only for the gains your looking for, but it's also the optimum choice with the consideration to side effects. It is the body's natural hormone after all

    250mg Enan E4D for 10wks

    20mg Nolva ED for estrogenic sides

    Once you start adding other compounds in later cycles(especially other androgen additions), an L-dex/Nolva combination is in order

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