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  1. #1
    realgains's Avatar
    realgains is offline New Member
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    Question H C G- proper use of for recovery

    As most of you already know H C G can be used to keep the testes full so that recovery is better and quicker.

    Bill llewellyn says to use H C G starting on the first day of clomid at 3000iu's and then again on the 6th day at the same dose followed by 1500iu's on day 11 and 1500 on day 16. He says that this will "shock" the testes into production, and help them repond to LH.

    Bill Roberts says this is wrong and that H C G use should be limited to the cycle itself, and that if used post cycle it will result in increased androgen levels and inhibition of LH, with a longer recovery as a result. He recommends H C G be used throughout the cycle, if you can aford it, at doses that do not desensitize(500 iu's per day or every other day) If money and availablility is an issue then it could be used with good results for the last few weeks of a cycle.

    Which of these men are correct. They both say that H C G use will result in full testicals that respond quicker to LH post cycle but the methodology is quite different. WHO IS CORRECT?

  2. #2
    jmiro is offline Associate Member
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    Im taking it 500ius ed for ten days right before my cycle ends. by the way how do you mix the stuff. I have two amps of it a white powder and a liquid totaling 10,000ius how should I divide it up

  3. #3
    realgains's Avatar
    realgains is offline New Member
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    I don't know bro cause I have yet to use it, but I think you just mix the liquid(porbably sterile water) with the powder(H C G) and keep it in a cool dark place and it will keep for quite some time.

  4. #4
    testonon250 is offline Banned
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    Bill llewellyn ??? this guy a qualified phisycian?

    is a doctor? how does he know thats the dosages? and are they correct??

    who is Bill llewellyn !!!!! hehehe..... please!

  5. #5
    testonon250 is offline Banned
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    by the way i use GONAKOR HCG 10ml bottle 2,500iu... per ml........

    thats a total of 25,000iu... cost me only $123pesos..

    pretty cheap..........if you ask me........

  6. #6
    ptbyjason Guest
    Originally posted by testonon250
    Bill llewellyn ??? this guy a qualified phisycian?

    is a doctor? how does he know thats the dosages? and are they correct??

    who is Bill llewellyn !!!!! hehehe..... please!
    Don't bash members bro. he wrote anabolics 2000 and 2002 and knows his stuff.

    Hey realgains just ask him. He comes on here occassionally.

  7. #7
    realgains's Avatar
    realgains is offline New Member
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    Bro I have asked him and Bill Roberts ...thats how I got the above info. I was just wondering who is correct.

  8. #8
    ptbyjason Guest
    Originally posted by realgains
    Bro I have asked him and Bill Roberts ...thats how I got the above info. I was just wondering who is correct.

    oh sorry bro, props to you for asking them. I don't have the answer though, sorry.

  9. #9
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    I personally have used HCG while ON cycle to bring the boys back. It worked just fine, but I will not be using it post cycle. Just clomid and arimidex .

  10. #10
    testonon250 is offline Banned
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    Originally posted by ptbyjason

    Don't bash members bro. he wrote anabolics 2000 and 2002 and knows his stuff.

    Hey realgains just ask him. He comes on here occassionally.

    i'm not bashing a member!!!!!!!!!!

    is Bill llewellyn a qualified physicial to give such advise!!

    well is or not?????????

  11. #11
    ptbyjason Guest
    Originally posted by testonon250
    i'm not bashing a member!!!!!!!!!!

    Originally posted by testonon250
    who is Bill llewellyn !!!!! hehehe..... please!

    I will let him defend himself when he signs on next time.

  12. #12
    IwillGrow!'s Avatar
    IwillGrow! is offline Junior Member
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    I think Mr llewellyn is right. The proper use of human choronic gonadotropin is by combining it with clomid, but the dosage depends on what aas have been used in the cycle.Generally 3000iu day 1st of clomid, 3000 day 6th, 1500 day 11 & 16, will do the job pretty well.When running hcg during the cycle will trend to minimize the gains from the aas, and we dont want that, dont we?

  13. #13
    w_llewellyn is offline New Member
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    Bill R. and I both agree that HCG is needed for proper recovery, we just disagree on when and how.

    His recommendation is to use small amounts every day or two throughout, so as to avoid testicular atrophy. In theory there is nothing wrong with this, however there are potential issues with HCG desensitizing the testes to LH over time and using the small doses he recommends. Its clearly a pain in the ass to break up a 2500IU amp into 5 small 500iu injections.

    I opt to wait until the end of the cycle to be safe. The last thing we want to do is desensitize the testes by overusing HCG, and I fear it is just to difficult to maintain testicular mass throughout the whole cycle, which for a lot of guys mind you can be many months long, without this occurring. I'd rather be safe and only use it for three weeks at the end (with and followed by three weeks Nolvadex or Clomid), starting when there is still exogenous androgen in the body.

    One thing is for sure: LH levels rise post cycle quickly, and T levels much more slowly because of testicular atrophy (they can't respond sufficiently to LH). HCG is the best way to deal with it as it can provide a bolus level of stimulation, while anti-estrogens alone merely support heightened LH release.

    I think that sums it up. And no, I am not a physician.

    - Bill Llewellyn

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