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  1. #1
    Dragonis's Avatar
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    Dianabol spread/dosage question

    I've done some searching on here off and on for the last few days on this subject and can't seem to find any answers. And seeing how I start tommorow I thought I'd better ask now

    I just started my first cycle tonight...

    wk 1-10 500mg Omnadren
    wk 1-10 30 mg Dianabol

    with the proper dosage of clomid after and nova on hand.

    I have the 10 mg. pills of d-ball, should I take one in the morning before workout, one mid-day, and one evening?

    Or should I take 2 in the morning and then the other later or what?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    animal-inside's Avatar
    animal-inside is offline Senior Member
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    with dbol just take then 1 at a time venly spread out.. try not to take the last one too late at night or u might have soem sleep problems...

    if i were you i would run 10 mg nolva a day.. to check bloat and blood pressure down.. and avoid boobies.. if ur nips get itchy or sore up the dose to 60mg a day till symptoms go away..then go 20 mg a day till end of the cycle

    start 3 weeks after last omna shot
    1st day-300 mg
    2-11 days- 100 mg
    11-?- 50 a day... (50 a day till u run out of pills.. or another 2 weeks)
    Last edited by animal-inside; 03-07-2004 at 11:32 PM.

  3. #3
    Jackt23's Avatar
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    I've done some searching on here off and on for the last few days on this subject and can't seem to find any answers. And seeing how I start tommorow I thought I'd better ask now

    I just started my first cycle tonight...

    wk 1-10 500mg Omnadren
    wk 1-10 30 mg Dianabol

    bro if u did your research like u said u would know not to run more then 6 weeks of dbol , if not like 4 or you have any detox for the dbol, they are harsh on the liver, as for when to take them i dont think it matters, i didnt see any difference when i took them but i could be wrong....

  4. #4
    animal-inside's Avatar
    animal-inside is offline Senior Member
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    jact!! I missed the 10 weeks of dbol ! my bad......... don't run 10 weeks of dbol.. keep it weeks 1-4

  5. #5
    Jackt23's Avatar
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    hey animal, may i ask why....i have always read not to run it more then 6, usually been seen till 4, but does it like just becoem ineffective, or just too bad on the body, or what?? just curious

  6. #6
    Dragonis's Avatar
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    Was using the top one (Sustanon /D-ball cycle) as a basis, due to the newer Omnadren being more or less Sustanon. Didn't really figure the extra 2 weeks would kill me on the dbol but I've been wrong before

    And yes I have detox for it, I'm using milk thistle but looking into better stuff tommorow at the health store.

  7. #7
    Dragonis's Avatar
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    And technically I only have 8.5 weeks worth of dbol , 180 10 mg tabs at three a day.

    Think it would hurt to go ahead and use it the whole 8.5 weeks?

  8. #8
    Jackt23's Avatar
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    this is another example of why they need to update those cycles...there have been posts sayin they are in the process....but if anything...listen to the guys on here...they can give you feeback on their expierence and help you more then a solid read on a cycle there....

  9. #9
    Jackt23's Avatar
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    as for the 8.5...someone else will have to help you on that because the longest ive ran was 4 or 5 weeks

  10. #10
    animal-inside's Avatar
    animal-inside is offline Senior Member
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    don't read the AR cycle suggestions on the main page.. VERY out dated! well known on the board to not use them and just research on the board instead

    jact- dbol is toxic to the liver.. so you should limit its use to 4-6 weeks.. 4 if your a beginer, 6 if you used it before and could keep the sides under control

  11. #11
    Jackt23's Avatar
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    thats what i was figuring, but rather then running it longer, cant you just raise the daily intake? keeping inmind taking milkthistle or tylers detox... like running 30mg straight for say 6 weeks or 45-50 for 4 weeks?

  12. #12
    LuvMuhRoids's Avatar
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    dbols are alkalated and extremely toxic to the liver. They also convert to estrogen easily and cause bloat. That is why we only suggest 4 weeks of usage. Dbol is meant to kick start a cycle until the test starts. As for Omnadren it will take about 4 weeks to kick in. Thus you see the math here.

    As for Omnadren. I almost prefer them over sustanon but they are virtually the same. For a first time cycle though you should have picked a single ester test that will not cause spikes in your blood level. Due to the multi esters in Omnadren and Sustanon you spike your levels up and down therefore you create more side affects and makes it harder to reach what is called a full saturation phase.

    Both drugs need to be done every day, every other day, or every third day to the least to get the full potential of the esters. It is common to think these two are the best gear out there. This is wrong. You would have been better off with a single test ester like Enanthate or Cypionate . You can achieve stable levels with just a weekly administration. Omna and sust the esters decrease by the time you come around the following week for another injection. As for now run this cycle like this.

    1-10 Omnadren 500mg week. Inject an amp every 3rd day.
    1-4 dbol 30mg every day.
    Nolvadex on hand and clomid waiting for post cycle therapy (PCT). You need these two to recover properly, restore you HTPA and keep gains. Nolvadex to keep down the estrogen.

  13. #13
    Dragonis's Avatar
    Dragonis is offline New Member
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    Cool thanks a ton guys

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