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  1. #1
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    Exclamation Ephedrine/Steroids V.S. My Heart?

    Whats up guys? Well I had a hell of a night last night... wondering if i was even gonna wake up ya know... I have always been sensitive to Ephedra and stuff but I always shrugged it off... it always gives me chest pains after a few consecutive days of use... well the last few weeks i have been using it and it surprisingly didn't bother me all that much... until a few days ago... so i quit taking it... and then last night I drank a speed stack drink... no ephedra just a lot of caffeine and what not... I thought it was safer than the ephedra... and it wouldn't agitate my heart too much... boy was i wrong. About 45 minutes after chugging it down i started working out... feeling a little strange and woozy.... then a few sets in i started getting sharp chest pains durring each set.... wtf? am i gonna die or something.. so I decided to quit working out for the night... I had consistant chest pain most of the night and also experienced a "fluttering" feeling" which was even more abnormal and scary to me.. well I decided to go to sleep around 1am and this morning I feel a lot better but still a little strange and fluttery in the chest but less pain. Well needlessly said I will never take any stimulant ever again. Just not worth dying for. My main concern is will AS effect me the same way? I mean.... if I shoot up some Test E. it's not gonna be a few hours till it wears off... It will be in my system for a long time and if it has these effects it might kill me... basically... If ephedra is bothering me are AS gonna do the same thing? Stimulants VS AS? I think that they work much differently so that they probably shouldn't have the same effects but I'm not a doctor and I want some opinions. I want to be big really bad but I don't want to die.... I'd appreciate all your thoughts guys... especially a doctors if that is available. Thanks.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    Whats up guys? Well I had a hell of a night last night... wondering if i was even gonna wake up ya know... I have always been sensitive to Ephedra and stuff but I always shrugged it off... it always gives me chest pains after a few consecutive days of use... well the last few weeks i have been using it and it surprisingly didn't bother me all that much... until a few days ago... so i quit taking it... and then last night I drank a speed stack drink... no ephedra just a lot of caffeine and what not... I thought it was safer than the ephedra... and it wouldn't agitate my heart too much... boy was i wrong. About 45 minutes after chugging it down i started working out... feeling a little strange and woozy.... then a few sets in i started getting sharp chest pains durring each set.... wtf? am i gonna die or something.. so I decided to quit working out for the night... I had consistant chest pain most of the night and also experienced a "fluttering" feeling" which was even more abnormal and scary to me.. well I decided to go to sleep around 1am and this morning I feel a lot better but still a little strange and fluttery in the chest but less pain. Well needlessly said I will never take any stimulant ever again. Just not worth dying for. My main concern is will AS effect me the same way? I mean.... if I shoot up some Test E. it's not gonna be a few hours till it wears off... It will be in my system for a long time and if it has these effects it might kill me... basically... If ephedra is bothering me are AS gonna do the same thing? Stimulants VS AS? I think that they work much differently so that they probably shouldn't have the same effects but I'm not a doctor and I want some opinions. I want to be big really bad but I don't want to die.... I'd appreciate all your thoughts guys... especially a doctors if that is available. Thanks.
    They do work by completely different mechanisms. However, you shouldn't have experienced problems from a little energy drink. You should get things checked out. Don't just accept that you, as an individual, don't react well to stimulants. If you experienced what you say you did, you'll want to get to the bottom of it. AAS can be a bit taxing on the CV system, and if you have some underlying problem, it wouldn't be wise to go into it blindly.

  3. #3
    jbolsrn's Avatar
    jbolsrn is offline Female Member
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    Most definately go have a doctor check you out. If you have something abnormal cardiologically going on, you want to know. Esp. if you are wanting to cycle. Chest pains, flutters, palpitations are not normal so get yourself checked out. Good luck and keep us posted.
    " Who needs experience, when you have medical training"

  4. #4
    Bartleby's Avatar
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    like einstein said i think you should go see a doc in case there are underlying medical problems...also youre not supposed to "chug" those drinks all at once, youre supposed to take sips of them... i had a friend chug one before a wrestling match and he felt the same way that you described...

  5. #5
    BWhitaker's Avatar
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    Well steroids and stimulants work completely differently. However, AS can be stressful on the CV like was stated earlier and if you are having problems with the CV while using stimulants you should get it checked out. If you have a heart condition then i would say that AS is not for you. Go to a doctor and then let us know what they said and you will be able to make a more informed decision

  6. #6
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    Well thanks for all the input guys... I want to go see a doctor but I don't have any medical insurance... so what can I do? Just pray for the best. I'm still having a little chest pain again tonight. I forgot soda has caffiene in it and I downed a bunch.... ****ing sucks! I'm hoping that I feel well enough tommorow to go to work cuz I'm not about to start lifting heavy ass **** feeling like this. (and I think your right about the chugging thing... sometimes I would drink 1/2 at a time and it seemed to go over better with me)

  7. #7
    BWhitaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    Well thanks for all the input guys... I want to go see a doctor but I don't have any medical insurance... so what can I do? Just pray for the best. I'm still having a little chest pain again tonight. I forgot soda has caffiene in it and I downed a bunch.... ****ing sucks! I'm hoping that I feel well enough tommorow to go to work cuz I'm not about to start lifting heavy ass **** feeling like this. (and I think your right about the chugging thing... sometimes I would drink 1/2 at a time and it seemed to go over better with me)
    well not having health insurance makes going to the doctor a little expensive but no amount of money is worth a serious condition taking over your life. Im not saying that this is the case and if you can afford it at this point the problem seems not to be huge, but you never know. As far as AS is concerned, i would say DO NOT use them until you know what is going on.

    Hopefully someone can help you with finding health care for your problem.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    Well thanks for all the input guys... I want to go see a doctor but I don't have any medical insurance... so what can I do? Just pray for the best. I'm still having a little chest pain again tonight. I forgot soda has caffiene in it and I downed a bunch.... ****ing sucks! I'm hoping that I feel well enough tommorow to go to work cuz I'm not about to start lifting heavy ass **** feeling like this. (and I think your right about the chugging thing... sometimes I would drink 1/2 at a time and it seemed to go over better with me)
    Most larger cities in the US will have walk in clinics that accept and treat people w/o insurance if you can prove income below a certain range. I'm not necessarily a proponent of this, but for people that really need it, it's a good thing. Get checked out though. Eat the medical bill if you have to.

  9. #9
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    yeah don't get me wrong im not some poor junkie. I am 19, a college student that decided to take this semester off school and as a result lost my fathers fire-fighter insurance coverage. I don't make that much a year so I'm sure I would qualify but at the same time I think that those doctors suck. Well anyways thanks for the help.

  10. #10
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
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    ive had weird reactions to drinking ephedra products before ..increased heart rate, feeling really woozy.. no problems on the AAS tho.. you should probably listen to the guys and have someone check it out.. everyone is different...

  11. #11
    Bigun's Avatar
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    The next posts will probably revolve around telling you that your too young to juice bro!

  12. #12
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    Well I appreciate the help. (Bigun- I'm nearly 20... most recomend 21... but not everyone's system is the same so I can make the decision for myself. I have heard that same sh1t a 100 times on here and I am not going to be swayed by age concerns) My chest is still feeling a little strange tonight with some mild pain. I read that Ephedra can throw your heart off and cause you irregular beats which can be fatal. I am gonna go see a doc tommorow.

  13. #13
    Snooch99 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    Well I appreciate the help. (Bigun- I'm nearly 20... most recomend 21... but not everyone's system is the same so I can make the decision for myself. I have heard that same sh1t a 100 times on here and I am not going to be swayed by age concerns) My chest is still feeling a little strange tonight with some mild pain. I read that Ephedra can throw your heart off and cause you irregular beats which can be fatal. I am gonna go see a doc tommorow.
    good idea about seeing a doc...i had a similiar issue...i hit the gym after work, and i used to take xenedrine (ephedra) about 30 miutes before i hit the heart would race at the gym...combo of the xen kicking in, and me increasing my heart rate by doing day my chest was killing mind made it even i went home and tried to relax... could not relax...after talking with some friends, they all told me i need to take the xen in the later than 2pm... the xen is going to raise your heart rate enough adding cardio it raises it to a dangerous point... you are not the only one that i have heard talk about this... its a good idea to get checked by a doc...if he says all is ok, i would try taking the energy drink, or ephedra in the morning...take it with a small breakfast like some oatmeal...drink lots of water...but definatly wait to hear what the doc says first...good luck...

  14. #14
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    well I didn't go see a doctor but I went with my dad down to his fire station and they hooked me up to an EKG. Apparently everything is semi-normal although I have a strange heart beat which is similar to my dads in a few distinct ways. My father is really sensitive to caffeine and what not so it's a safe assumption that I have some issues with it and should stay away from it. It's also my guess that I may have experienced some short term atrial fibrulation the day that I took the drink and that it mostly sorted itself out with minimal damage to my heart luckily. I am still experiencing some awkward chest pain but I will do my best to ignore it as it is diminishing. I think that I'll wait till next week to hit the gym again! Thanks everyone.

  15. #15
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    If i hit 50 posts will i be a JR member?

  16. #16
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    BAM! JR MEMBER! atleast something went well today....

  17. #17
    powerlifter's Avatar
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    Bro - go to ER triage window and ask for a clinic list - they would be glad to give you one as it means you will not be staying to be treated - there's enough people already LOL

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