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Thread: T3 Experts

  1. #1
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    T3 Experts

    Anyone know whats the highest dose of T3 that can be cycled to increase protein synthesis and add LBM without creating muscle catabolism or shutting down endogenous thyroid output??

  2. #2
    Bigun's Avatar
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    This needs a BUMP

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    Anyone know whats the highest dose of T3 that can be cycled to increase protein synthesis and add LBM without creating muscle catabolism or shutting down endogenous thyroid output??
    It's a trade off in any dose. The higher the dose....the more each effect is amplified.

  4. #4
    BLACKZILLA's Avatar
    BLACKZILLA is offline Associate Member
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    T3 isn't really going to build mass. It's known more to actually take some away, along with fat mass. Many here would run it with some test. Check around as I know there are some T3 posts as far as how to cycle and what to expect. Also, there may be something about it in the drug profiles section. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Dieselpower's Avatar
    Dieselpower is offline Member
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    ask mallet about T3, his is very wise in this area.

  6. #6
    Bigun's Avatar
    Bigun is offline Senior Member
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    True, Mallet is the Daddy!

  7. #7
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    I have done some research and I have found that T3 at minimal doses(6.25-12.5mcg/ED) will not shut down your thyroid nor cause muscle deprivation. I also found that at this dose your protein synthesis and energy levels are increased. I know T3 ran at higher levels(say 100-150mcg/day) will turn your body into a fat/calorie burning machine and in essence you'll be negating the protein synethesis effect as well. At doses like that, there needs to be a good amount of AS supplemented in order to counter the muscle catabolism effect. My question is: Is there a median where all effects can be beneficial??

  8. #8
    Dieselpower's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    I have done some research and I have found that T3 at minimal doses(6.25-12.5mcg/ED) will not shut down your thyroid nor cause muscle deprivation. I also found that at this dose your protein synthesis and energy levels are increased. I know T3 ran at higher levels(say 100-150mcg/day) will turn your body into a fat/calorie burning machine and in essence you'll be negating the protein synethesis effect as well. At doses like that, there needs to be a good amount of AS supplemented in order to counter the muscle catabolism effect. My question is: Is there a median where all effects can be beneficial??
    thats is a great question, bump I want to hear this.

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  10. #10
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    1/4 of a pill

  11. #11
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    run cycleon's t3 layout

  12. #12
    mapkos's Avatar
    mapkos is offline Junior Member
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    Is 1/4 of a pill a fact,(give or take) or a guess?

  13. #13
    Rickson's Avatar
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    I think for most the safe dose is around 12.5 mcg without much catabolism. My understanding (never personally been tested) is that there is still some suppression of natural thyroid function but it is relatively minimal. I know lots of bb's like to run a low dose when taking in large amounts of protein (400 or more a day). I think you certainly can safely experiment at that dose without any long term problems.

  14. #14
    bor's Avatar
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    It's just what i do to increase protein synthesis.

  15. #15
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    25mcg is about all you want to take for this purpose...

    I sometimes go up to 50mcg for the same purpose, but

    even as low as 50mcg it is possible to start being catabolic

    unless you are running some anabolics...

    I run T3 often, so this is my opinion from using the drug...

    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    Anyone know whats the highest dose of T3 that can be cycled to increase protein synthesis and add LBM without creating muscle catabolism or shutting down endogenous thyroid output??

  16. #16
    Mallet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    Anyone know whats the highest dose of T3 that can be cycled to increase protein synthesis and add LBM without creating muscle catabolism or shutting down endogenous thyroid output??
    Dosing will very upon each individual...we are not looking for just how much but also how little. Dosing should be a direct result of your little, to low of a much, to high of a BT...Our aim is to be in the optimal metabolic range of 97.6 - 98.2 deg. This can only be determined by closely monitoring our resting body temp.
    T3 will not add LBM directly, however it will assist in an excelerated rate of protein synthesis which is attributed to increasing LBM. Catabolism can occur at any dose really...but as a rule of thumb .5mcg per lb of body wieght is used as a max before t3 begins to use protein as well as carbs and fat for fuel etc...However the simultaneous intake of AAS change this rate significantly.

    Enogenous production can be haulted at doses as low as 25mcg per day ( if your taking t3) With t4 this number changes, and endogenous production is not hindered the same because the end product (t3) is still being converted by your body, however the dosing is much higher with t4 as well...usually between 5-10 times the amount you would take of t3.

  17. #17
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    Mallet, how in the world can you get an accurate Temp, when you're on a couple Grams of Gear (Collectively) Plus Clen /ECA etc etc.....My wife is hatin' me right now...I have the window open and the fan on me/us....and I'm still warm.

  18. #18
    Mallet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSevnthWarrior
    Mallet, how in the world can you get an accurate Temp, when you're on a couple Grams of Gear (Collectively) Plus Clen /ECA etc etc.....My wife is hatin' me right now...I have the window open and the fan on me/us....and I'm still warm.
    First of all...your outside temp, and your core temp are two different things! Taking AAS will usually raise your resting temp a few deg, fina being the best for this IMO...clen and ECA will do the same thing, however clen can get your temp swinging up and down in some people. No matter what your taking, your temp will even out, and once you have this base...then you can continue accordingly, adding t3, upping the clen, lowering the clen etc...the most important thing is to watch for any sudden drops in body temp from one day to the next... .5 deg tells you that you have not yet recovered from yesterdays stress, so you are still catabolic, rather than in an anabolic state. a drop of 1. deg or more is a hard sign to stop taking t3 all together, or clen etc...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mallet
    Dosing will very upon each individual...we are not looking for just how much but also how little. Dosing should be a direct result of your little, to low of a much, to high of a BT...Our aim is to be in the optimal metabolic range of 97.6 - 98.2 deg. This can only be determined by closely monitoring our resting body temp.
    T3 will not add LBM directly, however it will assist in an excelerated rate of protein synthesis which is attributed to increasing LBM. Catabolism can occur at any dose really...but as a rule of thumb .5mcg per lb of body wieght is used as a max before t3 begins to use protein as well as carbs and fat for fuel etc...However the simultaneous intake of AAS change this rate significantly.

    Enogenous production can be haulted at doses as low as 25mcg per day ( if your taking t3) With t4 this number changes, and endogenous production is not hindered the same because the end product (t3) is still being converted by your body, however the dosing is much higher with t4 as well...usually between 5-10 times the amount you would take of t3.
    I am currenty cycling Enth/EQ/var and will be starting my tren shortly. I have been alternating a clen /ECA stack for 6wks. My goal is to increase my protein synthesis while also slightly increasing my meteabolic rate with as minimal muscle catabolism as possible. I kinda figured it was a 'trial & error' method more than anything. You explained that even doses as low as 25mcg/day could halt thyroid production. With doses even that low...would you still suggest tapering your doses? Also, is clen/ECA still good ta go throughout the rest of my cycle along with the T3? Thx.

  20. #20
    Mallet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    I am currenty cycling Enth/EQ/var and will be starting my tren shortly. I have been alternating a clen/ECA stack for 6wks. My goal is to increase my protein synthesis while also slightly increasing my meteabolic rate with as minimal muscle catabolism as possible. I kinda figured it was a 'trial & error' method more than anything. You explained that even doses as low as 25mcg/day could halt thyroid production. With doses even that low...would you still suggest tapering your doses? Also, is clen/ECA still good ta go throughout the rest of my cycle along with the T3? Thx.
    Taking small doses of t3 while taking GH or AAS is fine,...GH an AAS are both somewhat of an antagonist to your thyroid already, so a small dose of t3 along with them (25-50mcg) Isn't a bad idea...this small dose will certainly aid in protein synthessis as well as having a small effect on metabolism...just keep monitoring your resting temp for any hard sign ( like a drop in temp of more than 1.deg from one day to the next). No tapering necessary at those doses, but taking acti-cyclase at the end or during your cycle will help in regulating your thyroid function. Yes you can still take clen /eca along with the t3!...taking clen during the off time of t3 is not recommended though, clen inhibits your thyroid more so than GH or AAS, and we don't want this while we are trying to recover our thyroid production.

  21. #21
    Dieselpower's Avatar
    Dieselpower is offline Member
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    Great inform mallet. I know u are very busy in ur life with school and other things. I have to say u have done alot of work with this subject. On by half of the bros on this board Thank you for u time and effort.


  22. #22
    cpt steele's Avatar
    cpt steele is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thanks Mallet

  23. #23
    Mallet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dieselpower
    Great inform mallet. I know u are very busy in ur life with school and other things. I have to say u have done alot of work with this subject. On by half of the bros on this board Thank you for u time and effort.


    Thanx bro for the compliments...

    I'm glad to be apart of this board, I find alot of useful info here and believe there are alot of knowledgeable people on this site as well...It's good that we can pick each others brain...even if we agree to disagree! So lets stay healthy!!!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mallet
    I'm glad to be apart of this board, I find alot of useful info here and believe there are alot of knowledgeable people on this site as well...It's good that we can pick each others brain...even if we agree to disagree! So lets stay healthy!!!
    So true. Just one more question. What would you suggest to be the maximum length you would run a minimal dose(say 25-50mcg). 6wks? 8wks? 10? Thx again for your time.

  25. #25
    Mallet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    So true. Just one more question. What would you suggest to be the maximum length you would run a minimal dose(say 25-50mcg). 6wks? 8wks? 10? Thx again for your time.
    It's all dependant on your resting temp, because we all react differently to supplements, so I can't really give a general time frame....But I personally ran t3 with GH for 2 months without any hard signs!...I imagine I could have gone longer, however if your planning on running t3 for longer durations, I would definately advice taking acti-cyclase along side it. If your planning on running thyroid hormones longer then I would certainly consider running t4 instead, so that your body still does the conversion to t3 itself, prolonging the shut down effects...I would say 200mcgs/day of t4.

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