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  1. #1
    scrumhalf09 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2004

    Need some expert advice for a novice stack

    I have the following gear that I need to use and its all I have or have access to. I want to gain as much muscle mass (don't care about bodyweight necessarily) as I can and then cut down bodyfat sometime after that. I have the nutrition and lifting down pat, need help with the gear.
    5'9" 183lb 9%Bodyfat (Want to be around 195=200 with 5-7% bodyfat)

    Week1-4: Test Prop/Cyp (2x/week) not sure of mg/ml
    Week 5-9: Test Eth (1x/week) 200mg/ml
    20mg/ml of Winstrol Depot @ 50mg/ml

    I realize that this is not a large amount of gear but I am comfortable in going with it. I have a couple of questions.

    1. Would you cycle the winny all the way through with the test or would I cycle it with test eth and save some for a cutting cycle immediately after bulking with clenbuterol
    2. Would I gain enough bulk if I cycle winny through the entire test cycle
    3. Should I do a cutting cycle immediately after bulking or do I need to wait if I am using either clenbuterol alone or with winstrol

  2. #2
    simplyjakked is offline Member
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    new york
    first i wouldnt run the winny until you cut up so it hardens you with the clen . second you need to inject prop atleast eod and find out how many mg/ml before you start poking yourself. i dont know why you would even consider cyclying winny throughout, bad idea. not really enough enanthate and should be inject every 3or4 day at 200mg. good luck bro!

  3. #3
    48ngoin's Avatar
    48ngoin is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2003
    Dittos with Simplyjakked....don't start pok'en the Prop or anything else unless your sure. Read up, there are tons of guys wanting to do what you want on this site....Lots of threads out there to read.

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