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  1. #1
    sonofagun is offline Associate Member
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    Question...Well, kind of a comment. I dont understand(and Im not being a smartass), but why when someone posts a simple and valid question do so many flame and bash the quetion, telling the person to do the research or telling them that they shouldnt be messing with steroids when asking such simple questions. This is supposed to be an onformative site,correct? So why not help the newbies instead of sending them on their way. Remember, you too were a newbie once. Peace out.

  2. #2
    Jjdigs74's Avatar
    Jjdigs74 is offline Member
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    There are tons of educational threads on AR that will benifit a " Newbie " if they stop'd and took the time to research their question. You see some of these guys that have been here for years or even a year, how many times have they heard someone ask if they could drink there winny???? How many times is the question asked, " Do I need Test? "
    Do not get me wrong bro, everyone on AR is here to help but just like these new guys we were once newbies too. Most ran a search, gathered information and asked a realitve and well constructed question that gave the reader the chance to answer in the best possible way.
    There are no dumb questions, but take the extra minute and read some information on it first. Their is tons of info out there and it should be used. If you still have a question after reading, you will be in a better position to ask a question, knowing what you know from doing your research. Good question and should have been talked about along time ago bro...

  3. #3
    DF2003's Avatar
    DF2003 is offline Banned Boofus
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    didnt you ask this in another thread?

  4. #4
    barbarian's Avatar
    barbarian is offline Banned
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    yea he did and it is a much much better read LOL!

  5. #5
    DF2003's Avatar
    DF2003 is offline Banned Boofus
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    3 times

    bro you've posted this thread 3 times?

  6. #6
    SportsMedVIP's Avatar
    SportsMedVIP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonofagun
    Question...Well, kind of a comment. I dont understand(and Im not being a smartass), but why when someone posts a simple and valid question do so many flame and bash the quetion, telling the person to do the research or telling them that they shouldnt be messing with steroids when asking such simple questions. This is supposed to be an onformative site,correct? So why not help the newbies instead of sending them on their way. Remember, you too were a newbie once. Peace out.
    I've noticed the same and can see both sides of the situation. What's frustrating is when you hear conflicting info from different sources and just want to confirm which is more accurate on here and instead of getting an answer you get all flamed up. But I'm sure some boys on here have heard some questions a thousand times. You just gotta play the game with them. Let them vent and they usually throw an answer in there somewhere. Or the next guy gets it for you.

  7. #7
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF2003
    bro you've posted this thread 3 times?
    and here's a perfect reason of sometimes why they get flamed

  8. #8
    JoeB's Avatar
    JoeB is offline Associate Member
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    First... I have a feeling that just about everyone here has asked a dumb question during their beginning time at AR and received similar responses (not to mention double posting or something due to learning how to operate the forums). It's also frusterating for people who have been around to see the same question asked 10 times in one month.

    The newbies who are serious take the advice to heart and really do begin searching, reading, studying and getting to recognize and respect the vets for their knowledge. Just give yourself and the board some time.

  9. #9
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonofagun
    Question...Well, kind of a comment. I dont understand(and Im not being a smartass), but why when someone posts a simple and valid question do so many flame and bash the quetion, telling the person to do the research or telling them that they shouldnt be messing with steroids when asking such simple questions. This is supposed to be an onformative site,correct? So why not help the newbies instead of sending them on their way. Remember, you too were a newbie once. Peace out.
    well for as many people that flame there's also just as many that help as well, answering the same questions over and over, you gotta take the good with the bad

  10. #10
    JDMSilviaSpecR's Avatar
    JDMSilviaSpecR is offline Vicious With Malicious Intent
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    Once you run searches over and over and you can't find an answer to your question, that's the time to post a topic. That's why you guys get flamed. 99% of the questions you guys ask have already been posted in the past, most of the time they are on the first page of topics.

  11. #11
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Guys, The main reason a lot of new guys get flamed because even though it sounds harsh, we are making a point of telling the person to slow down and do some serious research before they screw themselves up. This isn't meatloaf were talking about. If a new guy comes on a board with a question that makes NO sense, then It's time for him/her to realize this can be dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. That way, they will realize that Steroids isn't something that is all fun and games. You can't ask a couple of questions then start your cycle. It takes a TON of hours to learn this stuff and I'm sure most guys will tell you they learn something new ED.

    So, to all of you new guys who think we are picking on you, it's for your own good.

  12. #12
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Please don't post the same question again. You can bump your old post if you are looking for more responses

  13. #13
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonofagun
    Question...Well, kind of a comment. I dont understand(and Im not being a smartass), but why when someone posts a simple and valid question do so many flame and bash the quetion, telling the person to do the research or telling them that they shouldnt be messing with steroids when asking such simple questions. This is supposed to be an onformative site,correct? So why not help the newbies instead of sending them on their way. Remember, you too were a newbie once. Peace out.

    Do you research and stop asking dumb ?'s

  14. #14
    Jjdigs74's Avatar
    Jjdigs74 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeB
    First... I have a feeling that just about everyone here has asked a dumb question during their beginning time at AR and received similar responses (not to mention double posting or something due to learning how to operate the forums). It's also frusterating for people who have been around to see the same question asked 10 times in one month.

    The newbies who are serious take the advice to heart and really do begin searching, reading, studying and getting to recognize and respect the vets for their knowledge. Just give yourself and the board some time.

    JoeB... Good to see you having the attitude like many should! Its something all newbies should see and pay attention to.Keep learning! Glad to have you at AR bro...

  15. #15
    Rubabanman is offline Junior Member
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    educational threads < 80

    question threads > 10k

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