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Thread: Cytomel

  1. #1
    jcs98 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2002

    Exclamation Cytomel

    Whats the best way for a female to start taking cytomel and how long and what dosages should she start at and gradually work up to? Also how does the pyramid go as far as starting and ending. What is the best cycle to use with it for weight loss and tone results?
    its for a female age 30. 200 lbs just starting to workout and its hard for her to loose weight. just had a c-section in Dec. just starting a new diet with 2 eggs, cup of milk, cup of juice and a bowl of oatmeal am. snack yogurt piece of fruit. Lunch turkey sandwich, salad and a starch. snack a meal replacer and dinner chicken breast salad and rice. bed time 1 cup of yogurt.
    Last edited by jcs98; 01-30-2002 at 09:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You asked 5 questions and gave us NO information to work with. First of all...who is this advice for? I'm not being nosey, but if at all possible try to convince her to join the board...we have a forum specifically for females. old? training experience? What is her diet like? How tall? How much does she weigh? What are her goals (specifics)?

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