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  1. #1
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    mixing B12 with Prop

    can injectable B12 be bought OTC??? Want to use it with my prop to lesson the stinging. 100mg/ml prop 1cc EOD and what would the dosages be in mixing these two together?

    thanks for your help

  2. #2
    ravaz is offline Associate Member
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    BIG Bump, I'm curious about this.

  3. #3
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Re: mixing B12 with Prop

    Originally posted by Shredz
    can injectable B12 be bought OTC??? Want to use it with my prop to lesson the stinging. 100mg/ml prop 1cc EOD and what would the dosages be in mixing these two together?

    thanks for your help
    Hey, Shredz, nice to see ya.

    I don't know if this is the case in Canada, but here in the States injectable B12 (which is called cyanocobalimin) requires a prescription. It's one of the cheapest injectables available (about $4.00 USD for bottle of 30 ml at 1,000 mcg/ml - enough for 30 months worth at normal dosages), but still not OTC.

    In Ontario, syringes/needles are available OTC, but I don't believe this extends to injectable drugs. However, you can probably call (anonymously) any drug store in your area, I'm sure the pharmacist will be able to tell you right away whether B12 is OTC. (I doubt that it is, but you never know.) Just remember to ask for it as "injectable B12" or "cyanocoBALimin" (meaning that when you say it, put the emphasis on the "BAL" part).

    Now, to show y'all I'm human, I have a confession to make - having never used test prop, I don't know whether it's oil or water based. (I'm strictly an enth/cyp kind of guy, and they are both oil based.) But I can tell you that cyanocobalimin is water based, so keep in mind that oil and water do not mix - especially in the same nedle. (By the way, I do both enth/cyp and B12, and would never considering injecting them together.)

    Moreover, remember that B12 has some alcohol content, so it would not necessarily lessen the sting of the prop. Also, you wouldn't want to shoot B12 as a "cutting agent" with anything if you're doing it every other day. The standard dosage for injectable B12 is 1000 mcg (which equals 1 ml) once a month. Granted, excess B12 is simply excreted from the body, but I don't know that I'd want to start shooting it wholesale.

  4. #4
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    great advice..i read about that too but never looked at it that way..and yes test prop is oil based..

    thanks guys

  5. #5
    nautica's Avatar
    nautica is offline Associate Member
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    In the US B-12 must be obtained by prescription. However, it is not a controlled substance and can be purchased legally for you pet.

    The following is a site which sell high quality B-12 for you pet for $5.99 per 100 ml bottle. My pet is feeling very peppy.

    [email protected]


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