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Thread: Sus question

  1. #1
    ImmmtheIceman's Avatar
    ImmmtheIceman is offline Senior Member
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    Long Island, NY

    Sus question

    My buddy is doin the same cycle as me (as his first) with 200 dbol and sus. After researching Im doing 500 mg sus/week for 10 weeks (and 4 weeks of the dbol). He only got 15 amps cuz of the money (i dont see why, its not that much more $$$). Only 250 was shot the first two weeks. WOuld it be better to do:
    Week OR Week
    1. 250 1. 250
    2. 250 2. 250
    3. 500 3. 500
    4. 500 4. 500
    5. 500 5. 500
    6. 500 6. 500
    7. 500 7. 500
    8. 500 8. 250
    9.250 9. 250
    10. 250

    or any other way to lay this out?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Don't taper the doses. It would be better to use a single ester test instead of sust. If sust is all you can get, then it's best to be shot ED or EOD. EOD at 125mg/shot will work alright. I assume you have all of your anti e's/pct supplies.

  3. #3
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Oct 2001
    your blood levels are gonna be all screwed up w/ that cycle.
    That's why it's best to shoot sus more offten.
    Just take 500mgs per week till you run sense in extending the cycle to 10 weeks just cuz you don't have enough.
    First time users can get away w/ 500mgs of sus a week..even if it's only for 8 weeks your still gonna grow.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Northern Califas
    Ya MBARASO said it. Icemannn, is this your first cycle? I had only 15amps of omnadren for my first, I wish I would'a had more info before jumping into it. I'd jump on a single ester @4-500mg/wk see how the bod reacts bro.


  5. #5
    sepjuice is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    so many sust fans, it has to be the **** sales pitch "4 different test n one",,dont taper,get more sust...

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