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Thread: 1st time on HGH

  1. #1
    evander is offline New Member
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    1st time on HGH

    Hi Im 33, 5'10" at about 13% bf. Im 185lbs and Im on a 15 week teste 500mg pw and EQ 400mg pw cycle at the moment and Ive got 5 weeks of shots worth left of the test and EQ but I may extend it to 20 weeks. I have my pct sorted out and Im taking 0.5mg ldex pd.

    I picked up 30 x 4 ui kits which in total is 120 iu's. Ive started on 4 iu's pd in one shot. Ive just taken my second shot today. I know I should be spitting the shots into 2 but at the moment this isnt possible for me. Is 4 iu's to much should I try 3 pd and also I will be getting more HGH, I know this will only last me 4 weeks. Thoughts people.

  2. #2
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    To get right to the point without getting into details, I'd say that 4 weeks of GH is a complete waste. If possible pick up some more and save it until you are ready to do it correctly. It wont even be a tease b/c when the 4 weeks are over you won't see or feel much of a difference.

  3. #3
    evander is offline New Member
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    Yeh yeh Bro I know its not enough, I just got the 4 weeks worth to get me started and then find out how long I should be running this for and buy the rest in bulk.

  4. #4
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evander
    Yeh yeh Bro I know its not enough, I just got the 4 weeks worth to get me started and then find out how long I should be running this for and buy the rest in bulk.

    Are you positive that you will be able to get more by the time this week will be over? We all get impatient but I never start a cycle without having everything. That even includes my PCT just to play it safe.

    You dont want to screw up your cycle and most importantly you body if you need to take time off.

  5. #5
    evander is offline New Member
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    Yeh no probs there I have a very good source and I also have all pct allready incase I do come off which Im not. So any advice as far as cycling goes, Should I continue with the 4 iu's pd or drop to 2 and ramp up and also how long should I run this to get the best results? Is 20 weeks to long?
    Last edited by evander; 02-07-2006 at 12:35 PM.

  6. #6
    evander is offline New Member
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    Last edited by evander; 02-07-2006 at 12:30 PM.

  7. #7
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    20 weeks is definitely not too long. I can't really give you a definite number as far as "too long" is concerned b/c I dont see there being one. I typically run 6-12 month cycles of GH.

    Why do you even want to start your GH when you're 10 weeks into your cycle? Should start prior to cycle. Some will answer this with "because I just got may hands on it now" or "I could only afford it now." Which are horrible reasons to start. So I"m wondering your answer Evander.

    I could give you my best honest opnion on how to run it but I'd prefer to know your goals and the answer to the above question first. That will make it easier for anyone on this board to help you out.

  8. #8
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Be careful jumping in at such a high dosage, I learnt the hard way, you start off at 1 or 2 iu's the build up week by week to see how your body reacts and how much of the sides you will get(hand numbness suc's bad !!! ). Hova's correct, read some about GH and you will find it takes months for the "great" effects to really be felt. IMO, start by running low dose, get more kits, when you have them in hand, gradually increase dosage. BG

  9. #9
    HGH4life is offline Junior Member
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    For fat burning start at 2ius and up it eventually to 4ius ed.
    -For Good muscle gains, U need IMO 8-10ius ed. Start at 2 then up it every week by 1 or 2 if u feel comfortable with it, and do not have many sides.

    -Myself I have been on GH @ 5ius for the last 5 months and four wks ago increased my dosage up slowly to 10ius ed, And I have very few side's
    Thank God. At 10ius for a 2wks now and can tell a good difference, Gaining weight and losing inches in my waist.(along with AAS,SLIN, T3)
    --Like they said u wont c any results until 2-4 months into it and IMO it should be run atleast 6-8 months, if u cant afford that then, GH is a waste of ur money. u could get the same results from a good AAS cycle,as u are from running 2ius ed. and save twice the amount of money.
    My thoughts........

  10. #10
    evander is offline New Member
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    Jayhova I should have started it from the begining. The reason I didnt Is because I had an injured tendon, I havnt squated for over a year until this cycle. When I stopped last year I was only ever able to squat while on gear due to the lubricating effects I suppose so I took a year out to give it every chance to heal on its own. I couldnt even think about squating off cycle, I gave it a go this cycle and I can now feel it again as the weights increrasing. Hence the HGH, Ive ordered more EQ,Test and HGH @ 4iu's pd to take me up to 25 weeks bearing in mind Im in week 10 now. I can even come off the aas at 25 weeks and continue on the HGH if I have to. I just want this sorted and I dont see the point of waiting until my next cycle.

    Bye the way I dont have any sides other than a few lbs of water so should I stay at 4 iu's?
    Last edited by evander; 02-08-2006 at 03:59 PM.

  11. #11
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Evander, you know what happends when a Band-aid is applied to something? It will only lead to future problems. I dont want to see this happen in your case.

    After reading that previous statement it seems that your primary goal using GH is to help repair your injured tendon. Is that accurate for me to say?

    Sometimes you have to really listend to your body in what it's telling you. Maybe squats are something that you shouldnt really bother with right now. Take the time to take care of that injured tendon and make sure its completely healed before worrying about squating.

    I know what you're thinking "Easy for him to say." Just to let you know I have 2 herniated discs and was advised not to squat. I'll occasionaly warm up and hit a few light sets and it still bothers me. If I really wanted to I could band-aid the problem and sauce myself up to not feel the pain. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut that would just lead to future problems. If you're a competitor and NEED to squat then you can work around that. If you do this to both look and feel good then take the time to nurse your tendon then worry about the squats. They wont get cold on the back burner.

    It's been over a year so I"m curious why it hasnt healed. Could be that you got into training before it was completely healed. Now that band-aid is peeling right off.

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