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Thread: AAS and Anxiety

  1. #1
    shafts basson's Avatar
    shafts basson is offline Associate Member
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    AAS and Anxiety

    alright i haven't done a cycle in about 3 years and ive done two before and was very impressed with everything(some slightly shitty sides but all good). Ive got a good diet have been working out for about 6 years but about a year and a half ago a got into some things that weren't healthy to say the least. But i was able to finally get over it by myself and have been working out, eating right and all around been healthy and pretty much where i was before.

    now here is the issue. it took me about six months after i got over things to be able to take a damn advil without thinking i was going to od. I can take it now and not freak out. But i want to do another cycle and i know it sounds stupid but hearing from everyone that its fine and its not going to instantly kill me when i take it will help. Let me reiterate this again... i know it sounds stupid but you cant od right?

  2. #2
    romo6 is offline Senior Member
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    NO,not really,sounds like tho you have some other under lying issues you might need to work out.Good luck.

  3. #3
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    NO! you can't.

    You have previous cycle experience , so you know the drill.

    I get the anxiety deal.

    You would have to inject "bad" gear or something.

    Good gear/Good diet/the right amounts of gear/clean syringes/Everything will be fine.

  4. #4
    forza nuova's Avatar
    forza nuova is offline Associate Member
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    not stupid at all mate,,,

  5. #5
    shafts basson's Avatar
    shafts basson is offline Associate Member
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    ok good. yea i did have issues but they have been resolved. And trust me i will never do that again. i sometimes have nightmares where i think i did something and i wake up and think i did it but i didnt, horrible feeling.

    thanks for the input. im going to try to get my gear soon but i probably wont start for another month or so. i use to have an account here about 5 years ago but i was more of a lurker just reading and learning. wish i still remembered it but oh well.

  6. #6
    roserose's Avatar
    roserose is offline Associate Member
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    Technically you can OD on water. In fact people have.

  7. #7
    shafts basson's Avatar
    shafts basson is offline Associate Member
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    true. i remember reading some news article about some frat hazing thing where they made kids drink a ton of water and it killed one or two(?)

    But then again im not going trying to inject 1gal of test. maybe if i did id look like this


  8. #8
    roserose's Avatar
    roserose is offline Associate Member
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    LMAO!! Yeah he definitely ODed!

  9. #9
    roserose's Avatar
    roserose is offline Associate Member
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    Looks like Branch Warren on chest day, doing chain dips.

  10. #10
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    You might call me an "overly cautious" person when it comes to trying out new drugs.

    When I go to take a new drug that I've never taken before, I always have the concern that I might be the 1 in 1000 people that the drug just doesn't agree with.

    If anyone here is familiar with Valium, you'll see that the stuff works perfectly for pretty much everyone, I mean everyone. However, there about 6 months ago, I met a tourist girl who was going to take a bus from the north of Thailand to the south of Thailand, so I suggested she take a Valium to help with the journey. So she took a Valium and ended up hallucinating for the journey (nothing too severe, she didn't freak out or anything).

    I saw her again a few months later, and again she tried a Valium, and again she hallucinated. She really was a unique specimen.

    The way I like to get around s**t like this is to always try a really really really small dose of something before I go the whole hog on it.

    Before I took my first shot of Sustanon 250, I was thinking about taking half or maybe even a quarter of an ampule for my first shot, and then waiting a few days just to make sure that the stuff agreed with me.

    I'll be starting PCT in about 3 weeks time, I'll be using Clomiphene and Tamoxifen . In the week before I'm supposed to start my PCT, I'm gonna take half a pill of each and see if anything bad happens. If everything goes fine I can up the dosage.

    So anyway, getting back to the point, if you want to be cautious about it, just take a very small dose. When you see that nothing bad happens, you'll be more confident and less nervous, and you can up the dosage.

    I never thought that I'd take a double-shot of Sustanon 250, but after having taken about 10 single shots with no ill-effect, I wasn't at all nervous about it so I ended up doing it. If I'm honest though I think I was more irritable than usual in the days that followed the double-shot.

    And as for overdosing on testosterone ... well think of it like this: you're supposed to inject it into muscle, but you don't even die if you inject it into a blood vessel. If you want to overdose on testosterone you have to TRY, I'm talking you gotta sit down with a pen and paper and work out how you're gonna achieve this amazing feat.

    Small doses, check that everything is OK, then up the dose. That's my motto.
    Last edited by KimboHalfSlice; 08-15-2009 at 12:19 AM.

  11. #11
    shafts basson's Avatar
    shafts basson is offline Associate Member
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    Last edited by shafts basson; 08-15-2009 at 02:50 PM.

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