I have a bunch of left over steroids from previous cycles i have done and i would like some help to put everything together to make a good cycle. I'm looking to put on some good mass on this cycle so if i need something that isn't on my list i can always pick it up. I wont be running this cycle till about January or so because im currently running pct from a cycle i just finished. This will be my fourth cycle.

24 yrs old
5'7 185lbs
10% bf
training about 2 1/2 to 3 years

first cycle
test e 500mg/week
dbol 40mg/ day for 4 weeks

second cycle
sustaplex325 750/week
deca 500mg/week
dbol 40mg/6 weeks

third cycle
test e 750mg/week
deca 500mg/week
tri-tren 400mg/week
dbol 40mg/ 6 weeks

Now this is what i have sitting around

1-10ml bottle 325mg/ml
1-8ml bottle 325mg/ml

test enanthate
2-10ml bottles 250mg/ml
1-6 ml bottle 250mg/ml

test propionate
1-10ml bottle 100mg/ml

1-10ml bottle 100mg of test prop and 100mg of tren ace/ml

1-2ml bottle 150mg/ml

1-10ml 300mg/ml
1-3ml 300mg/ml

I have come up with this so far so feel free to change anything or add anything. Also as you've probably noticed i don't have enough test enanthate for the 14 weeks so ill have to pick some up or can i use the sus325 at the beginning or end of the cycle to make up for the rest of test e?

test e 750mg/weeks 1-14
deca 600mg/week 1-12
test p 100mg eod weeks1-5
profina 100mg eod weeks 8-11
tren a 100mg eod/weeks 9-12

thanks alot for the help.