Hello there,
a friend of mine was on aas about 2 years back , had a cycle , finished it.He's been off for almost 2 years now and he hasnt recovered yet , and i think its kinda strange after all this time.His latest bloodwork showed :

fsh 5,1 (1,4-14.6)
lh 2.4 (1,5-9,3)
E2 24 (18-67)
prl 15 (2.1-17.7)
testo 295 (400-1080)
test free 10 (8.7-54.7)

The bad thing we dont have any bloodwork before the AAS.I dont know.Maybe he suffers from hypogonadism .Its strange that his prolactin levels are elevated but i don't know if its cause his test levels are low all this time.Cause his LH is kinda normal , i thought of giving his some nolva+clomid for 3 weeks to boost his testo , but its the prolactin levels that im "worried".Some suggested that his thyroid should be tested , but i was tested and lab results were just fine.Oh , and he's 31yo.
Any ideas and suggestions are welcome