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  1. #1
    luckybones is offline New Member
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    Botched PCT after TREN cycle - need advice

    Hey all,
    Well, I have to admit it- I'm here as yet another fool who did not properly cycle. Unfortunately, I've wrecked my body and at this point I'm quite desperate for any and all advice.

    To start, I'll give you the details of my cycle. I took the prohormone Trenavar without an on cycle support at about 20 mg daily for three weeks. At about the second week I noticed (aside from incredible strength gains) hair loss, acne, and the libido issues typically associated with Tren . So I tapered off that week and began a dynamic formulas PCT, which had an AI called arimistane at about 100 mg daily. Over the next couple weeks I noticed my libido was better, (although the acne worsened) and my strength didn't seem to go down as drastically as I thought it would. Therefore, I thought it worked.

    Not the case. I ran this pct for about 4 weeks before stopping, at which time I began gaining body fat, losing my libido, and feeling generally off. A month later, I decided to try the Arimistane dynamic formulas cycle AGAIN- I ran it for about three weeks, and it seemed to help temporarily.
    At this point, I decided to get blood work. My first blood work results were as follows - TSH <1, Total Test 310, FSH 1.4 LH 2.2.
    I then realized that I had a small Gynochemastic lump underneath my left nipple- when squeezed if left a clear discharge.

    4 months have passed since that initial blood work- (and 6 months since the Tren). I have started to feel better in certain ways , but I seem to be gaining fat at a high rate. I have also been steadily losing hair from the top of my scalp all this time, and my libido has been high some days and nonexistent others.

    I recently got bloodwork (last week) . My results are as follows :

    Total Test - 270
    TSH- 4.6
    Total estrogens - 97
    Everything else including prolactin was within normal range (most of my hormone outputs are on the low border)

    I should also mention that I'm 22, and my levels should be MUCH Higher- I'm curious as to why my body hasn't recovered.

    Sorry to write you all a novel- I'm just very desperate at this point. I don't want to put anything artificial in my body again - but now I feel as if I've permanently messed up my pituitary - testicular axis. Is there any hope? What should I do?

    Thanks a million.
    Last edited by luckybones; 09-02-2015 at 02:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    I am sorry to hear about your situation. I wish I could offer good news, but I too screwed myself up when I was young and ended up on TRT for life. You would not believe how many people on here made the same mistakes when they were young too, which is why we try to offer the safest way to do this stuff if someone chooses to do it. Hopefully someone on here will have more experience with trying to bounce back. It simply did not work for me when I needed it to and steroids have been a part of my daily life ever since. I spend thousands of dollars a year now on just trying to be normal and have a normal sex life. I do wish you the best of luck and hopefully you will get some better news soon.

  3. #3
    luckybones is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the response. I hope I don't have to do TRT. The thing is this was my first time ever cycling before- so I just don't understand why. Did you cycle a lot before you had to use TRT?

  4. #4
    luckybones is offline New Member
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    also I'm just curious- what were your free test levels? Were they lower than 270? If you don't mind me asking. I am just wondering if I might be a candidate for trt

  5. #5
    MrFreshmaker's Avatar
    MrFreshmaker is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by luckybones
    Thanks for the response. I hope I don't have to do TRT. The thing is this was my first time ever cycling before- so I just don't understand why. Did you cycle a lot before you had to use TRT?
    I did an anavar only cycle last year for 4 weeks,then i realized I wasn't well informed about steroids so i stopped.I did PCT with Nolvadex ,and it took more then 6 months to fully recover(even i doubt i fully recovered regarding testosterone levels ),by recovering i mean about libido.Before the cycle,my libido was always through the roof,and just lately it came back at same level,and since the cycle it's exactly 1 year. Probably Kelkel(genius about endocrine system) and other vets will chime in and help you more.

  6. #6
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    What was your prolactin value (and range for males) at the time of the gyno and discharge?

    Can you post the actual blood work?

    You need to do a Scallys power PCT, it seems you havent tried any kind of real pct yet.

    This is why we preach for the under 22 not to cycle.

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