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  1. Day 3.. 7 oct

    by , 10-09-2010 at 03:15 PM
    7.30 FROSTIES 344 carbs 12 protein 64 carbs 5 fat
    9.30 shake 203 caleries 40 protein 2.2 carbs 2.8 fat
    11.30 yoghurt 70 cal 3.9 protein 14 carbs 0.2 fat
    12.00 tuna wholemeal 105 cal 225 cal 30 protein 30 carbs 2 fat
    1.30 gym shoulder olympic lifts behind neck... shoulder pres slight leaned back.. cable front and behind 30
    min cardio 380 cal
    lucasad 140 cal 32 carbs
    3.15 banana 105 carbs 1.2 p
    4.30 sirloin pots cabage...514 cal ...
  2. day 2.. 6 OCT

    by , 10-09-2010 at 02:42 PM
    9.30 oat so simple 216 cal 9.1g protein 32.8 carbs 5.3 fat
    banana 105 cal 1.2p
    10.30 gym 350 caleries burnt 45 min tredmill rower crostrainer bike
    11.30 apple 95 cal 0.47p
    12.45 carvery 584 cal 52.8 protein 46.2 carbs 9.0 fat
    pint water
    3.00 shake 203 caleries 40 p 2.2 carbs 2.8 f
    banana 105 cal 1.2p
    5.30 lasagne 800 cal 32p 62 carbs 32 fat
    6.30 gym back
    wide pull ups... dead lifts..bentover rows.. ...
  3. man on a mission!

    by , 10-05-2010 at 09:11 AM
    decided before i start hammering the roids to cut the bf down to ten if possile... prob around about 17 now just a lil on the belly and botom of chest. was 1st day on cardio 2day and tryng to get my diet srted u over the week starting with a food diary and activit list on what i have done so here goes...

    day1 5 oct 2010

    up at 9 gym at 10 no food yet 40mins cardio pulse 177 500 cal burned off with ten min walking to cool down.

    11.00 apple 0.47 protein ...