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An honest journey

Day 13/14 - Weigh-in day number 2 is here

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by , 08-04-2013 at 02:09 AM (407 Views)

Normally I use Sundays as my resting day but this week I changed it up and moved it to Saturday which means that Today was my Abs day and Carb-up day. The Carb-up seems to be very needed for me as I see a real slowdown in the diet unless I incorporate this. The Carb-up is basically a low fat high carb day but still on the same caloric level as my other days.

This weeks values looks like this (Next week I will add a picture for reference):

7/14/2013 7/28/2013 8/4/2013
162.6 160.7 159.6
73.8 72.9 72.4
-1.1 -1.9 -1.1
0.5 -0.9 -0.5

As we can see things are moving steady down. Not fast but slow and steady.

I will be going off the Clenbuterol as my wife noticed some yellow areas in my eyes yesterday. Probably just tired but going of it for one month to be sure and doing some bloodwork tomorrow to make sure all things are normal. Really looking forward to this week as each week is a challenge for me because it really takes a lot out of me to stay on this path without falling off the waggon.

Until tomorrow!
