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An honest journey

A blog detailing the physical as well as the mental challenges that comes along when embarking on a transformation project. Honesty is the key to this blog, nothing will be hidden, nothing will not be shared. Regardless of failure or success it will be documented to help others who are aspiring to do the same.

  1. Day 69 - After vacation weigh-in, record set

    by , 09-30-2013 at 06:54 AM (An honest journey)
    Dear reader,

    Not sure I have set a record but my after vacation weigh-in, for me, is the highest change in weight I have ever had over this short period of time.

    Here is my values after 9 days vacation
  2. Day 64 - Mid vacation update and values

    by , 09-25-2013 at 01:25 AM (An honest journey)
    Hi guys,

    Writing this blog post from Southern Sardinia where I am enjoying the local cuisine, warm weather, ocean and a very nice beach. It is safe to say I will about 10lb heavier when I get back, including water weight, but like most people say on these forums. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

    Here are my values as of 9/21/2013:

  3. Day 58 - Daily Totals

    by , 09-19-2013 at 12:59 AM (An honest journey)
    Daily Totals

    134.9 g

    3.6 g

    13 g

    2978.3 mg

    114.7 g

    2800 ml

    Daily Calorie Composition: 3% from carbs, 70% from fat and 27% from protein.

    Triceps & Biceps
    20 minutes HIIT

    Until tomorrow!
  4. Day 54/55/56 - How to really F$%&*$ up your diet

    by , 09-16-2013 at 03:16 AM (An honest journey)
    Dear reader,

    For all of those reading this blog (Yeah, I am talking to you two) it should be very clear that I am really trying to be as honest as possible when writing this blog. It is simply my way of trying to figure out why certain things happen and put words to them. This mystery started on Wednesday this past week when I felt like I was hit by a truck. It was PURE exhaustion and a clear sign that I needed a few days off. I stayed on diet but did not work out. This worked all well ...
  5. Day 51/52/53 - Sick and weird scale

    by , 09-13-2013 at 07:26 AM (An honest journey)

    Lack of updates for the last few days is due to exhaustion which have made me sick. So there have not been any workouts for the last few days but I have been on point with my diet. Something odd also happened with my scale. It showed 15.01% last time I weighed in and all of a sudden it dropped my body fat to 8.6%. While that would be an awesome number it is of course completely bogus. I am not sure what to use anymore to measure my body fat but I am going to say it is around ...
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