Letro cycle
, 10-22-2011 at 11:03 AM (650 Views)
Hi Folks,
Just wanted to provide the community with an account of my current letro cycle, but first some background.
I'm not a big anabolics user, however I have dabbled a bit over the years. Specifically, I've run a few anavar cylces and the occasional MIT, never have I felt any effects when coming off... perhaps a bit of depression coming off MIT.
This year was different though, I worked with a bit of GH, VAR and even some test. Again, given my limited use of anabolics, I was blown away with the results when using relatively low levels of these compounds.
My cycle looked like this:
Week 1 - 125mg test
Week 2 - 125mg test
Week 3 - 125mg test
Week 4 - 250mg test
Week 5 - 125mg test + 25mg VAR + GH 3IU/day
Week 6 - 20mg nolva + HGT + Tribulus
Week 7 - 20mg nolva + HGT + Tribulus
Week 8 - 20mg nolva + 1mg Arimadex
Week 9 - 20mg nolva + 1mg Arimadex
Week 10 - 20mg nolva + 1mg Arimadex
As mentioned my gains were huge. Absolutely shredded and power through the roof. There was of course, one little side effect: gyno. At week 5, when I got greedy and added too many anabolic metabolites I woke up one morning with itchy nipples.
I finished out the cycle and promptly started with nolva as indicated above. it's been 2 months now since the completion of my PCT but I've still got a small marble sized pellet under my left nipple and a larger marble sized pellet under my right nipple. Beyond that, there is a bit of fatty tissue expanding away from my nipples. Not really pronounced, but enough to bother me a bit.
I've since been on nolva, tribulus and arimadex for about 6 weeks now without much change. So I've got my hands on some letro and I'm about to start what I've learned to be the standardish course:
Day 1 - 0.25mg
Day 2 - 0.5mg
Day 3 - 0.75 mg
Day 4 - 1.5mg
Day 5 - 3.0mg
I'll stay at the 3.0mg dose for a month if need be and I have some nolva and arimadex to use once I cycle off the letro to avoid estrogen rebound.
I wanted to share this with the community to give you all an account of my experience. Also, by posting, I hope that I'll be more dillagent with this cycle and of course I welcome any advice or opinions.
I'll also try to post images to give you all a visual story board.
Thanks to all readers.