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Letro cycle Day 4

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by , 10-25-2011 at 05:07 PM (557 Views)
Day 4:

At this point I am at:
1.25g letro
0.5mg dex
10mg nolva

Body is feeling achy, hamstrings and left knee in particular. Not sure if this is just in my head.

Skin feels oily.

I think I'm seeing a dryer look to my body as well with slight increase in vascularity.

I was noticing what seemed to be a metallic taste in my mouth as well... not sure if letro facilitates ketosis but I'm thinking this may be the case.

Nipples are the same, with the exception of what seems to be a disaggregation of the mass in my right nipple...I think... I hope.

If anybody has felt any of these effects, your feedback would be appreciated

Tomorrow is the first official day of my max dose, which will be 2.5mg.

I'll keep you posted!


  1. Ciclid's Avatar
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    Could be low in zinc