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Letro cycle Day 6

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by , 10-28-2011 at 08:12 PM (1033 Views)
Day 6:

At this point I am at:
2.5g letro

Not much progress at this point. Lump in right side is still prominent, left side is still sensitive

Had a consultation with a surgeon today, got a quote of ~$2500 to remove glandular tissue from both nips.

As mentioned it's been ~4 months since the onset. Doc mentioned that it could take 6-12 but my nips could return to normal on their own.... he also explained that the full results of surgery would not be realized for about the same amount of time. Was nice of him not to push surgery on me.

At this point I'm going to continue with my current course of action and assume that I can manage the gyno without surgery.

My motivation and activity level is normal. I was hoping to run a 6 week test cycle starting November, but it's looking like I'm going to hang tight until I get nips back to normal.

If anyone has any tips it would be most helpful.

