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  1. #1
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    NEWS: Wanderlei fighting on NYE!

    Apparently he will not be having a title fight on NYE as was rumoured but it will take place as he said in Vegas on Feb 24th 2007. This is a rough translation, make the best of it.

    Those who were waiting for Wandy to defends his titleat new years will have to wait some more months. Next to the fighter, he says he will do a married fight (not sure what this expression means exactly, but just a non-title fight). It probably wont be against Arona or Lil Nog, and the defense for the title will only be in Feb. in the U.S.

    "I am not going to defend my title in the end of the year, only in Feb, in the U.S. I think by next week i will be advised who i shall be fighting. Because the time is passing and i have to prepare my self more specifically for this fight. And to tell the fighter at the last minute is not a good idea, so the guy probably already knows he id going to fight me.

    The champion of pride has already confirmed that he ios training very heavly for this fight.

    "I am trainging very hard, enough time for me to even hurt myself (laughs). I hit Daniel Acacio very hard and i felt a little pain in my hand, but nothing to big.

    ALwyas being aware of what is going down in the PVT forum. He sends this message to his fans (and boy it's ****ing long, asshole....)

    I wnt to think everyone that is defending me in the forum, Dont follow the example of certain people that are saying certain things, becuase this cannot be done, we are porffesionals. We hve to know what we say because we influence to many people. We cant go bck to that way we had in the old Vale Tudo, where there was rivalry in extra-rings, this is very dangerous, becuase in the middle of men, thos who say what they want, hear what they dont want to hear, and who speak to much can end with punch in there mouth, in the end of it all we are all men. (what in the **** is this cat talking about? anyone care to explain what the **** rivalry (BTT?) he is talking about and what "extra-ringue" means besides the exact translation?)

    So no more talking shit in the interviews and not backing it up and being a coward face to face, those who talk shit have to be be strong or stay to there word (one of those). Me, thank god, have never been scared of any man and never will. There are certain things that cant be done to not ruin or sport, because it is for brazil we fight to liberate it. I make sure i go to all the events, so that the people see that the fighters are different, that we have intellect, that we can talk to whatever kind of person, so we will reach out to the media and for this the new fighters will be able to make more money faster, because now and days it is very hard for a guy to maintain himself in vale tudo. Sometime the guy wins some money and thinks he is ok, but he cant think just in himself, he has to think of his brother working in security and having to deal with bullshit from playboys (rich snobby people, younger usually). I know is is hard, i have been through this and know how it is.

    So we have to value the sport in a healthy way and make it so this helps the up and comming, becuase our time will pass. The thing i most want, when i am there in front and looking back, is to see that i have helped a brother of mine win a life like i won mine today, i will be very happy. God has already given me a lot more than i could have imagined, talking about everything, and i hope a lot more people can accomplish what i have. (skipped a couple of lines)
    follow the good exmples cause the bad ones should just be thrown out. And that story, how Nelson Rodrigues said it, the people sometimes talk a lot and all this talk is not suppose to be talked about. (i think he's refering to people talking shit and to not follow them i guess)
    ***No source checks!!!***

  2. #2
    trashydiva24 is offline Female Member
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    i can't wait for Pride in Feb...... i already have my suite booked @ Ceasar's

  3. #3
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
    QuieTSToRM33 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i gotta go to vegas

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